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Zhang Han has great patience on how to maintain harmony in the harem.

Seeing Tatsumi’s complexion turned very red, his mouth was full of support, and he couldn’t answer for a long time, and then he gently reminded him, “Don’t worry, I have enough time. I’ll answer it when I want to.”

“This kind of thing …”

Feeling embarrassed, Tatsumi raised his finger to Zanku the Beheader, with strong justice on his face, “Now, all the thoughts in my mind are to kill this wicked guy, and then follow the boss together to overthrow the rule of the empire, 100 The surnames were rescued from the water. “

“As for falling in love, I have never considered it. Maybe I won’t think about it until the revolution succeeds. Sorry, your question is really difficult for me … hehe.”

At the end, Tatsumi raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, laughing awkwardly.

Although the other party did not specifically answer Zhang Han ’s question, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and an expression on his face flashed with excitement. He murmured, “Why are the Huns not dying? Why should you get married? of!”

Sure enough, it is the slag in the slag, which can afford the great existence of the harem! Zhang Han finally knows where he is from Tatsumi!

That is the pattern!

Throughout the original book, Tatsumi rarely has the picture of actively chasing his sister. It is precisely because of the existence of such a high force that he has virtually elevated his image.

The less they value the girls around them, the more they are actively turning upside down, and they are extremely harmonious with each other, and there is no conflict.

Because all their thoughts are on the esoteric question of “how to draw Tatsumi’s attention”, how can there be any infighting?

To put it plainly slut is hypocritical.

Zhang Han speculates that it is because they attach too much importance to Hill and the others, they will lack a sense of crisis, especially Hancock, day and night fantasizing how to squeeze away the original, successful dog blood drama.

It was also because of her dangerous thoughts that Hill caused trouble, and even Mavis, who had always been simple in mind, also played a small 9 9.

Although he was seen through with careful consideration, he is also advancing towards the increasingly dangerous Road of No Return …

“It seems that I didn’t tell them about myself before, and some were too taken for granted …”

Zhang Han made up his mind secretly, and when he returned to Shinigami World again, he told Hill and the others about the hostility between him and Soul Society. By the way, the power and horror of Soul Society would be rendered, giving them a sense of crisis.

When the time comes, with Soul Society’s glare like a tiger watching his prey, see how they can make trouble!

The harem problem that had troubled him for a long time was solved, Zhang Han’s mind suddenly opened, and the whole person became a lot more cheerful, raising pats Tatsumi’s shoulder.

Approved, “You are very good!”

Tatsumi looked stunned, carefully recalled the other party’s questions, and his own answer. It seemed that there was no point to talk about. Was he satisfied with Mao’s hotness?

As for what the Huns and the like, how can I know what the hell is?

This guy, is it mental illness?

The picture in front of him was too weird. Tatsumi unable to bear stepped back a few steps. He preferred to face Zanku the Beheader, who killed people like chopping melons and vegetables, rather than Zhang Han’s smile.

Solved the biggest problem in my mind, Zhang Han finally came back to his senses, and now there is an Imperial Tool that I did n’t have.

Ignored by the two for a long time, Zanku the Beheader’s anger rose high, gasping in his mouth, taking a step and attacking Zhang Han.

In his eyes, Tatsumi is already a dead man, first kill the bastard who ignores himself, and then turn around to torture him too late.

When Zanku the Beheader rushed to the front, the short blade waving high seemed to be chopped on the illusion, empty, and even the body with the forward rush could not hold back, and instantly penetrated from Zhang Han’s body In the past, a dog gnawed mud on the ground.

“what happened?”

His two eyes and the Imperial Tool observer clearly saw the other person standing in front of him, but why couldn’t they attack? This is the first time he has encountered this strange situation.

Zanku the Beheader stood up again, opened the clearsight ability, and looked at Zhang Han’s body carefully.

The next second, suddenly changed color.

In the field of vision, it is not humans who stand in front of them, but a group of dazzling golden lights. These golden lights do not know what kind of power is being captured, condensing the shape of an adult …

“You guy, is it a man or a ghost?” Zanku the Beheader exclaimed.

“How about people? What about ghosts? Anyway, you are all going to die, does knowing even matter?” Zhang Han said distractedly.

Two eyes staring at the eye on Zanku’s forehead, Goshi Bannō: Supekuteddo, could actually see through the Cero energy of his within the body, not to be underestimated!

“It turns out that you came here to snatch my Imperial Tool.”

Zanku converted clearsight into insight and instantly noticed Zhang Han ’s thoughts, “Do n’t look down on people too much, kid! In my eyes, all your moves and actions are every delicate hair was completely shown, there is no secret at all. ! “


Zhang Han disinclined to pay attention to This kind of mentally problematic guy, suddenly his body changed into a group of golden light, with a brush, it instantly penetrated Zanku’s head.

When Zhang Han reappeared, he held Zanku’s Imperial Tool, Goshi Bannō: Supekuteddo observer, and stood quietly behind him.

“How is it possible, so … fast ?!”

Zanku the Beheader’s forehead had a hole in the size of a ping pong ball, with two bloody eyes open, with a thump, he fell to the ground.

All the changes in front of me were so fast, Tatsumi didn’t react at all, and Zanku the Beheader was already killed by Zhang Han. Can’t help but widen two eyes, staring unimaginably at Zhang Han.

The kind of golden light beyond imagination, let alone myself, I am afraid that even Akame can’t escape it …

Zhang Han ignored Tatsumi’s shock and looked down at the Imperial Tool in his hand.

The Imperial Tool in the pupil-cutting world was created before 1000 by the founder of the empire, who collected rare metals such as Super Kikenshu and Orichalcum, and gathered the top skills of the highest rank craftsmen around the world.

Each Imperial Tool has its own special ability.

For example, Akame ’s Ichizan Hissatsu, Murasame, as long as they leave a wound on the enemy, no matter how big or small the wound is, whether it is in the vital part, it will be contaminated by poison, there is no medicine to solve.

Another example is Hill’s 10000 things 2 broken, ecstasy, known as the hardest weapon, anything can be cut off, can also be used as an armor.

The current Goshi Bannō: Supekuteddo observer does not have the ability to attack, but it is very helpful to the master in terms of auxiliary. The opponent of the same level, with this Imperial Tool, can definitely achieve a crushing effect when fighting.

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