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For Zhang Han, who owns Time Stone, even if Dimaria performs Ājyu Shīru, it will not have much impact on him.

However, at that moment, Dimaria did not include Zhang Han, and only used Ājyu Shīru to speed up the movement process. Coupled with his carelessness, he was attacked by the opponent without much precautions, and he didn’t have time to use elementalization.

Fortunately, his own Reiatsū defense is still awesome, and he must stop the must-have move in a critical moment, otherwise he can only play GG.

Seeing Zhang Han staring at herself in a daze, Dimaria was quite annoyed, pointed the sword Han at Zhang Han, and said impatiently, “Quickly report your name.”

Zhang Han came back to his senses, indifferently said, “Aren’t you looking for me for the purpose of attacking Kingdom of Fiōre?”

“You are Zhang Han!”

Dimaria lovable body was shocked, and the exclamation broke out.

How didn’t expect, just when your own army just set foot on the Ishugaru Peninsula, it will directly encounter the target person, I don’t know if it fortune or misfortune!

Just looking at the horrific tsunami just now, this guy with a lowly laughed face in front of him definitely has the power to destroy the world.

Dimaria thought secretly. Was he overwhelmed by dealing with him alone? But when I think of Toki no Mahō I have mastered, I feel confident again.

She only smiled and said, “Since I met you here, I can only blame you for your bad life. I will kill you in a flash!”

Dimaria bite the word ‘instantly’ very much, as if she was afraid that Zhang Han did not know that she would use Toki no Mahō.

“Is it? Exactly, I will order this strength.”

While speaking, Zhang Han raised his hands and crossed his chest, with his thumb and middle finger facing each other, and the 2 arms slowly pulled away to the left and right sides.

At this moment, a green illusory shadow appeared between 4 fingers. Look carefully. The green shadow like a only flashes the eyes of gentle rays of light, the seal in the pupil gradually recedes, and the rays inside of light is getting brighter and brighter.

Eye of Agamotto!

Once, after Zanpakutō devoured Time Stone, it was difficult for Zhang Han to call this ability due to lack of strength.

During these 7 years at Fairy Tail World, his strength has made great progress, plus Inner World has gradually moved towards maturity. Therefore, whether it is Time Stone or Space Stone, he can temporarily call some.

With this, Dimaria would like to deal with him with still time again, which is absolutely impossible.

“hmph! pretend!”

Dimaria didn’t feel anything from the illusory shadow of Eye of Agamotto. In his heart, he just thought that the other party was making a mistake. After all, the energy form is different, even if she wants to sense it, she can’t.

“Ājyu Shīru!”

Dimaria waved repeatedly in the sky. At this moment, the surrounding wind and waves all seemed to be jammed and stopped.

Everything is stuck in stagnation.

“Now, within the realm, I am the only one left!”

Dimaria walked in front of Zhang Han with a smile, not rushing to kill him, but raised his hand to caress Zhang Han’s chest and circled slowly around him.

“Anyone has ever imagined such a thing. What if they could stop time. Presumably, have you ever imagined that way?”

Just when Dimaria thought that everything was under control, Zhang Han, who seemed to move like a statue, suddenly opened his mouth.

“Of course, my fantasy is more than that, especially when there is a beautiful girl in front of me, I want to have too many abilities!”

Nani? He spoke!

Dimaria was like a frightened little bunny. He jumped back and forth for more than ten steps, and looked towards Zhang Han’s eyes with a deep incredible.

“Impossible! My Toki no Mahō is the strongest Mahō that can never be cracked. How could it be cracked?” Dimaria shouted wildly after the shock.

Her strongest dependence was solved by the enemy, which caused her thinking to be in a state of confusion and she could hardly hold herself.

“So that’s how it is! Create a time slot, or directly pull the real world into the existing time slot, this is your Ājyu Shīru.”

Feeling the time gap between himself, Zhang Han vaguely understood the principle of Toki no Mahō.

In fact, Toki no Mahō can’t really stop the time of the real world, but create a time gap, covering an area, thus depriving the original time.

Otherwise, this area is 5 o’clock, other areas are 6 o’clock, how does the real world still work?

After all, this Mahō can only be regarded as a trail, far worse than Time Stone.

Nevertheless, Dimaria’s Toki no Mahō gave Zhang Han a great inspiration. If he can borrow the power of Time Stone to create a more stable time gap than this, he will definitely see who will be second and who will never be discussed in the future.

“Damn it! Ājyu Namiutsu!”

Dimaria fiercely gritted his teeth, clutching the hilt tightly, moved towards Zhang Han and slashed out. An invisible ripple just broke away from the blade and immediately appeared in front of Zhang Han.

Dimaria, who owns Toki no Mahō, attacks much faster than Cero or Thunderbolt! As long as there is something with speed, no matter how fast, it is meaningless in front of time!

Relatively speaking, Zhang Han is much worse in this regard. Even if he understands this World, he can’t stop such time ability.

But why stop it?

You have time ability, don’t I?


With the low voice blurting out, rows of mysterious runes flowed out of the Eye of Agamotto on the chest. These runes wrapped around the arms around the chest, and finally condense a Mahō shield in front of the palm.

If carefully compared, this Mahō shield is much simpler and rougher than Fairy Tail World’s Mahō, and it has more than one utilization rate for Eye of Agamotto.

Compared with the systematic Fairy Tail Mahō, Ancient One’s Mahō is indeed not a system, and there is still a lot of room for development.

Nevertheless, as the top treasure of Marvel World, Time Stone is definitely not something Dimaria can resist.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

At the moment when the green magical array appeared, the ripples appeared to have changed from the normal playback speed to 10% speed, and the trajectory to the neck was clearly visible, and it became slower and slower as the distance approached.

Zhang Han had plenty of time to deflect his body and let this cut pass.

Mixed with Power of Time’s slash, he dared not resist his body. 10000 If something goes wrong, the joke will be big!

Immediately, Zhang Han stepped on the ground with his feet and moved towards Dimaria.

In this time gap, Logia Type fruits like Pika Pika no Mi and Goro Goro no Mi are all unusable, and even fruits with Space Power, such as Kage Kage no Mi, also lose their effect.

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