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Time flies and the years go by. It has been 30 years since Zhang Han killed Shimura Danzō and left Hokage world.

The Land of Fire Konohagakure no Sato was extremely rewarded because of the great victory of Ninja World 2 battle. Both the economic strength and the number of Shinōbi surpassed that of other Hidden Villages by one grade, and overall overtook all Hidden Villages.

Land of Stone, Sand Country, and Land of Rain suffered heavy losses. Not only did the number of Shinōbi decrease sharply, but the number of commissioned tasks also decreased sharply, and the lost share was laughed at by Konohagakure no Sato.

Speaking of this matter, I have to mention a very strange phenomenon.

In Hokage world, the battlefield is dominated by the Hidden Villages of the major powers, but the power of the state is the name of a country. Even if the shadow of a village is even more powerful, it will be subject to the jurisdiction of Daming.

It is a bit similar to the real world shogunate system.

This seems a little ridiculous to Zhang Han. Obviously, he has the strongest military organization in the country and has an independent financial system, but he has to be obedient.

Instead, he came to be Hokage, and the first one to die was the name of Land of Fire.

Who the hell would like to have some waste sitting on the head and blindly command?

Such a wonderful system has been able to stand from Ancient Era to the present. It seems that from beginning to end, no one has ever questioned this system.

It can only be said that … well, the slavery of a certain country is born, they must pull the reins, they will know which direction to go and what to do.

2 After the war, as the winner, Konoha’s commissioned tasks fell on Hokage’s desk like snowflakes, and the whole village was like a full-powered machine, rotating 24 hours a day.

Thanks to the huge economic benefits, Konohagakure no Sato quickly recovered from the sores of the war, and the development rate was threw away several other streets in other Hidden Villages.

If you go on like this, maybe after ten or twenty years, Konoha will develop into a terrifying huge monster. This kind of thing is obviously not what other Hidden Village would like to see!

For a few years, I saw my neighbor very rich, but I could only eat bran and dilute, and live a bitter life. Unbearably, the Kingdom of Sand declared war on Konoha again because of the disappearance of Sāndaime Kazekage.

Follow closely from behind, Land of Stone, Land of Lightning and Water Country also follow the battle. Embracing the tacit understanding of beating the local tyrants to divide the fields, the 4 big Hidden Villages besieged Konoha together.

Ninja 3 battle broke out!

4 The Hidden Village alone is far less powerful than Konoha, but the combined strength is terrifying. The war that lasted for several years completely exhausted the war potential of Konoha. Until now, Konoha has not been able to recover from 3 battles.

However, after this battle, Konoha there is a person peerless genius shining in the world, and quickly replaced the old Sāndaime Hokage after the war, becoming the first Yōndaime Hokage, that is the wave wind Minato.

As for the once-shocked Ninja world, Konoha’s White Devil, which has overwhelmed the eight parties, has long been a part of history. Occasionally, some old people talk about him while chatting. As for the new generation, this generation has a fault of several decades with Zhang Han, and he has no impression of him at all.

Konohagakure no Sato, a hidden underground base.

The base is extremely large. At a glance, the thick stone pillars extend from deep underground to the top of the cave, supporting the entire base.

The building is also different from the ground. The overall layout spreads from top to bottom, deep into the underground, and I don’t know how many floors are there.

Once, Danzō used Reverse Tetragram Sealing Technique before he died, and the spherical cavity created by Danzō was also repaired.

The new Root leader did not set up the office here, so this piece was transformed into a small training ground, and the newcomers who joined Root will be trained here.

The hallway was extremely quiet, and occasionally Shinōbi wearing a black robe and wearing animal masks hurried by, and the footsteps were habitually eliminated during the journey.

On the training ground, several newcomers were practicing Shuriken throwing at the target, and suddenly the space behind the side was strongly twisted. Turning his head, he saw a white clothed man stepping out of it and standing on the ground.

“Um, come back!”

Feeling the solemnity of faintly discernable, Zhang Han brows slightly wrinkle, glanced at a few people not far away, whispered, “It is indeed the root of Konoha, really depressive!”

At the beginning, Zhang Han broke through the space directly from the Root base and left the Hokage world, leaving the mark here. Now I’m crossing back again, the place where it appears as it should be by rights is also here.


Seeing Zhang Han, who suddenly appeared out of thin air, several Root Shinōbi froze unconsciously, and their face changed dramatically. Konoha’s most mysterious organization was invaded silently? !

Fuck, is this okay?

Several people glanced at each other, grasping Kunai in a tacit understanding, divided into 3 directions moved towards Zhang Han, and copied it over. It’s just that, without waiting for the enemy, there is a strong and gentle force that strikes their heads across the air.


Several Root newcomers instantly turned white, their eyes rolled, and peng peng fell to the ground several times, shocked by this force.

“What should I do?”

Zhang Han held his elbows and his right hand rubbed his chin.

“Do you want to destroy this base, and then leave a sentence ‘I’m back’? It must be fun … I wonder if Third Generation sees the base destroyed, will it vote blood qi?”

Thinking about it, Zhang Han’s face was full of funny smiles. He did not know that it is not Sāndaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen who is the master of Konoha, but Yōndaime Hokage Minato.

“Forget it, Danzō was killed by me, destroying the base is meaningless, let’s see Kushina! It hasn’t appeared in so many years, I don’t know if she will hate me …”

Thinking of Kushina, Zhang Han burst into a wry smile, and a feeling of guilt filled his chest. The footsteps just stepped out, subconsciously received back.

Somehow, suddenly there was an inexplicable feeling of being timid near home.

“Are you afraid of seeing her?”

Zhang Han shook head, as if to mind thoughts and throw out secretly to pump myself up, “What are they afraid? Around but she could beat the storm that’s all! Anyway, this time to pick her back, there are a lot later To compensate her … “

With this idea in mind, Zhang Han turned into a golden light, ejected back and forth along the corridor of 1000 rounds and 100 rounds, and left the underground base instantly.

Zhang Han’s former home was on the east side of Konoha, next to a forest. That was the only legacy left to him by the cheap father of this body.

As for Kushina’s home …

At the beginning, Kushina came to Konoha from Uzumaki Clan and lived in Senju Clan, which was raised by Uzumaki Mito himself. Later, when he became Jinchūriki, it happened that Zhang Han took the opportunity to kill Danzō, and then left Hokage world.

That’s why Zhang Han really doesn’t know where Kushina lives today.

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