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Unohana Retsu turned his head and saw Yamamoto Genryusai holding Zanka no Tachi in his hand. He didn’t mean to give up at all. Brows slightly wrinkle, “Captain Commander, do you really want to destroy the entire Hueco Mundo?”

Yamamoto Genryusai turned his head and glanced around. It was full of lava and lava from Crimson. The earth was shaking wildly, collapsing, collapsing, everything was scorching and burning under the fire of Zanka no Tachi.

The entire world is already on the verge of collapse.

Even if he no longer shoots, just maintain Zanka no Tachi, and after a while, Hueco Mundo will completely cease to exist.

If Hueco Mundo is destroyed, Soul Society and this world will not be spared. Even if it is not destroyed, it will be greatly affected and even lose the cycle of Spirit Particle.

Spirit Particle is the root of Shinigami’s existence. Without it, just like humans have lost oxygen, not to mention cultivation cultivation base, they can maintain their own level without degradation, thank God.

No one can bear the consequences of the destruction of Hueco Mundo, even Captain Commander is no exception!

Yamamoto Genryusai remained silent for a moment, and finally unlocked Zanka no Tachi and turned away.

The reason why he gave up the battle was not because of Unohana Retsu ’s intrusion, but because he was not sure and killed Zhang Han before Hueco Mundo was destroyed.

Since things can’t be done, we can only think long.

Seeing Yamamoto Genryusai leave, Zhang Han finally put out a long breath, without him, the pressure that Zanka no Tachi puts on him is too great, even more how is still in his bad condition.

“This Old Guy … One day, I will kill him!”

Zhang Han gloomy face, swearing low, “There is also that bastard Urahara Kisuke. I used him as a friend and stabbed me in the back. This fuck can’t bear it …”

Hearing Zhang Han ’s curse, Unohana Retsu feels helpless, the seeds of hatred have been planted, and he wants to resolve it, which is extremely difficult.

I saw that she raised her hand against Zhang Han’s cheek and asked slightly, “In the past, Sister Hana took them to apologize to you. You can promise me not to target Soul Society. As for Soul Society’s attitude, Sister Hana will Do my best to mediate for you, is it okay? “


Zhang Han’s eyes twitched frantically, and there was a lot of annoyance and grievances in his heart.

This fuck, just thinking about how to retaliate against Soul Society, just give me this in a flash?

See Zhang Han face wronged, Unohana Retsu gentle laughed, “You have killed Aizen, the top priority is to sort out Hueco Mundo’s Arrancar, let them accept your rule. 10000000 Don’t underestimate the strength and background of Soul Society, hard words , You may not be able to fight it. “

Hearing this, Zhang Han felt a little bit better in his heart, his eyes rolled, and he laughed, “It’s not impossible to ask me not to target Soul Society, but only if Sister Hana resigns from the Captain position and Hueco Mundo helps me. “

Talking and talking, Zhang Han’s heart is getting brighter and brighter. If Sister Hana can be dug into Hueco Mundo, it will not only weaken the Soul Society’s battle strength, but at the same time, it will enhance your own battle strength. Why not do it?

“What do you think! No matter what happens in the future, I will always be the Fourth Division Captain.”

Zhang Han looked depressed and sighed in his heart. Digging the wall is also a long-term project.

Unohana Retsu stretched out her slim jade fingers and nodded Zhang Han’s forehead, a faint sorrow flashed on her face, “This time, I risked to intervene in your battle with Captain Commander. Hueco Mundo stays well, stop making trouble. “

“Since you know that there will be punishment, why are you going back? It’s not good to stay here with me.” Zhang Han continued to persuade speaking of which without hesitation.

When this happened, Unohana Retsu would go back and take his toes to think that Soul Society would alienate and isolate her even if she didn’t punish her, and even the entire Fourth Division would be implicated.

It is already inevitable to break away from the core decision-making layer. Even if the Captains don’t say on the surface, there will be major event events in the future, and they will definitely exclude her in a tacit understanding.

Rather than doing this, it is better to betray Soul Society directly, so as not to be bad.

However, Unohana Retsu still shook his head firmly. 1000 years of life and fighting could not be disintegrated in a few words.

“Okay, you have the final say.” Zhang Han stretched his shoulders, discouraged.

Unohana Retsu tipped her toes and gently kissed Zhang Han’s cheek, whispering, “You restrain those Arrancars at Hueco Mundo, don’t make Sister Hana embarrassed, I’m gone.”

After speaking, accompanied by a scent of wind, Unohana Retsu stepped on Shūnpo and followed other Captains.

Zhang Han stared at the enchanting phantom farther and farther away, bent the corner of his mouth, and laughed lowly.

The reason why Unohana Retsu does not target Soul Society is not that Zhang Han does not want to retaliate, but that he knows clearly that after a while, Yhwach will be resurrected. When the time comes, there is no need to do it yourself, Sternritter will also stir Soul Society Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

In the original book, Captain Commander Yamamoto Genryusai was killed by Yhwach, and many other Captains died, and Yhwach was eventually slaughtered by Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryū …

Okay, let’s not talk about the bad part for a while, how do you enjoy the next gluttony feast?

Zhang Han raised his hand and rubbed his chin, secretly thinking.

Wandenreich ’s invasion is definitely an extremely rare opportunity. When Yamamoto Genryusai dies, Kyōraku Shunsui is difficult to support, Zhang Han has a lot of control and takes advantage of the Soul Society.

Ruling Shinigami World will no longer be empty talk!

Somehow, the chaotic Hueco Mundo quietly quieted a lot, and the hot air and red lava also followed the cooling down, and Hueco Mundo once again restored the former silence and quietness.

It’s just that all hundred li in the radius are criss-crossed deep ravines, deep and scary, like Jigoku, and there is no Menos Grande in complete vision in sight.

In addition to Arrancar above Adjuchas level, other Menos Grande has been burned into Spirit Particle in the extreme high temperature of Zanka no Tachi, and re-integrated into this a side world.

During the First World War, Hueco Mundo’s strength was weakened by at least 50%. Although the top 4 Arrancar retained 3 places, the number of middle and low-level Menos Grande decreased sharply. It can be said that after this, Hueco Mundo will maintain the green and yellow scene for a long time.

Without the constantly evolving Menos Grande, Starrk, Harribel and the others alone, it is difficult to confront the Soul Society head to head, let alone Wandenreich.

Although Zhang Han has Hōgyoku that has evolved to a perfect level, Hōgyoku can only make Menos Grande evolve to the corresponding level of Arrancar, and cannot be upgraded.

The birth of the next Vasto Lorde class Arrancar, I do not know how long to wait.

“Zhang Han -sama.”

After a while, Starrk and the others came together and stood in front of Zhang Han with a little politeness, waiting for instructions.

Now that Aizen is dead, Hueco Mundo was killed by the Soul Society to wear a pair. Without holding Zhang Han’s thigh, it is only a matter of minutes.

In this case, they just don’t want to submit to Zhang Han, and they have no choice.

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