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As if she was aware of Zhang Han ’s doubts, Kushina each minding their own business explained, “You also know how big Tsunade ’s gambling addiction is. Soon after she gave birth to Tsuna, she took the child and gambled.”

“At first I have persuaded a few times, but she always promised it very well. Next time, she sneaked into the casino and forget about it. I had better luck. When I lost slowly, I could even play the last one. All day. “

Kushina knows all about Tsunade’s bad luck. For so many years, she has rarely seen her win money.

“Is this the case?”

Zhang Han’s face turned black, and the thought of his daughter immersed in the casino with fish and dragons mixed in together all day, mixed with those gamblers who lost their eyes … There was an urge to kill.

I finally know how unreliable Tsunade is!

For a long while, Zhang Han took a deep breath, strongly pressing down his inner irritability, and asked, “What about later?”

“Later? What should I do or how to do it! Don’t say this kind of thing is me, even Sandaime -sama is useless! I can only let it go.”

Speaking of which, Kushina seemed to recall something, and suddenly smiled happily.

Silver bell-like laughter spread into Zhang Han’s ears, annoying him, and fiercely gave her a slap.

“Tsuna grew up in that kind of place, is it funny?”

“No, it’s not … hahaha … When I think of Tsunade’s desperate expression, I couldn’t bear to laugh! No, let me laugh for a while …”

Kushina bent over her stomach, and her tears of tears were almost coming out. Looking at Zhang Han’s face, it was impossible to make head or tail of it.

After a while, Kushina finally took a slack, and said, “You should know Sister Tsunade’s luck of gambling? Bad gambling like her, it is common to owe debt.”

Hearing this, Zhang Han reacted suddenly, his eyes widened surprisedly said, “Wouldn’t it be the bastard who owed a butt debt, in order to hide the debt, give the daughter to you to raise?”

“Although the result is this, the process is slightly different.” Kushina nodded, the smile in her eyes widened again.

“En? What’s going on?”

“Sister Tsunade’s medical Ninjutsu is very brilliant. In order to avoid debts, sometimes she will pretend to be a teenage girl, or 40-50 years old aunt. Those creditors can’t find anyone, so naturally they can’t ask for money. However, since they have After Tsuna, pretending to be Dafa was no longer useful. “

Kushina paused slightly, and then said, “Those creditors are not stupid. When she saw her holding a baby to gamble money, she looked for Tsuna’s appearance when she was collecting debts. No matter what she pretends to be, the Tsuna lamp will be used by those people Get it out … in the end, she ca n’t bear it, she can only ask me to take care of Tsuna. “

As he talked, Kushina laughed again, and even Zhang Han as an audience couldn’t help but feel a little smile.

“It’s a shame not to see the embarrassed look of that bastard.”

Zhang Han’s mouth twitched, and when he thought of the unreliable guy, he hated gnash the teeth.

In order to gamble money, he even throws his daughter to others to raise! Although Zhang Han does not oppose Kushina’s raising of Tsuna, this kind of thing is originally the responsibility of a mother …!

“No! Must solve this problem at its root!”

Zhang Han’s eyes passed through Kushina’s body and landed on the casino gate on the 2nd side of the street.

“You don’t want to think…”

Facing Zhang Han’s flashing dangerous eyes, Kushina’s face was stagnant, and she couldn’t help expressing her deep regret to the casino on Short Book Street.

Zhang Han is offended, I am afraid that those casinos will not be very good in the next days!

“wait for me a while.”

Zhang Han pats Kushina’s shoulders, pulled out Zanpakutō, the knife tip tapped in the space in front of him, and immediately opened a circular space door.

Without waiting for Kushina’s inquiry, she crossed the space gate and returned to Shinigami World.

About a few minutes later, Zhang Han walked out of it again. Another stranger in white clothes followed behind and came to Hokage world together.

To Kushina’s surprise, the stranger who came along with Zhang Han actually existed alone in a state of soul!

Seeing this, Kushina stared at Zhang Han with dissatisfaction, this guy … how many secrets are they hiding?

Walking out of the space door, Ulquiorra suddenly wrinkled frowned, carefully sensing the Reiatsū waves that flooded around. It feels very similar to Shinigami World’s present world, but the details are very different.

“This World … a little strange.”

In the induction of Ulquiorra, within a radius of 100 miles, he could not detect the existence of a Reiatsū above the Lieutenant Rank! It is incomparable to Karakura Town!

Just like Kushina standing in front of him, although the soul strength is more than ten times higher than that of ordinary person, in Ulquiorra’s eyes, it can still be classified as weak.

“Could it be said that this strange world doesn’t have a Powerhouse?” Ulquiorra wondered weirdly. “But why is Zhang Han-sama bringing me here?”

Zhang Han gave Kushina a reassuring look, motioned to wait a moment, and turned to Ulquiorra instructed, “Ulquiorra, destroy all the casinos in the town.”

“Yes! Zhang Han -sama!”

Ulquiorra didn’t ask for the reason. In fact, it doesn’t matter if the reason is. I saw him cast Sonīdo, flashed several times in a row, and rushed into the nearest casino.

Boom, bang, Bang…

For a moment, there were amazing explosions in the casino. A crowd of gamblers screamed and darted out of the gate and stood on the street.

For a time, loud noises, cursing sounds, crying for help … All kinds of sounds resounded, attracting everyone’s attention.

Kushina looked anxiously over there, turned back to embrace Han Han’s arm, and dissuaded, “That’s not good, after all, it’s Land of Fire civilians. If you smash their place, it’s like breaking them. livelihood……”

Zhang Han was cold-faced, two eyes and composed, without any ripples, “blame their luck, they should not open a casino in Land of Fire!”

“Furthermore, those people have hands and feet and can do some other business without opening a casino. If they really have no way to go, starve to death, they deserve it!”

Previously, Zhang Han didn’t feel much about the gambling industry. He couldn’t talk about likes or hates. But when he heard that Tsunade was throwing the daughter to others to raise money for gambling, he was really angry!

Can’t pack Tsunade, can’t pack these casinos?

Seeing Zhang Han’s mind decided, Kushina bowed her head slightly, so it was hard to persuade him.

Hong long long !

There is a nuclear weapon-level super ultimate weapon, Ulquiorra. The casino next to the street 2 is like a naked girl, without any resistance.

One by one, destroyed by violence!

Not reasonable at all!

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