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“impossible !”

Dimaria was shocked and weird in his heart. As a time controller himself, he couldn’t manipulate time … and it wasn’t laughed to death when he passed it!

However, the annoying green rune in front of her really limits her Power of Time.

Although she is very confident, it only takes less than a second to completely destroy these runes. Only, will Zhang Han give her time?

The answer is of course no!

Before Dimaria shot, Zhang Han flashed a few times in a row and appeared in front of her, wielding a knife and cutting!

In the face of the bloody Sword Aura, Dimaria did not dare to resist. Her sword had already been shattered by Zhang Han, and she could only keep going back to avoid its edge.

On the opposite side, Zhang Han bullied himself, and Zanpakutō waved again and again, transforming into countless bloody blade light. Every slash or stab does not leave the opponent’s point.

Excluding the Power of Time of Kuronos, Taijutsu of Dimaria is simply a slag compared to Zhang Han.

Dimaria is surrounded by perils during Zhang Han’s continuous assault. Often avoid the frontal slash, but can’t escape Sword Aura from other directions.

However, in a few seconds, several wounds had appeared on his body.

“Damn! You can’t be beaten so passively …”

Dimaria knows that the opponent can gain the upper hand because his Power of Time is imprisoned. As long as he tries to destroy the rune, the offensive and defensive will be reversed!

That being the case, fight with a 2 knife, but also ruin those damn rune!

Marvel World’s Mahō and Fairy Tail World belong to two systems. No matter who is higher or lower, Dimaria can’t solve such a seal in a short period of time. There is no other way than simple and crude destruction!

Just thinking about it, Dimaria gritted her teeth and ignored the attacks from behind, stomping her feet heavily on the ground and rushing towards a dozen runes not far away.

砰, 砰, 砰…

In an instant, Dimaria’s double-strike continuous strikes, as expected, destroyed the rune in front of her, but her shoulders were also penetrated by Zanpakutō, which was the result of her efforts to avoid the key points.

“En! Power of Time can be mobilized … Huh? What’s going on?”

Dimaria hadn’t had time to be happy. Suddenly groaned, she felt a strong pain invade within the body, making her soft and almost falling down.

Immediately afterwards, his own Maryokū, especially the soul of the received Kuronos, was transformed into 10000 1000 tentacles by Zanpakutō, deprived and devoured, and slightly separated from the body.

“Asshole! What are you doing?”

Dimaria’s complexion changed drastically, trying to attack Zhang Han with his elbow, but found that his body was sore, and he did not raise a bit of energy.

Zhang Han raised his hand and grabbed the other person’s shoulder, urged Reiatsū, desperately swallowing the spirit of Spiritual God of the time, with a gentle smile on his face, “Relax, I won’t move, I won’t hurt after a while … “

Speaking of which, Zhang Han looked embarrassed, why is this a bit ambiguous?

Is there …?

“How dare you … devour my power ?!” Dimaria struggled desperately, but because of Maryokū’s continued loss, his strength became weaker and weaker, and he couldn’t escape Zhang Han’s control.

Zhang Han suppressed the strange emotions and coughed, “Cough! Power of Time is really too much to use on you, it should be handed over to the right user!”

Zhang Han’s words are not unreasonable. In the original book, Dimaria’s favorite thing is to use Time Freeze to tear the girl’s clothes and make the other party in a state of distress.

Kagura of Mermaid Heel and Sherry of Lamia Scale are both victims of this move.

If Kuronos knows that Power of Time is used by his descendants, it is estimated to be a corpse!

Dimaria turned her head and glared at Zhang Han angrily, “You … snatch my ability, and said so sounding, I have never seen an asshole shameless than you!

“Shameless? I don’t think so. After all, the winner is the king, the loser is the villain.” Zhang Han disdain curl one’s lip, “What you should consider now is how to survive from my hand, and Not concerned about your ability. “

“Hmph! Do you want me to beg your pity for you? Dream about it!”

Zhang Han said indifferently, “Isn’t it necessary? You know, after killing you, Brandish is mine! Although the girl’s character is a little arrogant, but if it is used to warm the bed, it is a good choice … … “


Hearing Zhang Han threatening himself with Brandish, Dimaria was furious, but deep in one’s heart, a little panic and uneasiness appeared.

When I thought of Brandish’s undressing, he was pressed underneath this stinky man, her heart seemed to be bitten by something fiercely, and it was painful!

“If you ask me for mercy, maybe my heart is soft, and I really let you go. If you behave well, maybe even Brandish will give you back!” Zhang Han Shi Shiran said.


Dimaria complexion stiffened, the original desire to die suddenly appeared a little waves. After thinking for a while, said resolutely, “What do you want, just say it!”

Silently hypnotizing myself, everything is for Brandish …

“Your Toki no Mahō, I am very interested.”

If you want to learn Toki no Mahō, Zhang Han can directly kill Dimaria and then extract it from her memory.

However, such a thing is too simple and rude, and it is boring to play more. Instead of this, let Dimaria take the initiative to teach himself.

Especially when she saw her apparently stubborn face, but had to compromise, she felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

Dimaria thought for a long time before he said, “Toki no Mahō can give you, but you must make sure to let Brandish and me go!”

“Of course, I always keep my promise!”

While speaking, the Kuronos soul of the other party with the body was swallowed by Zanpakutō. Zhang Han drew back to Zanpakutō and sighed in a low voice, “Hey! What a good girl, how could it be lesbian? It is too wasteful … … “

Losing Zanpakutō’s fixed body, Dimaria lovable body fell soft and fell to the ground.

Although he has become a captive, his two eyes are still extremely cold. I saw that she struggled to sit up, and each minding their own business told Toki no Mahō, no matter how much Zhang Han can remember, after speaking it again, she no longer spoke.

Zhang Han concentrate attention completely listened and secretly remembered Toki no Mahō in his heart. After doing all this, only remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs left the gap between time.

“and many more!”

Seeing Zhang Han go further and further, Dimaria hurried yelled, “Where is Brandish?”

“After this war, you will see her soon!”

Without looking back, Zhang Han headed outside the port, and Kenbunshoku sensed that there was an enemy with a level of 2 shield.

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