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Time passed in a heavy and boring training class, unconsciously more than half a month had passed.

From the initial incompatibility, to the stacking of 6 XNUMXx Gravity, it still seems to be at ease, and everyone’s physical strength has been improved by at least one grade.

Especially Akame, Leone and Burāto of the first echelon have been able to withstand the strong pressure of thirty times a few days ago.

Carrying a 1000 kg weight, even if standing still, will consume terrible physical energy. Even more how under the strict requirements of Zhang Han, they still have to do training without interruption, and one can imagine the difficulty level, which is absolutely Jigoku level.

The weight of the pressure on the body at all times makes the members of Night Raid miserable. But the growth visible to the naked eye gave them infinite relief and hope.

On this day, when everyone had breakfast and came to gather outside the base, preparing to continue the heavy-duty off-road every morning, Zhang Han raised his hand to stop them and dissipated the gravity exerted on everyone.

“Wow … so relaxed!”

Tatsumi jumped in place, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his body became a lot lighter, just a few meters high. If you try your best to jump, you might be able to jump directly from the first floor into the window on the second floor.

Others also jumped and jumped, laughing and frolicking.

During this time, they not only bear weight during training, but also eat and sleep. After more than half a month of torture, I feel that the whole person has shedding body and exchanging bones, which is easy and refreshing.

“Instructor, don’t you need to train today?” Akame turned to look towards Zhang Han.

Others stopped frolicking, giggling in their hearts, afraid that the training was not over, right?

“Yes, instructor, do you have something to leave?”

“If this is the case, if you put gravity on us, we can train ourselves.”

A few people asked me a word, and they asked in anxiety.

During this time, although everyone complained about it, but they all knew clearly that training was very helpful for their growth. If Zhang Han really abandoned them, he would be reluctant.

“What do you think? The real training class is just beginning!”

Zhang Han stood with his hands on his back and stepped in front of everyone, regardless of posture or expression, like a trainer in college military training.

“Ah? Real training class?”

“Damn! It turns out that the instructor kept hiding one hand …”

“Just that, don’t you hand it over soon?”

Hearing Zhang Han’s answer, several people ‘glared’ at him, and arranged their comments.

After more than half a month of getting along, the two sides have established initial trust. Although they have not reached the level of friends, but a little harmless joke can make the atmosphere more active.

Zhang Han didn’t care much about it, and said the head lightly, “All the previous training was to lay the foundation for the martial skill that was handed over to you. The foundation is not strong, and the Cultivation of the martial skill I taught is not only It will not help you, it will damage your body. “

“This set of martial skills is called Rokushiki. In simple terms, there are only 6 moves. However, if you practice at the found place, you can evolve countless moves … They are Soru, Geppō, Shigan, Tekkai, Rankyaku, and Kami-e …”

Subsequently, Zhang Han explained the basic principles of Rokushiki in detail.

“These moves, without exception, all require high-strength physique to perform smoothly. For example, if you shave this move, you will step on the ground at least ten times within 3 seconds. The body strength is not enough. Not only will it not be used, but it will hurt you. Feet … “

“Nani?” “Has this happened?” …

Up to this moment, the talents fully understood the good intentions of White Zhang Han. Invisible, Zhang Han’s silhouette draws quite high in everyone’s heart.

Apart from being moved, I recalled the boring training of this time, instead of being so irritating, and more of it was still unsatisfactory.

Especially Lubbock and Shēre, secretly regret it in my heart, I knew it was like this, some time ago, it should be as desperate as Tatsumi …!

Zhang Han did not expect that invisible pretense is the deadliest!

The strict requirements of more than half a month in a row are not as useful as a couple of heart-warming words.

I knew it would have such a good effect. I should get up in the middle of the night a few days ago and help the girls to be horned … Zhang Han would never admit that he had tossed and fell asleep for a long time before giving up this tempting. Idea.

Before teaching Rokushiki, Zhang Han once again solemnly warned, “10000000 Remember, the martial skill I teach must not force Cultivation!”

“Tatsumi, Lubbock, Shēre, three of you are not strong enough to continue weight training.” At this point, Zhang Han turned into Wabisuke, and once again cut a few knives on the three people, indicating that they can leave.

However, the 3 people did not follow Zhang Han’s instructions and stood motionless.

Seeing this, Zhang Han frowned explained patiently, “Why? I have just made it clear that the body is not strong enough to force Cultivation …”

“No! Instructor, we all understand what you say.” Tatsumi interrupted. “We are curious about what you said about Rokushiki. I want to see what I know. Can I go to training after reading it?”

“What about you? The same?”

Zhang Han looked towards Lubbock and Shēre, seeing two people nodded at the same time, thinking about it, looking at it, or looking at it, I have a hope in my heart, I think they will work harder in training.

“In that case, then stand aside.”

Zhang Han waved his hand and motioned for three people to stand a little farther, then looked towards Akame and explained to them, “Then I will show you the shaving in Rokushiki. The principle is what I just said, so look carefully! “


Everyone only saw saw a flash, a white shadow flashed out suddenly, as fast as thunder, almost impossible to catch with the naked eye. By the time they responded, Zhang Han had appeared outside of several dozen meters.

After a short period of silence, there were bursts of whistles and exclamations.

“Wow! So fast! Is this teleport?”

“I didn’t see what was going on, and the instructor was gone …”

“Great martial skill! With this trick, you do n’t have to worry about arranging in advance when performing tasks.”

As a killer, how can everyone not see the value of shaving?

Imagine that when you are lurking away from the target several dozen meters, and you do n’t know how to approach, this move can help you cut into the battlefield perfectly, one strike certain kill.

Do the suddenness to the extreme!

Not only that, even if you fall into the heavy siege of the enemy, you can use this trick to quickly break away from the encirclement and leave smartly.

It can be said that whether you cut in or escape, this trick is simply tailored for the killer!

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