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Esdeath’s mansion covers an active area, and the layout and decoration are also extremely luxurious. Although she is not very concerned about this with her character, as a military No. 2 character in the Second Only to Bude Admiral Army, there must be some decent.

“What? No one found?”

Just back to the mansion, Esdeath hurriedly found steward and asked Zhang Han to come to the mansion, but the answers she got were extremely disappointing.

“From when you received the letter to when I returned to Imperial Capital, there was at least half a month! Did you tell me that no one was found for such a long time ?!”

Imperial Capital says it ’s not too big, it ’s not too small. For ordinary person, wanting to find someone in Imperial Capital is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, but for Esdeath, it ’s not too difficult. .

In her identity, as long as you instructed you to mobilize the city defense army and the security team to search together, there is no such thing as ‘not found’.

The only explanation, I’m afraid there is only one … Esdeath lifted his delicate chin slightly, staring at Steward with cold eyes, “Wouldn’t it be that you simply didn’t seek with care?”

Steward’s face was bitter, and his back was already soaked with cold sweat. “How do you dare to order your order outward devotion but inner opposition? On the day of receiving the letter, the subordinates have already contacted the security team to help them find People, at the same time mobilize the people of Fuzhong to go out together to inquire.

However, Imperial Capital was turned upside down by his subordinates, and he did not find the white clothed man mentioned in the letter, not even a person named Zhang Han! “

“how could be?”

Esdeath saw that Steward’s expression and tone did not seem to be fake, and his anger calmed down a little, and instead he was confused.

Steward once again explained, “It’s strange to know the name ‘Zhang Han’, it’s not an imperial people at first hearing. This strange name, if it really exists, will not be too difficult to find … “

“You mean, he didn’t come to Imperial Capital simply?” Esdeath asked in a weird tone. There was a slight disappointment in my heart. If Zhang Han didn’t come to Imperial Capital, it would be really difficult to see him again.

“Subordinates guess, maybe it’s not that the adult’s foot is too slow, and now he is still on his way to Imperial Capital.” Steward cautiously worded.

Make up your mind, and in any case you must clear your relationship.

“impossible !”

Esdeath has seen Zhang Han ’s ability to move at the speed of light, and the statement that the foot is too slow is simply not true … Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a sigh, would n’t it be that guy ’s foot is too fast, after visiting Imperial Capital, leave Is that right?

“Tell me about recently, what major event happened at Imperial Capital.”

Seeing that Esdeath had no meaning of accountability, steward relaxed a little in his heart, and pondered, replied, “If you want to say something more influential, it is white clothed Shinigami and Night Raid.”

“White clothed Shinigami?”

Esdeath moved quickly and asked quickly, “Tell everything you know about white clothed Shinigami.”

Steward didn’t dare to be indifferent. He hurriedly dumped beans in a bamboo tube, telling about what happened at Imperial Capital recently. Most of it is news from the security team, and some is hearsay, but I do n’t know if true or false.

“Several dozens of nobles have been wiped out in a few days, and then disappeared half a month again, never appeared again …”

Esdeath brows slightly wrinkle, whispering the news from steward, roughly in time, plus Zhang Han ’s super strong military force, she is more than 90% sure that the white clothed Shinigami is Zhang Han ’s doubt. .

But the problem is that white clothed Shinigami has disappeared for half a month. If you want to find it again, the difficulty is not so great. Thinking about it makes her feel headache.

“Forget it, let’s focus on eliminating Night Raid first.”

Esdeath sighed, turned his head to Liver and Nyau instructed, “you two bring civilians who ambushed the Admiral army of Bud, remember to sprinkle more Night Raid flyers after the incident.”

“General, is this to blame Night Raid?” Nyau said curiously.

“Good! Since those guys like to hide in the dark, then try to force them out. Go, give you a week, I want to see the result.

At this point in the original book, Esdeath was still very new to Night Raid. Without knowing their true battle strength, they chose to let Three Beasts take full responsibility for this matter.

It wasn’t until Three Beasts was beheaded by Night Raid that he became aware of the seriousness of the problem and realized the idea of ​​forming a hunter.


Liver and Nyau took their orders and turned away from the mansion.


Since the rescue of Mine, the relationship between the two has greatly improved. Although not close to the intimacy of other members with Zhang Han, at least on the surface Mine is very respectful of him, and meticulously completes daily training tasks, desperately more than Tatsumi.

Seeing this, Zhang Han is very pleased that perhaps only by turning back from the gates of hell can he truly appreciate the preciousness of life.

For some time afterwards, the members of the base fell into the boring and heavy training class again, but no one complained anymore, especially when they saw Akame and the others Initial Mastery shaved, and their movement speed and explosive power were greatly improved. The enthusiasm of training, even Zhang Han is secretly speechless.

Sure enough, competition is the best way to success.

Every once in a while, Najenda will convene a meeting to give the instructions of the Revolutionary Army and list the targets to be assassinated.

Members with missions will generally stop training one day in advance, adjust their status, and wait until the mission is completed before resuming training.

Regarding the meeting, Zhang Han did not have much interest. Even if Najenda invited him before the meeting every time, he could push it and try not to get involved.

Zhang Han knew Najenda’s intentions and wanted to instill him with the revolutionary army’s brainwashing thoughts through the meeting, and step by step he was pulled into his own team.

After the baptism of the previous Internet explosion, what kind of brainwashing has not been seen, how can Zhang Han be affected by Najenda? Last time it was not because of the dead sister that he was too lazy to blend in.

I vaguely remember that for a long time after Hill, Night Raid never died of a sister until Chelsea joined in … With this judgment, Zhang Han is even less willing to be involved in the Revolutionary Army.

Coup and so on, the most annoying!

Seeing that Zhang Han was not very cold about the Revolutionary Army, Najenda gradually dispelled his thoughts of recruiting him.

Everything happened much the same as the original. Except that Hill was still alive and the team lost a little grief, Zhang Han had very little influence on this World.

Oh … if he knew that a slap caused Esdeath to shake Mattribute soaring, and Imperial Capital was looking for him, I would n’t think so!

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