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For the three Fracción of Harribel, Zhang Han had no interest at all, and once Yasakani no Magatama was blocked by the opponent, there was no desire to kill them.

Even Harribel and Grimmjow are not in his eyes. He is really interested in only Ichimaru Gin!

“Long time no see, Captain Ichimaru!” Zhang Han left his hand on the handle, rubbing slowly, and two eyes stared coldly at Ichimaru Gin.

“It’s only been ten days, not too long.”

Ichimaru Gin was still smiling like he couldn’t see his eyes clearly. “But after all, I haven’t seen it in a few days. How could you have changed so much? I’m too big to admit it.”

“People will always change.”

Zhang Han lightly shook the head and felt that the conversation between the two was a bit bullish. For Ichimaru Gin, only a few days have passed, but for himself, it has been more than 2 years.

Such a long time is enough to obscure the impression in my mind, but the feeling of pain on the shoulder reminds him how unforgivable this guy is in front of me.

After the greeting, Zhang Han was not in the mood to chat with each other, impatiently, “Captain Ichimaru, since I came here, I can give you the last chance to choose! Join me and fight Aizen together, or die here!”

Zhang Han held the knife handle in his left hand and slowly pulled the knife out of the sheath. Reiatsū with the body slowly opened, oppressing the world around him.

“Tell me, your choice?”

Ichimaru Gin started a little bit, didn’t expect the Little Brat, has grown to such a point. This is not only a growth in strength, but also a change in mentality.

I still remember that when I was in the Soul Society more than ten days ago, Zhang Han did everything cautiously, daring not to reveal any weak spots.

Even so, it was still being turned around by Aizen.

In the past few days, not only has the strength changed dramatically, but also the attitude and imposing manner are overbearing. Compared with Aizen, it is more than that!

“I’m really curious. What kind of changes did you experience before you would have this subversive growth?” Ichimaru Gin didn’t answer, but instead held the right hand on the handle of the knife and put on a fighting stance.

Yin Ren has been lurking for more than 100 years. His heart has already been forged into Hundred Refinements steel essence. How can Zhang Han trifling shake his mind?

“Is this your answer?”

A little disappointment passed through Zhang Han’s eyes. If he did n’t know the hidden secrets inside, he would n’t invite Ichimaru Gin again and again, but every time, he ended in failure.

“It seems that you are preparing to go black all the way!”

Since they cannot be friends, they can only be enemies. Zhang Han narrowed his eyes, and the surging Sword Intent rose suddenly, as if the Invisible Sword that pierced the world seemed to stir the sky.

Feeling the skyrocketing Sword Intent, Harribel and Grimmjow stepped back step by step and secretly guarded.

I repeatedly overestimated the strength of the other party, but when face to face, Zhang Han’s performance shattered their cognition again and again.

This guy has no limit!

In contrast, Ichimaru Gin, there is no surprise on the face, deep in one’s heart is aroused a little appreciation.

He had always thought that he had the huge potential to defeat Aizen, and only Kurosaki Ichigo was alone. But the strength that Zhang Han the past few days showed was enough to stand in front of Aizen.

“Still not enough! You underestimate the power of Captain Aizen!”

Ichimaru Gin lightly shook the head, “Be careful of Kyōka Suigetsu? No, not enough! Be careful of other abilities? No, not enough! Captain Aizen’s ability has already exceeded the limit you can imagine.”

If you give him some more time, maybe there is a real chance of defeating Aizen …

Ichimaru Gin did not say this sentence, nor can I say it. This time comes to this world, and the whole process is under the supervision of Aizen. That said, it will only arouse Aizen’s strong attention.

“You look too high on him!”

There are some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh on Zhang Han’s face, Ichimaru Gin has been lurking for so many years, maybe he really figured out the strength of Aizen, but the benchmark of that speech is judged by his own strength.

Kyōka Suigetsu? Hōgyoku?

In front of Zhang Han with 4 Cultivation Systems, this is no longer enough. The only thing that makes Han Han afraid is the endless evolution of Hōgyoku.

10000 Once in the battle, Aizen broke the limit again and again, and raised it to a higher level than the original, then it was really troublesome …

“So, let’s change the way.”

Zhang Han gave it a little thought, and proposed again, “From today, you leave Aizen and stand by from the perspective of bystanders to see how I kill him, how?”

“Whimsical Kai!”

Ichimaru Gin refused again.

“The guy who doesn’t enter the oil and salt, god fucking annoying!”

Zhang Han’s last trace of patience, along with the other party’s refusal, completely wiped out. Appreciation based on the original work also disappeared.

“Hey, you two, whispering for a long time, is there any end? Don’t ignore me!”

At the moment when Zhang Han was ready to shoot, Grimmjow on the side had already waited impatiently, cast Sonīdo, and a flash appeared before Zhang Han.

Zanpakutō in his hand, with an amazing sky-splitting sound, beheaded.


Zhang Han didn’t look at each other, raised his left hand, forefinger and middle finger penetrated into the blade, gripping the blade with lightning.

From extremely moving to extremely quiet, the picture seems to be frozen at this moment!

“impossible !”

Grimmjow’s complexion changed drastically, and his pupils opened wide, as if he saw an incredible picture.

His own Zanpakutō was actually caught between fingers with no difficulty … a brief lack of attention left his brain blank and almost impossible to think.

Not only Grimmjow, Ichimaru Gin and Harribel were also shocked.

Just what the hell

Finger hard to Zanpakutō, what a terrible physical strength this is?

“What are you?”

Zhang Han withdrew his vision and stared at Grimmjow, who was very close, with a disdainful expression.

How dare you pretend to be in front of yourself with the miscellaneous fish that Vasto Lorde didn’t arrive? Do n’t know what happened to Ulquiorra in front?

After a brief shock, Grimmjow finally came back to his senses. However, Zhang Han’s undisguised disdain and ridicule deeply hurt his self-esteem.

“Who am I? I’m Esupāda no. 6, Grimmjow! How dare you … how dare, so arrogant ?!”

Grimmjow was so angry that he lifted his left hand, 5 fingers squeezed, 10000 1000 dark red rays of light converged on the palm of his heart, a beating ball like a heart, from nothing to something, slowly changing Big.


Menos Grande above Gillian Class, the most important attack method is Cero. Although promoted by Hōgyoku and promoted to Arrancar, Cero has long been integrated into their instincts.

At every moment of crisis, the means they immediately thought of was Cero.

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