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For the white clothed Shinigami that appeared out of thin air, Night Raid held several meetings in succession to discuss the probability of recruiting the other party.

There was no other reason. The white clothed Shinigami slaughtered were all sinful, 100 die without regret beasts. These people are also on Night Raid’s blacklist, just because of various reasons, they have no time to start.

Since the goal is the same, recruiting Zhang Han with the justice of saving the world has become a matter of course.

However, it seems that the proposal as it should be by rights was met with firm opposition from Leone.

Due to the existence of Imperial Tool Lionel, Leone ’s wild intuition is extremely accurate, and this intuition has helped her escape from countless crises.

At the time, Zhang Han gave her the feeling that she was not only handsome, out of the ordinary, but also very powerful. In the face of him, there was a great horror that was not an enemy.

The time when white clothed Shinigami appeared was too coincident. It happened to be the past few days when he met Zhang Han at Leone, and he happened to be wearing white clothes …

All kinds of factors add up, Leone has reason to suspect that the so-called white clothed Shinigami is very likely to be that damn bastard!

After thinking of recruiting Zhang Han, the two people were under the same roof, and Leone felt that his world seemed to be collapsing. He quietly determined that he could not recruit the guy into the team.

This attitude naturally aroused the suspicion of other members, Mine asked with a weird face, “Leone, you seem to have a great opinion on this white clothed Shinigami, wouldn’t it be you two who have known it for a long time?”

“Of course I don’t know! I’m just seeking truth from facts.”

Leone will never admit to rejecting Zhang Han because of his own selfishness and casually used a guise. “Our understanding of white clothed Shinigami is limited to what happened during this time. What kind of character is he, we have no way of knowing , The risk of recruiting him is too great. “

Talking, Leone kept nodded, and she even believed herself, and refused Zhang Han, considering for the whole team …

Isn’t it good to say something, if you want to flicker others, first flicker yourself.


Tatsumi exclaimed in the side, instantly attracting everyone’s attention.

“You have 2 ‘hims’ in one sentence, it seems that you really know white clothed Shinigami!”

Just like the original, Tatsumi joined the team a few days ago when Night Raid destroyed the Arya family. It ’s just that I ’m currently in a probationary stage, learning from Akame … Well, cutting potatoes, only completed one assassination mission.

“Yes! If you don’t know who the white clothed Shinigami is, why is it definitely ‘he’, not ‘her’?”

Hearing Tatsumi’s words, Tsundere Loli patted the palm of his hand, and a pair of pink pupils stared at Leone with a just look, and an unpleasant expression on his face.

Other members are more or less suspicious. Does Leone really know white clothed Shinigami?

Facing everyone’s examination, Leone was extremely upset, and brace oneself forcibly defended, “This is a general term! Before you know the true identity of white clothed Shinigami, use” he “to refer to it, is it wrong?”

“Cut! What a far-fetched reason …”

“Not convincing at all!”

Everyone, you said one word to me, and once again felt a blow to Leone. She grieved her silver teeth, her lovable body trembled, and put all her anger on Zhang Han.

“You said, would that white clothed Shinigami be the youngster who played with Leone a few days ago?” Akame, with a stunned face, suddenly used a trick to Leone, killing him with a slash, making her almost unable to withstand and almost stunned. .

“Not so coincident?”

“I think it’s very possible! Or how to explain her abnormal behavior?”

In the past, Leone was one of the most active in recruiting members. The newly joined Tatsumi is also brought back by her strong opinion.

Nowadays, I have a firm attitude on the matter of white clothed Shinigami, and the reasons given are fuzzy. It is difficult to convince the public, and I have to doubt it.

“Damn! You guys, did you deliberately …?”

Leone almost crumpled the little tiger tooth, saying one word at a time, “I’m thinking about the whole team. Since everyone is doubting that I have ulterior motives, then I will abstain from voting directly. What do you love and how you do.”

It’s no wonder that the other members are aiming. Who let Leone pose as an old driver all day long and innocent little friends. In fact, it has long aroused public anger. At this time, do not hit a person when he’s down.

“Leone ’s reasons are far-fetched, but also not unreasonable. The recruitment of white clothed Shinigami is temporarily suspended. During this time, you can secretly investigate him and check his identity by the way. It clearly meets the criteria of Night Raid, and it ’s not too late to recruit ! “

Feeling embarrassed by the atmosphere, Najenda hurriedly raised his hand to stop the topic, and then discussed it again, Leone estimated to be unable to bear.

“A new target has emerged. This time the mission is the rumored serial killer of Imperial Capital. He will show up late at night and cut off the victim’s head. During this time, dozens of people have died in his hands. Now. “

“There is no doubt that it must be the Zanku the Beheader!” Lubbock accepted the words.

“Who is that?”

The pink newcomer Tatsumi is stunned by the title of this blasted sky.

Tsundere Loli said with a blow, “I don’t even know Zanku the Beheader, it really is a country bumpkin from a backcountry!”

“Sorry … I don’t know.” Glasses girl Shēre suddenly dismantled the stage.

“I think Hill’s words must have been forgotten.”

Mine decisively pursues double standards and treats them differently, which makes Tatsumi hate gnash the teeth.


When Night Raid planned to kill Zanku the Beheader, Zhang Han was doing the same thing. Not because of the so-called sense of justice, but a little interest in Imperial Tool Goshi Bannō: Supekuteddo.

Originally in Zhang Han’s heart, the Imperial Tool of the pupil-cutting world is just like that. For him, whose military force value exceeds this World by several dimensions, there is no difference.

However, after meeting Esdeath’s Demonzu Ekisu, he suddenly became interested in the Imperial Tool, and Goshi Bannō: Supekuteddo, as an auxiliary Imperial Tool, has more comprehensive capabilities than Kenbunshoku.

The so-called 5 views are insight, farsight, clearsight, Vision and precognition.

Insight can see through the other person’s mind by observing the expression.

Farsight, as the name suggests, allows the owner to see further away.

Clearsight Needless to say, Sanji’s greatest hobby.

Vision allows opponents to see the illusion of the most important person.

The precognition is similar to Kenbunshoku, through the subtle movements of the muscles to see the next situation.

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