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Harribel’s Water Nature attack, unlike the Thunder Element or the light system, bursts out of a violent formidable power instantly, whether it is Hirviendo or other moves, most of them have a continuous output process.

Most of her moves are based on the high-speed rotation of the water to tear the opponent’s attack. This requires Reiryōku’s continuous output to maintain the attack form.

However, in the face of thunder and lightning, there is simply no way to do this!

A terrifying voltage of a few 100000000 million volts, even if it is a Mentos Grande of Vasto Lorde class, it is the last thing that is the end of the soul flew away and scattered.

Lightning’s restraint on water is too obvious! Cut off Reiryōku, no output, maintain Reiryōku and fear of being charged … there is no more suffocating battle than this!

Thinking of this, Harribel was anxious and annoyed, turning his head fiercely to slap Ichimaru Gin.

If it were not for the existence of this pig teammate, how could he be so embarrassed?

Even if they can’t beat Zhang Han, they can at least achieve self-protection.

Ichimaru Gin does not seem to notice the gaze of Harribel fly into a rage out of humiliation, and still looks like a serene. Even if he knew that if the two were fighting alone, it was by no means Zhang Han’s opponent. He didn’t mean to help him.

Throughout the original book, Ichimaru Gin can draw water from start to finish, even if Aizen is under siege from various sources.

Reminiscent of the plots seen in previous lives, Zhang Han is not difficult to imagine the mentality of Ichimaru Gin. On the one hand, he is unwilling to be an enemy of Soul Society. On the one hand, he is looking for the best time to unlock Kyōka Suigetsu. It can be said that all his actions have brought the talent of the snake to the extreme.

It is a pity that Hōgyoku is far beyond his estimate, and will be killed by Aizen.

“Why? Are you not ready to take the lead? Is it because the thunderbolt restrained the water?”

Zhang Han shook Zanpakutō, leaning his head slightly, looking at Harribel not far away, comfortably smiled and said, “If you are worried about this, I can attack without Thunder Element.”


Harribel’s sudden startled, as if to hear extremely incredible words.

This is a fight, not a game. The losing side will pay the price of life! The other party obviously has the ability to restrain his opponent, but does not use it, his brain burned out?

Not only Harribel, but Shirō-chan and the others watching from a distance is also an incredible look. Everyone looked at each other, and they just felt very angry and funny.

“This guy is so arrogant!”

Shirō-chan gritted his teeth, and countless ‘#’ numbers burst on his forehead.

Based on his knowledge of Zhang Han, since the other party does not intend to use Thunder Element to attack, he must be extremely confident in other aspects of his ability. However, he is not facing any ordinary cat or dog, but the top 3 Arrancar!

No matter how confident you are, you ca n’t let it go like this?

Shirō-chan turned to look towards Urahara Kisuke and asked in a low voice, “Mr. Urahara, what the guy is doing in the past few days recently? How could he become so arrogant?”

Urahara Kisuke shook the head, “I also not quite clear. However, I heard that Zhang Han ~ kun disappeared in Parsing World for a full 4 days. Maybe there is a fortuitous encounter.”

If it is in peacetime, Urahara Kisuke simply impossible said this kind of unreliable guess. But from the Soul Society back to the present world, the difference between Zhang Han’s performance before and after is really too big, after thinking about it, it seems that only this speculation can explain.

“Parsing World?”

Shirō-chan’s mouth opened slightly, and a flash of electricity flashed in his mind.

“I remember that the time density of Parsing World is 2 1000 times greater than the outside world. Mr. Urahara means that the guy is likely to have spent more than 20 years?”

“If it is more than 20 years, the changes Zhang Han ~ kun showed are not so amazing.” Urahara Kisuke raised his hand to support the brim, seemingly absurd speculation, but he increasingly felt its correctness!

“But how do Kōryū and Kōtotsu resist?”

Shirō-chan held his elbows, thinking hard about the key, and his eyebrows almost twisted together.

Everyone knows that Parsing World is definitely Heavenly Paradise of Cultivation, in which Cultivation is 3 months, equivalent to an hour outside. However, to stay inside, Kōryū and Kōtotsu are absolutely inevitable Kaner.

Kōryū luckily said that Shinigami above Captain Rank has the ability to fix it. But Kōtotsu … even Captain Commander Yamamoto Genryusai, does not necessarily dare to compete head-on.

When I last entered the Soul Society, Zhang Han ’s Reiatsū only had Lieutenant Rank, and the comprehensive strength was only half a step of Captain Rank. With this slight strength to counter Kōtotsu?

don’t crack a joke!

Thinking about it, I couldn’t think of a reason. Shirō-chan made up his mind secretly. When he returned to the Soul Society, must find out where he had gone during the few days when Zhang Han disappeared.

The reason why Shirō-chan thinks so is not only to be curious about Zhang Han’s personality and strength changes, but also to explore his experience.

I vaguely felt that Zhang Han was probably not in Parsing World, but went to other world!

Otherwise, how to explain the origin of Hill and Mavis?



There was a flash of joy in Harribel’s eyes, and the pale-gold’s eyelashes seemed to vibrate a few times. Since the other party is willing to give up what he is good at, there is no reason for not agreeing.

As for the reason, she didn’t want to pay attention, and she didn’t pay attention to it. The purpose of this coming life is to kill Zhang Han and Kurosaki Ichigo and complete Aizen-sama’s order.

The enemy is arrogant or inferiority, it has nothing to do with her!

“Since I said it, I will certainly do it. However, if you lose in my hands, then be my subordinate, this is a condition attached.” Zhang Han nodded confirmed.

Harribel’s eyes twitched, and like Ulquiorra’s last time, looked towards Zhang Han’s gaze, as if looking at a fool.

The other party is a person, and oneself is imaginary. The two are inherently opposed to each other, and even invite themselves to be his subordinates? It’s a bit whimsical!

Whimsical? so what?

In this regard, since Zhang Han is snort disdainfully, human beings cannot rule Hueco Mundo?

Can’t do this because they are not strong enough, as for the difference between human and virtual? Is it important?

Lao Tzu is also ready to rule the whole world!

“it is good!”

After a moment of pondering, Harribel made up his mind and agreed to the other party first. In the final analysis, even if you lose, you can only change a boss, and you can’t die!

Such a good thing, if you do n’t agree, it ’s your brain!

After saying that, Harribel urged Reiryōku, and the golden sword was raised again on the giant sword, and Sonīdo was cast. The whole person appeared like a teleport, appearing behind Zhang Han.

The giant sword chopped off with a roar.

However, just at the gap where the giant sword will fall on the top of Zhang Han’s head, the white silhouette seems to be like smoke, passing away with the wind!

Harribel’s slash, instantly passed through the residual image in front of him, and landed in the empty space.

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