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Speaking of which seriously, if Zhang Han and Aizen don’t want to be sealed in mind, Hōgyoku’s ability to be perverted is impossible so easily sealed by Urahara Kisuke.

However, Zhang Han has not been truly fuse with Hōgyoku since he got the half of Urahara Kisuke’s Hōgyoku.

In other words, his Hōgyoku was in a semi-seal state under the deliberate suppression of Fukurōhime.

Looking back at Aizen, Zhang Han’s mind has long been shaken by Zhang Han’s continuous mouth guns and endless moves. The evolution of 4 stages into that ghost-like appearance has already explained the problem.

2 people were unable to truly integrate with Hōgyoku due to some accidents, so giving seal the opportunity to have such a result!

“Sorry, 2 people!”

Urahara Kisuke lined up the crowd and walked to Zhang Han, with a deep apology in his eyes.

“You shouldn’t do this.”

Zhang Han stared at each other coldly, and the killing intent in his eyes was substantive.

After a moment of Wrath, Zhang Han calmed down. At this moment, his left hand clasped Hizegyoku of Aizen. Although he was even penetrated with his hand, it was not difficult to break it.

I thought secretly, although Urahara Kisuke used Reishi Henkan-Ki to shame myself, but also hit by mistake, just help myself?

You know, even if Aizen fails to evolve, his body is already inseparable from Hōgyoku. Even without Urahara Kisuke’s seal, he will face Aizen’s crazy revenge when he gets Hōgyoku and swallows the gap.

At that time, Zhang Han could not stand the attack of Aizen.

Now that 2 people are being sealed together, is it not the best time to devour?

As soon as this idea appeared, Zhang Han opened his mind, and within the body, the seal power that made him extremely uncomfortable, it didn’t look so annoying!

Urahara Kisuke lightly shook the head and said solemnly, “Sorry, it’s nothing about personal relations, Hōgyoku is too dangerous, so I have to do it! I promise, after this matter, I will find a way to strip Hōgyoku, I must apologize to you personally! “

The heterogeneous energy continues to wander within the body, and its own Reiatsū is suppressed a little bit, and it is already extremely difficult to mobilize it.

Zhang Han bent down and gasped violently, suddenly opened his mouth, strangely laughed.

“No! I’m not talking about this.”

“what is that?”

Urahara Kisuke started slightly, not knowing what White Zhang Han really means.

“What I want to say is, you shouldn’t provoke me!” Zhang Han still sneered as usual, and said in a hoarse voice, “You simply don’t know what kind of existence you have to deal with!”

While speaking, Zhang Han suddenly waved his backhand and stabbed himself in his chest, silently commanding, “Swallow!”

Mōrikoe Yorozunōri can swallow even Law Power, not to mention the trifling seal?

You know that in Marvel World, Dormammu’s seal has been swallowed by him, Urahara Kisuke’s seal, of course, it is not a problem!

The half-bladed blade pierced into the chest immediately turned into countless bloody tentacles, spreading rapidly along the muscles and blood vessels to the whole body.

In a trance, the tide-like pain swept through the body, as if at this moment, 10000 1000 ants were biting his flesh and blood, and it seemed that countless needles were flowing through the body quickly. The pained Zhang Han was pale and his forehead burst Roots are green.

“No! What are you going to do?”

Seeing Zhang Han suddenly ‘drawing his sword to mutilate’, Urahara Kisuke turn pale with fright. Of course, he would not think that the other party had given up hope for life. There must be some backers that he did not consider.

No matter what method Zhang Han is going to use to unlock the seal, he must be stopped immediately! Thinking of this, Urahara Kisuke stretched out his left hand and grabbed Zhang Han’s Zanpakutō.


At this moment, a light blue Cero cut through the space, moved towards Urahara Kisuke blasted over. If he insists on grabbing Zhang Han’s Zanpakutō, he will surely be seriously injured by Cero.

With a balance in his heart, Urahara Kisuke withdrew his claws and turned back.

Everyone on the field didn’t expect. The first reaction was not Zhang Han’s big Puppets, nor the Soul Society, but Esupāda no. 1 Koyōte Starrk!

In Starrk’s idea, since Zhang Han has a way to unlock the seal, Aizen’s seal will also be destroyed. Protecting Zhang Han at this time is equivalent to protecting Aizen.

It was precisely because of this that he shot abruptly, the muzzle was facing Urahara Kisuke, and the Cero was shot like a bullet.

Urahara Kisuke was forced to flee and could only dodge continuously, but was getting farther and farther away from Zhang Han. Seeing that he could not stop Zhang Han alone, he hurriedly yelled at Yõruichi, “Don’t let him unlock the seal!”

Yõruichi hurriedly flew up, crossed the top of Starrk’s head, and kicked to Zhang Han standing in the same place. Just to greet her is a giant spider web of pure white.


The seemingly slender cobweb, but with extremely strong tenacity, withstood Yõruichi’s blow from the front, not only did it not break, but flew the other side out.

At this moment, with the exception of Lady Deathstrike, where Spirit Clone disappeared, all the other Puppets rushed to Zhang Han to protect him.

With the protection of Puppet and Starrk, Zhang Han finally let go of his heart, urged the tentacles with all his strength, invaded Aizen’s chest along the left arm, and began to devour Hōgyoku.

For Zhang Han, the seal on him is nothing at all, as long as he wants, it can be destroyed at any time. The most important thing right now is to take advantage of this opportunity to devour Aizen’s Hōgyoku, so that he has no possibility of evolution, and even directly degenerates to the state before fusion.

“Asshole! What the hell are you doing?”

With more and more tentacles invading within the body, Aizen suddenly changed color, and only felt the energy of within the body. As Zanpakutō swallowed, a little disappeared.

I saw Zhang Han glaring at him with countless bloodshot eyes. If the eyes can kill, Zhang Han has been stabbed for 1000 sores and 100 holes.

Others can’t see his small movements. As a victim, how can Aizen not feel it? This damn bastard, simply did not help himself destroy the idea of ​​seal, but took the opportunity to devour Hōgyoku!

Hearing Aizen ’s angry cry, Urahara Kisuke was even more anxious, but Zhang Han ’s Puppet was not to be trifled with, just pull out one, at least he can draw a tie with him.

Wanting to break through Puppet’s defense in a short time is almost impossible.

“Look at what you said, of course, destroying seal!”

Zhang Han forcibly endured the severe pain within the body, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying.

What if I knew that I was devouring Hōgyoku?

In addition to a few screams, is it not to watch this happen? Looking at his own things, I was robbed by Laozi!

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