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Near the evening, the bustling streets gradually deserted. Occasionally glimpsed one or two pedestrians, most of them panicked and hurriedly walking.

Imperial Capital’s night has never been peaceful and security quiet, especially recently, after the white clothed Shinigami and Night Raid became famous, the courageous residents did not dare to appear alone on the street at night.

Esdeath’s mansion is next to the imperial city, and this neighborhood is the residence of noble officials. As a gathering place for the upper class nobles of the empire, the security here is countless times better than elsewhere.

Every few minutes, a team of soldiers patrols, and secretly there are security guards closely monitoring, plus each mansion has private soldiers, as well as the killer killed by the killer, the severity is no less than imperial city.

For the ordinary person, it is like the defense of Copper Wall Iron Bastion, as if it does not exist in Zhang Han’s eyes. I saw a beam of light flying from the far suburbs, flew over the Imperial Capital in the blink of an eye, and disappeared into Esdeath’s mansion.

“what is that?”

During the patrol, a bodyguard pointed at the golden light, and asked his companion in surprise.

“It’s estimated to be Meteor.” Speculated by colleagues unsure, “Which direction should it be General Esdeath’s residence?”

“It doesn’t look like …”

The guard who asked before frowned and murmured. In the impression, Meteor should be dropping from the sky, at most with a parabola, but the light just now was obviously flying sideways.

“Shall we inform General Esdeath?”

“This little thing, inform a fart! If you are not afraid of being hanged and tortured for disturbing the general’s rest, then go, I will support you mentally!”


Thinking of the empire Renowned shaking General S, the guard shrank his neck suddenly, said with a smile, “Man, I have to praise your keen insight, the light just now was definitely Meteor …”

2 people laughed tacitly, stopped speaking, and continued to patrol.

In a refined and simple bedroom, Esdeath after bathing was wearing a white shirt, the hem of the shirt barely covered the hips, and the slender beautiful legs were unobstructed.

Jade foot stepped on the soft and precious carpet, walked to the window, looked up at the bright moon hanging in the night sky, and was startled.

A thin night breeze flows through the window, brushing the lovable body full of flesh, and the ice-blue long hair reaching the knees is gently floating with the breeze.

incarnation of light Zhang Han appeared in the bedroom, seeing such a tempting crime …

With the long legs in the play year series, and the full breasts under the half-cover of the open clothes, Zhang Han only felt that a strange heat rose from the lower abdomen, the impulse and annoyance when he came, in this brief moment, actually Miraclely calmed down.

“You… are you here?”

Seeing the strangeness behind him, Esdeath turned around, the alertness and anger in his eyes gradually turned into surprises, and he was a little shy.

“Oh, you know I’m coming?” Zhang Han came back to his senses, coughing dryly.

“No! I just have an inexplicable feeling, and we will meet again soon.” Esdeath gently took the head, “Just didn’t expect to be so fast!”

Zhang Han spread his hands, “Do you know, I’m here to do and so on?”

“No, I don’t need to know the purpose of your coming here, I just know that I like you very much!” Esdeath stepped forward, staring directly at Zhang Han’s eyes.

Throughout the original book, Esdeath is a collection of contradictions. She has a cruel side, torture and ravages the enemy are commonplace, and there is also a simple side. Like ordinary little girls, she is full of longing and expectation for love.

The same thing is, she never hides her heart, whether it is sadistic desire or anything else. Just like Zhang Han at the moment, since the heart is moving, it will be a bold confession.

Nani? This way of unfolding is wrong …

Should n’t I come to find fault?

Zhang Han feels that his brain is about to die. The bad taste a month ago would have such an unexpected turning point …

Seeing Zhang Han froze in place, staring straight at himself without saying a word, Esdeath endured shyness, and then said, “Since … since last time, I do n’t know why this strange emotion, But I think I should obey my inner desires. “

While speaking, Esdeath didn’t know where to take a collar … a collar attached to a metal chain, gradually approaching.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Han looked cold for a moment, and the previous embarrassment had already been thrown over beyond the topmost clouds, and it was replaced by endless annoyance.

FXXk, take out a dog chain, what do you think of Lao Tzu? X slave?

Even if playing SM, I should be the master of Lao Tzu!

The right hand lifted by Esdeath stopped at a distance of less than 30 cm from Zhang Han ’s neck and was imprisoned by an invisible force, unable to move even a little bit.

“You, don’t you like this?”

Feeling the inexplicable power from his arm, Esdeath was slightly panicked, and there was a faint eagerness in his face, “I just want to … have you!”

“This unimaginable way of owning is really eye-opening!”

Zhang Han two eyes narrowed his face, and said stiffly, “Let ’s talk about the 400,000 people who were killed by you.”


Esdeath didn’t expect, Zhang Han would suddenly come up with such a topic, his body was slightly startled, before came back to his senses, suspiciously, “There are people you know in the pitted foreign people?”

Recalling that he first met Zhang Han when he was conquering a different nation in the north, Esdeath suddenly lost his head. He thought weirdly, would the other party be a member of a different nation?

To reassure her a little, Zhang Han shook his head and rejected the question.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit cruel to kill 400,000 people all at once?”

Zhang Han is not a Holy Mother. The enemies who died in his hands can be discharged from here to the outskirts of Imperial Capital. However, he suddenly killed 400,000 civilians.

It’s hard to imagine that this kind of thing was actually done by a female general …

“In view of the situation at that time, burying them alive is more conducive to the rule of the army in the north. Less food is consumed, and there are fewer foreign people who resist. This is the most reasonable disposal method for the empire.” Esdeath Explained calmly.

“Even more how, the rules of this World are weak are prey to the strong. Those aliens will die, only to show that they are too weak. If they don’t want to die, they will try to make themselves stronger than others.”

Since his birth, Esdeath was instilled in his father the idea of ​​weak are prey to the strong. Even after Clansman was killed by different nations, it was only because they were not strong enough, and did not hate the murderer who killed his father.

Only this point can tell her character.

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