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Returning to Shinigami World is not as difficult as finding a strange plane. With the positioning of Zanpakutō, Zhang Han can open a cross-plane space door directly from Shinyami World from Fairy Tail World.

The tip of the knife pierced into the air, as if the stone had fallen into the water, swaying at the starting point, turning and twisting.

Zhang Han stepped into the door of the space. After a while, he appeared in Parsing World.

The time ratio of 2 1000 to 22 has been 4 years for Zhang Han, but for the indigenous people of Shinigami World, only XNUMX days have passed!

Di, Di, Di …

Soul Society, Twelfth Division, Research & Development Institute, after Zhang Han appeared, the alarm sounded instantly.

“what happened?”

Kurotsuchi Mayuri, with messy 7 8 greasy paint on his face, hurried into the monitoring room and shouted annoyed at everyone, “Where did the accident happen? Hurry and find out for me!”

“Captain, Parsing World!”

The 3rd Seated Officer Akon came hurriedly, with a ghosted expression on his face, and reported, “It was Zhang Han-sama, he appeared again!”


The disappearance of unable to make head or tail of it, and the appearance of unable to make head or tail of it … Kurotsuchi Mayuri instantaneously rounded his eyes, looked towards Akon. ?

Faced with the gloomy face of his own Captain, Akon wrinkled a face and was about to cry.

“Zhang Han -sama? It should have disappeared from Parsing World 4 days ago for no reason. The specific reason has not been clarified.” Lieutenant, who was behind Kurotsuchi Mayuri, said Kurotsuchi Nemu.

Since Zhang Han and a group of Captains, especially the Yamamoto Genryusai battle, Shinigami of Soul Society mentioned him, most of them used honorific words, and he unconsciously raised him to Captain Rank level.

“Good! Just now, a silhouette of Parsing World’s surveillance screen appeared.” Akon glanced at Kurotsuchi Nemu gratefully.

“This is interesting!”

Kurotsuchi Mayuri, two eyes, the beads twirling around, the brain running fast, thinking about the reason. Did Zhang Han inadvertently touch an unstable Space Crack, or did he have the ability to shuttle through space?

“Maybe, the guy stayed in Parsing World for the past few days!” Kurotsuchi Mayuri speculated boldly.

There are Kōryū and Kōtotsu in Parsing World, and the monitoring of Research & Development Institute cannot cover the entire channel. It is very likely that Zhang Han will be hiding in the dead end of the surveillance before he is undetected.

As for the reason, if there is no Kōtotsu, Parsing World is a good place for Cultivation!


Hearing the murmur of Kurotsuchi Mayuri, Akon was surprised, “Parsing World’s time density is too high, which is 2 1000 times that of the outside world! If Zhang Han -sama stays inside, 4 days is equivalent to 20. Years … How is this possible? “

Even Shinigami, who has no idea about time, stayed in it for 20 years, even if he was not taken away by Kōryū, he would be mad at himself.

“Well, it makes sense.”

Kurotsuchi Mayuri smashed his mouth and also felt that this kind of guessing was somewhat unreliable. After a moment of meditation, to Akon instructed, “Call up the video when Zhang Han appeared.”

Akon hurriedly turned back to the operation console and put the monitoring screen in Parsing World on the big screen.

In the picture, after a long period of silence, the originally calm space ripples like a wave of water, and then distorts and deforms, revealing a dark space crack.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Han, who hit white clothed, jumped out of it.

As he took his steps and walked towards the door to the present world, he seemed to feel something, turned around, gestured his middle finger at the monitor, and then Shi Shiran left Parsing World.

“Space Crack, Space Crack …”

Kurotsuchi Mayuri’s eyes were bright, and he walked around the screen irritably, suddenly stopped, to Akon instructed, “I don’t care what method you use, must let me find out, where the space crack opened by Zhang Han leads to? ! “


Akon looked at his own Captain, a kind of Space Crack that flashed away, let alone study, it was extremely difficult to open again.

Isn’t this deliberately embarrassing yourself!

Kurotsuchi Mayuri, no matter how many difficulties his men had, took Kurotsuchi Nemu energetic and bustling to Senkaimon. He will take a field inspection to see where Zhang Han appears, whether there are abnormal fluctuations in the space.


Karakura Town, I am back!

Walking out of Senkaimon, Zhang Han stood in mid-air, looking at the modern city below, and only felt deep in one’s heart with pride, if it seemed to be too middle 2, I really wanted to sing a song.

When he first came back, his strength was too weak, so he could only act low-key. After 22 years of hard cultivation, he is now strong enough to deal with Aizen, and with Zhang Han’s sloppy personality, of course he is not going to keep a low profile.

Zhang Han felt a little bit more and flew towards the house immediately.

“En? What a strange Reiatsū!”

During the flight, Zhang Han suddenly stopped and stood in the air carefully sensing.

Just now, there was a strange Reiatsū breath in the distance, which looked like a virtual, and the details were very different.


“Didn’t expect, Aizen still built Arrancar with only half of Hōgyoku. This one should be put in to test its strength.” Zhang Han smiled and looked at the sky in the distance. It turned and flew towards where Arrancar appeared.

The so-called Arrancar is the virtual power of complementary Shinigami, also known as Hollow’s Shinigami-fication.

The characteristic is that the mask that originally covered the entire face is broken, exposing the human face, while the mask leaves only a small part.

Arrancar also owns Zanpakutō, but their Zanpakutō comes from their spiritual core condense, which is completely different from Shinigami’s Asauchi. Without Shikai and Bankai, there is only one ability, Resurrección!

Correspondingly, Shinigami’s Hollowfication is called Vaizādo.

The feature is that during Hollowfication, a complete bone mask will be condensed on the face, thereby greatly improving the explosive power and Reiatsū.

Vaizādo and Arrancar, both are special existences that break the boundaries between Shinigami and imaginary. One is based on Shinigami strength, and the other is based on Hollow’s Strength.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for Shinigami and Xu to have the ability to blend together. Soul Society and Hueco Mundo have existed for thousands of years in history, and there are very few such phenomena.

It was not until more than 100 years ago that Urahara Kisuke, who liked to die, worked on the extreme thing such as Hōgyoku. The originally strong boundaries were finally broken, and Vaizādo and Arrancar also came into being.

It can be said that Hōgyoku is the foundation of all this existence. Without Hōgyoku, Shinigami is Shinigami, and emptiness is emptiness, autonomous Vaizādo or autonomous Arrancar, this kind of thing simply impossible exists!

Even Kurosaki Ichigo, Hollow strength within the body is still derived from white, and white is also a product of Hōgyoku. Not to mention Arrancar Legion and Vaizādo’s military power, they are all products of Hōgyoku,

with no exceptions!

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