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Bai didn’t answer, but there was a faint smile in the corner of his eyes. The expression seemed to be saying, don’t blame me for not reminding you, just because you are too stupid.

“What should I have thought of …”

Zhang Han looked up to the sky and then sat on the roof.

After working hard for several decades, I finally realized that everything is just fishing in the well. Anyone who encounters this kind of fucking thing will have a feeling of being in love.

Sure enough, autumn is a season that is prone to sorrow!

Looking at the yellow leaves in the yard that were blown by the wind, Zhang Han felt bitter in his heart.

Although Bai speaks clearly, Bankai is the product of his fusion with Fukurōhime, but Bankai is Bankai, no longer Fukurōhime, and certainly not white!

He, or she, will be a new personality, new consciousness, new thinking …

And Fukurōhime and Bai, after accompanying them through these years, will usher in an end and a new life!

“What a wish I could go back in time, back to the last time I returned to Shinigami World, I wanted to tell him, tell the young me, before merging Hōgyoku, stop! Think about it …”

A tear fell from the corner of Zhang Han’s eyes, along the cheeks, to the corner of his mouth. The astringency filled the tip of the tongue with a slightly salty taste, and the emotion deep in the depth of one’s soul burst out suddenly.

“Maybe I won’t tell him the consequences of doing so, maybe I will hang him up and gamble. Then tell him that if you want to defeat Aizen, there are opportunities, there is no need to torture yourself!

“But, I know, there is no chance! There is no more …”

Bai stood beside Zhang Han and looked at the sky in the distance. Without comforting him, he retorted softly, “Maybe?”


Zhang Han surprisedly lifts the head, staring at the other party.

“How much do you know about the power of time? To what extent do you know the power of Mōrikoe Yorozunōri? After you have mastered it completely, maybe you can go back in the past, just a matter of thinking.”

Bai slightly paused, solemnly saying, “Maybe even you yourself have not estimated, with Mōrikoe Yorozunōri, how incredible your potential is! So, please don’t undervalue oneself!”

Listening to Bai’s words, the dim pupils gradually became brighter and regained their radiance.

Zhang Han stood up and excitedly said, “You’re right! I don’t even need to fully control the power of time, I just need to snatch it!”

While speaking, Zhang Han flashed a classic TV series he saw in his previous life. The Protagonist in it has the ability to travel through time and space!

The Flash, Barry Allen!

His rapid power has the ability to travel through time and space. Although it may be possible to create a flash point, which can greatly change the plot and change his own destiny, Zhang Han does not care.

Where else is it going to be worse?

“You should understand that even if you go back and successfully prevent yourself from integrating Hōgyoku, the fate of me and Fukurōhime is the same. When Bankai is born, it is when we completely disappear!” Bai Chuyan reminded.

“I know! But at least, the several decades in the middle will not be me alone.”

Bai’s reminder didn’t hurt Zhang Han’s self-confidence, but made him more determined to find the plane of The Flash.

That crazy heart died again, rippling again …

In this regard, Bai did not know what to say.

Silent for a long time, Zhang Han suddenly turned to look towards white and asked weirdly, “If I didn’t bring you back from Pirate World, wouldn’t I get Bankai?”

Before Bai had confessed, Bankai had already taken shape. That is to say, as long as he does not go to Pirate World and does not meet Bai, it is likely that he will always be stuck in that world, waiting for his summon.

“That’s Bankai!”

Bai didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and felt that his master was sometimes an idiot. Many times, what he could see at a glance, he just didn’t think about it.

“As I said just now, Bankai is a product of the fusion between me and Fukurōhime. The relationship between Fukurōhime and Mōrikoe Yorozunōri does not require me to repeat it?”

Ah-oh! It’s a shame!

Zhang Han’s eyes twitched frantically, hoping to find a ground seam to get in.

Since Bankai is the product of the fusion of Bai and Fukurōhime, as it should be by rights has the ability to travel through time and space!

Bai wants to come back, anytime …

“Before I return, I need to show my stance!”

Just as Zhang Han had a black line, and his grudged eyes were fixed on Bai, the other party spoke again, releasing him from the awkward state.

“Aizen is your enemy, not mine! Seriously speaking of which, if there is no Aizen, there will not be my birth, I should actually thank him!”

“and so……?”

Zhang Han frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied.

He has been working hard on Cultivation for so many years, not to defeat Aizen. Bai is part of his strength, but this is the attitude. No matter who heard it, my heart will not be comfortable.

Bai ignored the expression of Zhang Han, and then said, “After you get Bankai, I hope you will not use it to deal with Aizen. Of course, as your power, if you want to use it, I can’t stop it …”

The words are not finished, the meaning has been clearly expressed.

Hakuda is unwilling to fight Aizen from the bottom of his heart, even if Bankai will become a part of it in the future, he does not want to do this.

If Zhang Han forcibly drives Bankai, he actually has no way to stop it, saying so much, as he said, just to show his position.

Zhang Han stared deeply at each other, silent for a long time, slightly nodded, “I will consider it.”

“Thank you!”

Bai laughed, knowing in his heart, Zhang Han said with consideration, but in fact had already agreed to him.

Despite being separated from within the body by Zhang Han, for a full eight years, Bai still has some disagreement with the human face of the character of death. Especially for Zhang Han, the fundamental reason for mad death is to save face …!

Perhaps, this is the difference between intentional and unintentional!

The secretly sighed interest, this emotion, he will always be possessed by impossible.

Just when two people were silent, and I didn’t know what to say and so on, a dozen stocks of Reiatsū appeared suddenly in the distant sky, spreading far away.

Arrancar? !

Zhang Han turned his head abruptly, looking at the open Garganta in the distance, whispering, “Are you coming?”

Those Reiatsū have strengths and weaknesses, the strong ones are no worse than Ulquiorra, and the weak ones are also above Lieutenant Rank. Obviously, this time Arrancar came to this world, the strength should not be underestimated.

Of course, this is only for Ichigo and the others. In Zhang Han’s view, even if he walked out of Garganta and appeared in the present world’s Esupāda no. 3, Tia Harribel, that’s it!

However, what really interests Zhang Han is the familiar Reiatsū!

Shinigami, who had stabbed himself for 2 knives and is still alive …

Ichimaru Gin! ! !

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