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Hearing Zhang Han forgive Orochimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya said nothing, but they were relieved.

For Orochimaru, the feelings of both people are very complicated.

Sannin started to build a deep friendship since Shinōbi Academy. Even if Orochimaru betrayed Konoha and changed from friends to enemies with them, Jiraiya and Tsunade did not make up their minds completely.

They dare not imagine whether they can really take it at the moment when Orochimaru is beheaded.

“Orochimaru, this is the last time!”

Jiraiya took a deep breath and warned, “Even if it’s for Sarutobi Sensei, I won’t let you go again next time! I hope you can do it yourself.”

Orochimaru stared at Zhang Han deeply, did not take Jiraiya ’s threat seriously, turned his head towards Yakushi Kabuto nodded, and the two cast Body Flicker Jutsu and left quickly.

After two people disappeared into the field of vision, Jiraiya withdrew her gaze and smiled the head with a wry smile.

“What a great opportunity! That’s how I gave up … If the teacher knows Izumi, I’m afraid I will be mad at me!”

Tsunade also looked bad, comforted, “Don’t force yourself too much, doesn’t the Teacher give him the chance again and again?”

Jiraiya is nodded to be undetectable, and no longer speaks.

This happened, and Zhang Han remembered it. It seemed that his body was still at home. He hurriedly released Zanpakutō and threw it on the ground. As a mark of his return, he cast Hiraishin no Jutsu and returned home.

Wait until Soul Body returns to the Fleshy body, cast Hiraishin again, and appear in front of everyone.

“Really not dead ?!”

Seeing Zhang Han appear in a physical state, Jiraiya unable to bear exclaimed. As for Tsunade, a wave of tears flashed once again.

Zhang Han laughed awkwardly, stepped forward, and raised his hand to wipe the tears from Tsunade’s face.


At this moment, the neglected woman beside him knocked out Zhang Han’s hand and spread her arms, like an old hen protecting a calf, between two people.

“You go Kai!”

In the cold and indifferent eyes, there is a complex color in the starting point, there is joy, hate, closeness, alienation … However, it is more irritable.

The irritability that I did not know how to face filled her mind.

Zhang Han saw for the first time that a person’s eyes contained such complex and changeable emotions. Intent to explore, but right now the matter is important, do not want to get entangled with the other party.

He also asked Tsunade to inquire about Kushina’s whereabouts!

“Who are you? Katō Shizune?”

Zhang Han said with a straight face, impatiently, “You know, even if you Uncle Kato is not afraid to be arrogant in front of me, get out of Kai! Don’t block the road!”

“Who is Kato? Who is Katō Shizune?”

The woman named Tsuna looked blank and turned to look towards Tsunade behind her, but saw her frowning, her skin twitching, and an expression that wanted to kill Zhang Han with her eyes.

Aside Jiraiya wanted to laugh and sorry, holding a blush.

“Aren’t you Katō Shizune?” Zhang Han expression stunned, and suddenly raised his pats forehead. “Look at my memory, inertial thinking kills people!”

In the original work, Tsunade has a relationship with Kato, and he will take care of Katō Shizune after Kato’s death. In this life, Tsunade and Kato are just classmates. It makes no sense to take care of Katō Shizune like the original.

Such a simple logic, I did not want to understand.

“So, tell me who are you? Tsunade’s attendant, servant?”

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Tsuna’s fists clenched, and the gnashing teeth glared at him like a fire, as if to burn himself to ashes.

Mother Mia, did you eat explosives?

Zhang Han wisely didn’t ask her any more, glanced over Tsuna’s shoulder, looked towards Tsunade himself.

“The recipe you received?” Zhang Han asked again.

Tsunade hearing this, sternly leaned over his head, “That’s right!”

Fuck, yes, no, no, what is it?

Could it be said that there is no formal teacher?

Zhang Han’s face was black, and he felt that everyone present was full of maliciousness, regardless of his eyes or tone.

“Well, I don’t ask who you are, and I don’t want to know who you are, let Kai! I have something to ask her.”

A word seemed to ignite the explosive pack, and the angry Tsuna almost crushed the silver teeth.

“You don’t want to know who I am, I still don’t want to know who you are? Go Kai! We don’t welcome you!” Tsuna raised her chin slightly, staring at each other with cold eyes.

Hey! Look at my grumpy …!

Give you a sesame stick and want to be a cane!

If it weren’t for Tsunade, he would have slapped it with a slap!

Zhang Han took a few deep breaths, revealing a smile that he thought was warm, but in the eyes of the other party, his smile was so hateful and hateful.

“Beauty, we didn’t have any conflicts before, there was no need to make the atmosphere so stiff. You give way, I promise to leave immediately after asking the question, and never appear before you again, OK?”

When I said this, I was unable to bear a sullen sentence in my heart. Of course, how far away is this mental illness!

Unexpectedly, as soon as this word came out, the other party suddenly became furious.

I saw Tsuna reaching out and pointing at Zhang Han ’s jaw, “Who do you think you are? Come and go, go and go? If you want to leave now, do n’t show up in front of us. Obstinate, are we still disgusted enough …! “

WhatTheFXXk? ! ! !

Zhang Han was furious. When was he abused like this? Even more how, the person who scolded him has already become the soul of the sword. How dare she just …

It was finally determined that this guy was either mental illness or deliberately finding fault.

At this moment, he didn’t want to spend his brain cells thinking about the other party’s purpose, just wanted to vent the angry flame hair in his chest!

“Your mother is dead, I am your father!”

I saw him swearing while holding the handle of the knife, ready to kill the idiot with a knife.

To talk about scolding, ten Tsuna could not scold him.

When he played games in the past life, he had scolded it more than once. The lethality of this sentence can only be realized by the talents who really heard it, and it can always burst out an extra hit.

Sure enough, when Zhang Han broke his tongue, Tsuna only felt his head was dumb, and his heart was bitter. With his mouth shriveled, he was sobbing, but he couldn’t let himself shed tears.


The right hand holding the handle pulled the knife out of the sheath and chopped it up according to the opponent’s white neck. The shadow of the dark red blade reflected in Tsuna’s eyes, so sad and cold.

“Don’t!” “Stop it!”

Seeing Zhang Han draw a knife, Tsunade and Jiraiya complexion greatly changed at the same time, screaming.

“You are my father, but my mother is not dead!”

Tsuna’s neck was closed, his eyes closed to death.

what? !

The blade stayed abruptly in midair, less than ten centimeters from Tsuna’s neck. The stern wind seemed to cut the skin, leaving a light red mark on the snow neck.

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