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啪, 啪, 啪…

The slap of the palm slap on the hips still echoed clearly, and passed into the ears, with a strange sense of rhythm.

Esdeath bit his lower lip tightly, and the pretty face was flushed. I didn’t know whether it was because I was strangled by my neck and had difficulty breathing, or because I was ashamed.

The long ice-blue eyelashes flickered, and the eyes of looking towards Zhang Han showed endless killing intent.

Facing the pair of beautiful eyes full of anger, Zhang Han’s eyes were calm and composed, palm to palm, fiercely whipping, there was no tendency to stop.

Originally, Zhang Han just wanted to draw a few slaps and then stopped, but the hand feels so good and flexible, plus the previous life’s YY for Queen-sama, but more and more pumping, it can’t stop at all.

This mental pleasure made him very satisfied. I finally understood a little bit, why Esdeath likes to ruin the enemy who was defeated in her hands …

This kind of thing can also find resonance, and there is no one!

Esdeath almost crumbled her silver teeth, threatening each word, “Damn bastard, one day, you will fall into my hands! When the time comes, I will let you try it, stronger than today Ten times, 100 times the taste … wu! “

The answer to her was a heavier slap!

The pain from the PP is getting stronger and stronger, coupled with a strong sense of shame, Esdeath is almost crazy, but Zhang Han’s left hand is like iron tongs, and he can’t break away.

Is n’t it good to say something, since you ca n’t resist, you can only bear it silently …

Gradually, with a clear slap, Esdeath hung her head slightly, and her long blue hair covered her cheeks.

Silently thinking, what kind of cruel punishment should Zhang Han catch later, so that he can fully appreciate the terrifying consequences of angering himself?

After a long time of pain, Esdeath suddenly shivered slightly, only feeling a weird itching from the hips to the nerves, and instantly disturbed her thoughts.

I do not know whether it was intentional or not. Zhang Han slaps for dozens of times, all of which are only drawn on the left PP, almost opening the flower on the left PP, but the right PP is intact.

Don’t just hit the PP on the left, the one on the right also needs … damn it! How can I have such a shameful thought?

This weird itching and anticipation are getting heavier and heavier, making Esdeath both painful and ashamed, and his body instinctively twists slightly, trying to place the PP on the right under Zhang Han’s slap.

I don’t know how many slaps, Zhang Han finally came back to his senses, and then looked at Esdeath, which was close by. The killing intent in his eyes gradually converged, and his eyes looked like a spring of water, rippling a little.

Even from the depth of those clear eyes, a little womanlike obedience was seen …

This … can be emotional when playing PP?

As an old driver, how can Zhang Han not see the strange state of Esdeath, let go of his hand embarrassingly, step back a few steps, secretly slandering, is it that there is an M shaking heart in the body shaking S?

“I’m sorry, the feel is so good, I couldn’t hold back all of a sudden.” Zhang Han laughed and apologized to the other party with no sincerity.

Esdeath lowered his head, rubbing the left PP lightly with his left hand, and only felt a touch of pain. Despite the subconsciously twisting beautiful buttocks behind, trying to make the PP rain dew on the right all stained, but in the end, still failed to do so …

After a long silence, Esdeath suddenly lifts the head and rushed towards Zhang Han ’s gentle laughed, asking, “I don’t know your name yet?”


Zhang Han’s face was dumbfounded, and he was vomiting crazy in his heart. Is this a friendship made?

“Why? Don’t you want to tell me?” Esdeath’s face was slightly dull. “If it’s because I’m worried that I will retaliate against you, rest assured, I won’t do that.”

“Oh, my name is Zhang Han.” Zhang Han said generously.

When it comes to this part, I hide it again, and I seem to be too filthy.

But how do you feel something is wrong?

Zhang Han thought about it, but failed to come up with a reason.

“Zhang Han? What a weird name, but I remember you.”

Esdeath raised his hands to support his waist, standing awkwardly, and could not get a little strength from his left leg. However, in the face of the culprit of PP flowering, he did not mean to do it again.

“I think you are going south all the way, do you want to go to Imperial Capital? Many people in remote areas are eager to make a major event in Imperial Capital, but Imperial Capital has its own rules and it is not easy for outsiders to adapt. of.”

Esdeath was slightly paused and suddenly proposed, “If you want, I can write a letter of recommendation for you. No matter the city defense army or the security team, or even the Guard army responsible for the palace defense, they will sell me face.”

Not far away, Liver and Nyau were speechless, and both were on the spot.

2 Isn’t man an enemy? And the guy named Zhang Han did such a nasty thing to the general, why did he suddenly become a friend?

Zhang Han’s face twitched, and said with a smile, “I’m just here to travel. By the way, to see the prosperity of Imperial Capital, I don’t care about the generals.”

“This is the case…”

Esdeath was gently nodded. He originally wanted to recommend Zhang Han to serve in the army, wait for himself to return to Imperial Capital, and then transfer him over.

When planning these, subconsciously neglected, just 2 people are still in a hostile state.

Now that I heard Zhang Han didn’t mean to join the army, Esdeath didn’t know what to say.

“So, leave.”

Zhang Han’s entire incarnation of light disappeared instantly in the field. When Esdeath reacts, where else is there any trace of the other person in sight?

The reason for leaving in such a hurry is that Zhang Han suddenly thought that the original work mentioned Esdeath’s army against the northern aliens.

In other words, at this point in time, Protagonist Tatsumi is likely to have reached Imperial Capital.

The bad luck child entered Imperial Capital, which heralded the beginning of the death of Night Raid.

Come to this World, don’t you see the members of Night Raid, don’t you want to die bored?

Seeing Esdeath staring blankly at the distant sky, Liver and Nyau glanced at each other, and brace oneself approached and asked, “General, are you going back to the barracks now?”


Esdeath came back to his senses, frowned towards Liver, did not answer his question, but asked, “You said, what if you want to see him again?”


Liver screamed and looked incredulously towards his own general. How terrible is that horrible guy, of course, how can he be seen?

On the contrary, it was Nyau’s expression that suddenly realized, “Is the general trying to find another way to catch him? Right? But if he hits it in the face, it doesn’t mean that other methods can’t clean him up.”

“Well, do you have any good suggestions?” Esdeath indifferent expression asked.

“Since the guy is a foreigner, there must be no foothold in Imperial Capital. The cost of Imperial Capital is not affordable for ordinary people.”

Nyau leaned forward and blamed said with a smile, “Why didn’t the general send a letter back to ask Steward to invite him to the house, and it was delicious and delicious to serve, waiting until his vigilance was paralyzed, and then the poison was concealed in one fell swoop Captured … “

“This is a good idea!”

Esdeath eyes shined, automatically ignoring the second half of Nyau ’s sentence, “I ’ll go back and write a letter, not only to ask Steward to bring him back to the government, but also to let Onesuto give him an official post. Maybe at Imperial Capital, I suddenly changed my mind Anyway … “

“Still thoughtful by the general!”

Nyau nodded, with an expression that sees through everything, echoed, “As long as that guy has an official position, he will fall under the general’s command over a period of time. When the time comes, I’m afraid that he can’t make him?”

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