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“Forget it, still find a bigger city and find out which plane you are in.”

Zhang Han turned around, stepped on the river, and walked towards the other bank.

As for the direction when the refugees came, you can guess by taking your toes. It must have been a battle. He didn’t want to mix that kind of bad things and affect his traveling mood.

The refugees on the shore were staring at Zhang Han’s back and looking for help, but they were afraid of the noble identity of the other party. For a time, you looked at me and looked at you.

Oh la la !

Just then, in the river not far from Zhang Han, a fish-shaped monster larger than ten meters rushed out of the water, opened a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and bite towards Zhang Han.

“Yeah, Kikenshu!” “Hurry away …”


Zhang Han stopped and turned to look at Kikenshu closer and closer. The large and powerful shark fin, sharp teeth, and bloodthirsty eyes all heralded that he seemed to have come to an amazing plane.


A little smile appeared on Zhang Han’s face, and he admired casually. However, just opened his mouth, and immediately there was a thick bloody stench assaults the senses, choking him, and his stomach squirmed violently.

After retching several times in a row, Zhang Han’s good mood was completely ruined. He raised his finger to the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and a white lightning burst out.


The fish-like Kikenshu’s eyes were cruel and bloodthirsty, but he was passed through the jaw hole by a Byakurai. His huge body followed his inertia and smashed into the river in front of Zhang Han.

A huge body of more than ten meters long hit the river, immediately startled a large stream of water splashes, 4 scattered. However, these splashes flew 30 cm in front of Zhang Han, and were isolated by the invisible Reiatsū, and then fell back into the river along with gravity.

On the shore, seeing this scene, a group of refugees could not help but rounded their eyes and almost dropped their jaws.

The monster that they could not avoid in their eyes was turned by a finger of the white clothed man! How dare you believe this?

Even if you are an Imperial Tool User user, don’t you have such a powerful strength?

The sudden change that broke out in front of them immediately shattered their inherent cognition, and also in this brief moment, in Zhang Han, I saw the hope of crossing the river to survive.

“Kikenshu? Is it the world?”

Despite being relatively far from the river bank, the comments and exclamations of the refugees still clearly reached Zhang Han’s ears. Hearing what they call the fish-like monster, I instantly thought of an Anime that I have seen-cut! Akame ga Kill!


It is the masterpiece that tells about the 108 ways of death of the girl, which makes you crazy to send the blade.

Even though it was good for several decades to rebirth, until now, Zhang Han still clearly remembers the kind of feeling crazy when he looked at Anime in his previous life.

It seems as if the author created the vivid and agile character of each and everyone in Night Raid, just to let them set up a flag and then die.

The cruelty of the heart is almost exhausted!

Seriously speaking of which, if Akame ga Kill is regarded as a historical drama where dynasties rise and fall alternately, it will not look so abrupt.

The main consciousness expressed in the whole drama, one is that as long as there is war, there will be a huge sacrifice at the cost, and the second is that Slayer will eventually be retaliated.

Night Raid’s sacrifice, although sad, still fits the gist.

After all, no matter how the three countries or the Sui and Tang Dynasties, there are not too many celebrities who died because of the war. For example, Lu Bu, Guan Zhang … and other princes from all walks of life are everywhere.

When we watch historical dramas, those famous officials will die on the battlefield, basically there will not be much emotional fluctuations, at most they will regret it for a while, and then look forward to subsequent development.

But Akame ga Kill is different, he is anime!

Who sees Anime’s otaku rotten woman with a pure heart?

So when we see Hill and Chemei hang up, we will be angry and sad. When we see schooldays Sekai Saionji seduce scum, we will think that she is too bitch and disgusting.

But to put Sekai Saionji in the real world, does she really have that bitch in the comments?

not necessarily!

In reality, the girl who cuts her legs and grabs her girlfriend ’s boyfriend is much more than Sekai Saionji. Even more how world is finally got a hatchet …

Say 1000, 10000, after all, because the pure little heart is tortured completely, and then because of the strong contrast, it leads to hate and crazy.

Now that I have come to this World, Zhang Han really wants to meet the members of Night Raid, um … before they hang up.

Holding this idea, he turned and walked towards the river bank.

“Don’t go, sir!”

“Sir, please, help us!”

“Please, help us cross the Danube …”

Seeing Zhang Han without the slightest hesitation turned and left, the refugees on the other side could not calm down completely, fighting the danger of angering the great character and praying loudly to Zhang Han.

At this moment, the desire to survive depressed the fear of the nobility. When they wanted to come, Zhang Han could kill Kikenshu easily. There must be a way to help them cross the river.

Zhang Han turned around and saw the refugees across the river grabbing the ground with their heads on their knees, crying and praying to themselves, frowns, cursing angrily, “FXXk! Laozi came to relax, not to be Savior!”

Although he said so in his mouth, the movements on his hands showed his attitude.

Facing these refugees who were displaced by the war, there is naturally a little more sympathy in their hearts.

Zhang Han raised his finger, condense a Reiryōku rope, and dragged the fish-like Kikenshu’s body that just sank to the bottom of the river and threw it to the shore.

Immediately, his finger dived into the water, shouted, “Ice Age!”

The huge Reiryōku burst out from the fingertips, turned into a cold chill, and spread radially along the body to the river.

In less than 2 3 seconds, the entire river was completely frozen into a glacier, and even the ripples undulating on the river were equally delicate hair was completely shown, like a piece of artwork laid flat on the riverbed. Under the sunlight, it reflects the magnificent brilliance.

Freezing the surface of the river and sending a body of Kikenshu as food is the greatest goodwill within Zhang Han’s ability. As for helping them get rid of the aggressors and rebuild their homes … Zhang Han said that Your Concubine is not Saint and can’t really do it!

“Frozen! The river is frozen!”

“Very good! We have been saved …”

Once, in deep winter, when the Dona River froze, the residents of the fortress became even difficult to get water. It was the most difficult season for their livelihood in a year.

Now, when the fortress is about to fall under the imperial iron ride, the river freezes, but instead brings hope for life.

To be honest, these refugees prayed for Zhang Han’s help only in the desperate Vice Admiral’s hand reaching for the only straw. Deep in one’s heart didn’t expect much from Zhang Han.

Even if the opponent is strong, how many people can cross the river?

But what didn’t expect is that Zhang Han’s power surpassed the limits of their imagination, and a large river was frozen into glaciers in 2 or 3 seconds, and Kikenshu’s body was given to them as food.

“What a god!”

A group of refugees crossed the frozen river with excitement and sang songs and danced around the body of Kikenshu. A feeling and joy of avoiding a catastrophe spread among the crowd.

As for Zhang Han, he has already started to walk towards the south.

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