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Is this finished?

Aside, Jiraiya and Naruto big eyes staring at small eyes.

On the other hand, Tsuna’s face flashed with exhilarating flushing, and she won her first duel with her evil father fiercely, and she sulked for 30 years.

Looking at the disappearing silhouette of Xiao Suo, even some emotions are still unexplained.

I ca n’t vomit blood qi that bastard, it seems that my skill is not enough …

Tsuna turned around, proudly holding mother’s arm, seeing her mother looking at Zhang Han’s direction away, dragging her dissatisfiedly.

“Everyone has disappeared. Look? Mother is also true! What kind of ruthless man do you want him to do? In my opinion, Jiraiya Teacher is much stronger than him, at least very specific to you.”

Tsunade came back to his senses, looked towards daughter, and there was deep disappointment and guilt in his eyes.

Tsuna did n’t notice her mother ’s ugly face, each minding their own business said, “For so many years, Teacher has never changed your mind, let alone getting married, and never talked about a relationship. You see, Teacher looks at you every time , Are the kind of eyes that only lovers gaze at each other … If it is me, such a good man, as it should be by rights can not be missed … “

Tsuna’s voice was not high, but it just happened to pass into Jiraiya’s ear, and suddenly made his old face blush, looked away, and kept coughing in his mouth.

Zhang Han didn’t know that his daughter not only hated himself, but also waved his hoe conscientiously, always digging his feet.

If you know it, it is estimated that you will be angry to vomit blood.

Since the adulthood, Tsuna has helped mother and Jiraiya matchmaking. It is no longer one or two times.

Jiraiya waited hard for several decades, and of course it didn’t yield any results.

However, seeing Tsunade feel a little moved a few days ago, with such a meaning to give Jiraiya a chance, but at this juncture, Zhang Han suddenly came back!

Although the two people spoke no more than ten sentences before and after, it was this time that they appeared, like a bomb dropped into a calm lake of heart, and overflowing heaven stormy seas in Tsunade’s heart. In addition to the white shadow, no other man can hold in his eyes.

As it should be by rights, Tsuna’s red line has lasted for several years.

Surprised? Like it or not? Moved? Resentment?

“Even if the bastard came back, there was only aunt in my heart. You saw that just now, he had no feelings for you. Since that is the case, he still cares what he does? 2 Break … “

“To shut up!”

I do n’t know why, Tsunade ignited an inexplicable irritability, shouting at the daughter, “Are you the parent ’s business to be the one responsible for the daughter? You are not allowed to say this again in the future!

Speaking of this, Tsunade suddenly regretted that he knew there would be such a change, and the daughter should not be allowed to worship Jiraiya as a teacher.

Tsuna was stunned, not knowing why she was so demure, mother would get angry at herself.

Before she said anything, she saw Tsunade turn away without looking back.


Zhang Han rises from the sky, regardless of direction, aimless flight.

Even if he didn’t want to think about it, the daughter’s words were still like annoying flies, lingering in his mind, he could not linger.

“If you weren’t so obsessed with revenge, then it should look like this?”

Zhang Han whispered in whisper, it seemed that too much time was wasted in revenge.

There is no perfect thing in the world. Of course, he understands this truth, but when he faced the daughter ’s unabashed Abomination expression, he suddenly doubted the road he once insisted on.

“Forget it, what do you want to do?”

Suddenly, Zhang Han smiled and took the head. Whether it was right or wrong, everything had already happened. It would be useless to think about it. There will be a lot of time to make up for it.

He didn’t believe it, even Aizen could kill him, and he couldn’t surrender his daughter?

“Bakudō no. 58, Kakushitsuijaku!”

Zhang Han packed his mood, extended his index finger, and lightly tapped on the space in front of him. The huge Spirit Particle poured out of his fingertips and transformed into a round screen.

Since he couldn’t get Kushina’s whereabouts from Tsunade, he could only track it with Reiryōku.

On the screen, the densely packed numbers fell like raindrops, and it didn’t take long before they stayed on a set of numbers.

“Huh? This coordinate, Damn … Could it be that Kushina and Tsunade are together?”

Zhang Han’s face was blue and white, and the coordinates on the screen pointed to the direction he had just left, not far from where Tsunade was.

After a moment of meditation, Zhang Han suppressed his doubts and urged Pika Pika no Mi to turn into a golden light and flew towards the place where the coordinates were.

The speed of light was extremely fast, and within a few seconds, it crossed tens of kilometers and came to a valley.

The valley is not big, the houses in the valley are row upon row, and people coming and people going on the streets look quite bustling. There is a large wooden token standing at the mouth of the valley, with the three characters of “Short Book Street” written on it.

In the sky above the valley, Zhang Han no longer needs to use Kakushitsuijaku, and Reiatsū alone can sense Soul Aura of Kushina.

After a lapse of decades, Zhang Han felt a familiar wave again, and Zhang Han couldn’t help but look down and dived towards the valley.

Not long after, the red-haired phantom in memory appeared in the field of vision.

It didn’t take long for Zhang Han to be happy, when he saw a black robed man carrying a weird weapon about the size of his body, and attacked Kushina again and again.

Another man of the same clothing stood quietly not far away, looting for him.

At first glance, the weapon looks like a giant wolf fang club, but when you take a closer look, it doesn’t look like it. The surface of the weapon is covered with dense scale-like barbs, and between the upper and lower tremors, it seems strange to breathe like living creatures.

Against this, Kushina despite the surprisingly large amount of Chakra and the assistance of Kyūbi Chakra, but the 8-hexagram chain she released, every time it collided with that weird weapon, it would be swallowed up a large part of Chakra, and the struggle was extremely hard .

Looking back at the enemy, the more he devoured Chakra, the more excited the expression on his face. The opening and closing of the move between the moves, the tigers are breathtaking, occupy a great advantage.

“Red cloud robe on black background, fish-shaped weapon … It should be Hoshigaki Kisame of Akatsuki Organization! Then, it must be Uchiha Itachi who is with him.”

Combined with the impression of the original work, Zhang Han quickly guessed the identity of the two people. Unable to bear gave Uchiha Itachi a few more glances.

Renowned ferret god of the previous life, even if he has not seen Hokage, often hears it.

Seeing that someone was watching, Uchiha Itachi suddenly turned his head, and a pair of 3-Tomoe Sharingan raised a cold cold light and looked straight over.

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