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Akame is different. Although the military force value is several times worse than Zhang Han, the Imperial Tool in his hand poses a great threat to him.

Sure to kill, wipe the dead!

Even Zhang Han can’t turn a blind eye.

It is precisely because of the presence of Murasame that Zhang Han finally pushed Kenbunshoku to a higher level in this 0.1% second interval, and realized the ability to predict the future.

The picture in my mind is obviously the move that Akame is about to use.

Sideways, avoid!

As before when facing Tatsumi, with the help of High Rank Kenbunshoku, Zhang Han with no difficulty escaped Akame’s attack.


As soon as he hit the sky, Akame couldn’t hold back the offensive offensively, and the tip of the knife fiercely split on the ground.

The hard bluestone slab ground was severely chopped apart by a fierce slash, bursting into a slender gully, which spread quickly along the blade.

The slabs on the side of the gully 2 exploded, turning into debris of different sizes and scattering out.

One blow failed to build merit, Akame’s moves were extremely fast, only to see her knife tip on the ground, right hand leaned on the handle, the whole person was like a world-class gymnast in the air, twisting, spinning, slender beautiful legs With a shrill cry, he kicked Zhang Han’s head.

Although such an attack is quick, it has already appeared in Zhang Han’s mind in advance.

I saw that he relaxed his arms, grabbed Akame’s ankle, and gently pulled it, while his free hand wrapped around the other’s waist.

“I want to suffer!”

Suddenly this happened, Akame’s calm pretty face couldn’t hold back anymore, eyes shrank, flashing a little panic. Throughout her killer career, she has never encountered an enemy using rogue moves such as ‘hugging and falling.’

At this moment, Murasame was stuck on the ground beside him, his hands were out of reach, his body was tilted, and he was almost held by Zhang Han in his arms. The only weapon he could use was a pair of small fists!

She thought so and did the same!

The right hand clenched into a fist and banged up according to Zhang Han’s nose.

However, the other person’s head seemed to be a layer of illusion, and the fist passed straight through the middle of the head, and there was no feeling of a real click.

With a punch, even Akame’s upper body tilted sharply, almost lying on Zhang Han’s shoulder.

“Damn! The enemy is so weird …”

All the imaginable moves are used, but one after another is defeated, but he is caught by the other side.

Perhaps, death will appear in the next second!

Akame has no strong fear of death. Perhaps, from the moment she became a killer, she already had a calm consciousness.

“Don’t! She is my companion …” Tatsumi glared and exclaimed.

The change in front of me was too sudden. From Akame’s sudden attack on Zhang Han to the time she was captured by the opponent, it took less than 2 or 3 seconds before and after. Tatsumi couldn’t stop it except screaming. occur.

Having seen the original book, how can Zhang Han not know the female number one of this World, the black long straight girl Akame.

Although the other party said sneak attack himself, but also indirectly helped him complete High Rank Kenbunshoku, the mood is very good at the moment, of course, not accounting for the recklessness of the other party.

Akame closed his two eyes and imagined the pain not at all caused by fiercely being hugged and fell to the ground. Instead, he felt a thick and powerful hand rubbing his head.

Eyes opened, I saw the man near me and laughed at myself.

“Thank you!”

Being attacked by yourself sneak, but thank you instead? This style is wrong …

Akame instantly switched to the natural dull state, staring dumbly with big eyes, and his face was blank.

“Very good! Akame, are you okay?”

When Zhang Han put Akame on the ground, Tatsumi took a happy step and rushed over.

“Just now and Zhang Han, oh, this gentleman is learning martial skill, not fighting. The real enemy, Zanku the Beheader, has been beheaded by him …”

Tatsumi stood in front of Akame, and Barabara told the story just now. Akame just realized the entire process of development, and said to Zhang Han a little shamefully, “Sorry! I was impulsive.”

“It’s okay. Your attack happened to make me a little breakthrough. It’s also considered out of blows friendship grows.” Zhang Han reached out his right hand and introduced again, “Hello Akame, my name is Zhang Han.”


Akame ignored the other hand and shouted, “You are the bastard … oh, Leone said, not me!”

Zhang Han withdrew his hand embarrassingly, his face twitched, good guy, people haven’t seen it, this reputation has spread throughout Night Raid!

“Zhang Han, you should be the white clothed Shinigami of Imperial Capital that has been maddened recently?”

Tatsumi broke the awkward atmosphere by opening his mouth, “the past few days we have been meeting and discussing, the boss intends to pull you into our team.”

“Oh? Really. I just don’t get used to some extinct human style. I don’t have the habit of being a professional killer.”

For joining Night Raid, Zhang Han has some indifferent expressions, but Lao Tzu walks through the existence of countless dimensional planes and makes himself a killer … It’s a little unconscious to think about it.

“Ah? That’s it …”

Tatsumi didn’t think Zhang Han would refuse to be so neat, leaving no room. Suddenly forced on the spot, do not know what to say.

When he wanted to come, Zhang Han and Night Raid had the same goal, and they both wanted to overthrow this decaying dynasty and establish a new order. Of course, there are many people with great strength. I do n’t know which one is wrong, and I will refuse Night Raid ’s solicitation.

“It doesn’t matter whether you join Night Raid, let’s meet our boss first, maybe there is a chance for cooperation.” Akame suggested.

“Well, okay!”

Zhang Han pretended to be hesitant and agreed to the other party’s request.

The purpose of coming to Imperial Capital this time is to meet the members of Night Raid. Of course, Zhang Han will not say this. For him, who always insists on acting, if he is too urgent, he seems to be too cheap …

After everything was over, Zhang Han followed Akame and Tatsumi to leave Imperial Capital and came to the base in the suburbs.

Prior to this, two members of Night Raid visited Imperial Capital as a group. Except for the group of Akame, the others got nothing and returned to the base one after another.

“It’s you?!!!”

In the Conference Hall, when I suddenly saw Zhang Han sitting on the side, Leone suddenly lost his head, and then roared, “Damn bastard, the old lady will kill you!”

The voice hadn’t fallen yet, the whole person was like a lioness with Wrath flying towards Zhang Han. She had foreseen that the other person’s abominable smiley face, under her sharp claw, was torn into flesh and blood.

However, before Leone rushed to Zhang Han, a mechanical arm suddenly flew over, grabbed the collar on her neck, and dragged her back.

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