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If you want to deny Zhang Han, you can beat him first!

Otherwise, lower your proud head and maintain a humble and polite attitude until you become a real Powerhouse.

For the first lesson given to Night Raid, Zhang Han secretly scored 101 points for this, and the extra point is to make himself proud.

“About dinner, I’m going to make Mapo beef rice bowl, how do you feel?” Akame suddenly broke her silence.

“Ah? Haven’t you eaten meat for breakfast and lunch? Anyway, consider the issue of nutritional balance.” Lubbock hearing this jumped up immediately and objected loudly, “Besides, can’t it be done to separate Ma Po and beef? If necessary, order more vegetables! “

Tatsumi quite agrees with the nodded. Although he did not join Night Raid for a long time, the three meals were all meat days, and his appetite was still greatly reduced. If it is not too much training every day, it is not necessary to eat whole meat dishes.

“Good!” “Not bad!”

Everyone except Tatsumi ignored Lubbock’s opinion and agreed with Akame nodded.

“I’m going to add some chicken nuggets with toppings, what do you think?” Akame raised her index finger and suggested again.

“There are chicken nuggets? Is the meat too much?”

Lubbock firmly refused to let go of any opportunity to strive for a balanced intake of nutrients, and once again retorted loudly, “Even if it comes from the color combination, it should be better to add some greens?”

“Very good!” “Chicken nuggets are good …”

Everyone echoed Akame’s proposal loudly again, and Lubbock was so gorgeously ignored.

“A group of girls from the meat department …” Lubbock couldn’t help vomiting.

Zhang Han looked at the scene in front of him in amusement, and secretly thought that if Akame and Luffy stayed together with two great meat appetite kings, I’m afraid it would be a wonderful match!


I have to say that Akame’s cooking is very good. Although the proportion of meat is relatively large in a bowl of rice, the taste is very good.

“Even if you don’t want to be a killer, Akame, you can consider transferring to open a restaurant.”

The next day, when he met Akame again, Zhang Han praised so much, but the answer was his heavy breathing.

There was no reason for him. When he got up early in the morning, Zhang Han shook Shikai Wabisuke, patted everyone, and then led them into the forest for long-distance cross-country.

2 times the body’s gravity, which doesn’t seem to matter to Zhang Han at all, but for Night Raid members who have never had such weight-bearing training, they suddenly doubled their body weight, and every time they run, the energy consumed It is twice or even several times as usual!

About 5 kilometers ran, Little Loli Mine suddenly sat on the ground, tired and really did not want to move.

“I’m an ADC, is it necessary to conduct such low-level training?” Mine called Zhang Han with great dissatisfaction.

As a long-range sniper, more than 95% of the damage is done by romantic turrets. Early in the morning, Zhang Han was woken up to carry a heavy-duty off-road. For Mine, this kind of exercise without any effect is simply a Jigoku-style torture.

“I said that, my training is voluntary, I can quit if I don’t like it.”

Zhang Han walked back to Mine and said in a condescending way, “Now, do you stand up and continue to run, or do you choose to go back and lie down in a comfortable bed and sleep beautifully?”

Although the tone was calm, listening to Mine’s ears seemed to ridicule her laziness.

“Your kind of tortured exercise is definitely revenge!” Mine sat on the ground, staring at Zhang Han with angrily.

“It seems that you have made a choice.”

Zhang Han was too lazy to persuade the other party to disperse the gravity exerted on Mine in a wave of his hand.

The opportunity has been given, and it is her own problem if she can’t catch it.

“Who else thinks that I am retaliating against you, you can stand up! Or that sentence, this training is entirely voluntary, and you can quit anytime.”

Zhang Han raised his eyes and glanced around, and saw that most of the others were standing there, not say a word, secretly nodded, and greeted, “Continue to run!”

As for Mine, the person who was eliminated, he owed it even more.

Everyone gave Mine a pityful glance, stunned, and ran again.

About two hours passed, and everyone ran a large circle around the forest outside the base, and finally had time to rest.

Just 2 hours of exercise, it is easy to distinguish the physical fitness of the team members.

Among them, Leone and Burāto are the strongest, and the two are unmatched. After a short period of adaptation, the off-road is easily completed.

Akame is next, and the same is accomplished.

Relatively speaking, the rest of Hill and Lubbock are a little worse. After just more than an hour, they can’t run completely.

What surprised Zhang Han most was that the newcomer Tatsumi has been clenching his teeth firmly in all circumstances, and even if his body’s ability to withstand the limit has been reached, he has been supporting the whole journey.

Sure enough, it is the Protagonist of this World. This kind of perseverance is definitely not available to ordinary people.

After lunch, Zhang Han adjusted their training according to the actual situation of the people.

Leone, Burāto, and Akame, who were already focused on physical exercise, were added to 3 times the gravity, while others remained unchanged at 4 times.

In addition to weight-bearing cross-country, Zhang Han also developed exercises for them such as push-ups, leapfrogs, swimming, etc., just to allow them to break the physical limit again and again in a short period of time to meet the requirements of training Rokushiki.

Yes, it is Rokushiki!

This is the martial skill Zhang Han is preparing to teach to members of Night Raid.

Zhang Han’s abilities are innumerable. Heavenly Book, Mahō, Haki, Shinigami have their own advantages and disadvantages. These strengths have been proven to become the most Powerhouse in this World.

But they all have one thing in common, and it will not work in a short time!

The plot in the original book is very compact, from Tatsumi joining Night Raid to the revolutionary army overthrowing the rule of the empire, only half a year before and after.

To make a qualitative breakthrough for Night Raid members in such a short time, the most suitable martial skill that Zhang Han can think of is Rokushiki!

First of all, Rokushiki belongs to Taijutsu, no matter how to practice it is also beneficial and harmless, and for Night Raid members who have Imperial Tool, the stronger Taijutsu, the greater the formidable power that can be played.

In particular, the Imperial Tool User, like Akame, Burāto, and Leone, which originally relied on Taijutsu’s battle, has Rokushiki, which is definitely an effect of one plus one greater than 2.

Secondly, Rokushiki’s Cultivation conditions are much lower than other martial skills.

As long as you have perseverance and perseverance, you can improve your physical fitness by one to two grades in a short period of time. This is definitely not something you can’t imagine.

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