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After seeing the battle between Zhang Han and Erza, everyone knows that although the other party is just a newcomer, the battle strength is at least S-Rank Mage or even higher!

The difference between him and him is too big!

Natsu came over and patted Zhang Han on the shoulder, dissatisfied, “you guy, I know Cultivation all day long and I can’t even find anyone. If you were here this morning, we would simply escape in a somber way.”

“You didn’t notify me in advance, is this also my fault?”

Zhang Han curl one’s lip, glanced at Lucy sitting in the corner, couldn’t help but look black, and lifted Happy’s neck to his front, icily said, “You didn’t tell me just now, was Lucy caught? How? But sitting here in good order? “

Feeling the terrifying breath from Zhang Han’s body, Happy’s hair started to rise, raised his small paws, and pointed to Natsu. “He made me say that!”

As a small pot shaker, Happy said that the partner is used to back the pot!


Zhang Han turned his head abruptly, bent the corner of his mouth, and hung a faintly discernable smile, with a deep red eye in his eyes, “Did you say that?”

Natsu didn’t even know that Happy had taken Lucy to be taken away in order to bring Zhang Han back.

In fact, Lucy was indeed caught yesterday, but he was rescued together with Happy.

Looking at Happy’s dumb cat’s face, a disturbed expression, Natsu couldn’t bear it, he was proud, nodded admitted, “I’m afraid that you are addicted to Cultivation and don’t want to come back, let Happy say so … “

In Natsu’s mind, although Zhang Han is also terrifying, it hasn’t risen to the level of Erza, so he doesn’t actually worry much about the other party going away.

There was a fight in the morning, and now my stomach is empty, Natsu thought in her heart that it would be best to punish me with a blaze of flames, it would be perfect!

“This is the case…”

Zhang Han raised his hand with a catchy smile, seemingly slapped on Natsu’s face.

Kaiten Doa!

As a person with more than a dozen Akuma no Mi abilities, there are many ways to punish Natsu. Either way, it can make him wish one were dead, it is not too easy!

No dangerous breath was noticed from Zhang Han’s hand, so Natsu did not dodge. Thinking in my heart, maybe a slap in the face, the other party’s anger will disappear.

However, just when the palm touched the cheek, a strange Akuma no Mi’s power followed the palm and wrapped around Natsu’s face.

Suddenly, I saw the part of the head from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose, and then the neck was round, and the high-speed rotation began. As for the forehead and the chin, they are still good-looking. It looks like the head has been divided into 3 petals, but there is no strange blood!

“Ahhh … so dizzy!”

At this moment, Natsu only felt that the field of vision was turning wildly uncontrollably, and the scene in his sight was almost stretched into colorful lines.

The whole person was dizzy and could not stop!

Each and everyone opened their mouths and was shocked by the strange sight in front of them, unable to say a word.

Suddenly fell into the silence in the hall, the needle drop can be heard!

Before long, there was an uproar in the crowd.

“How is this going?”

“Head … didn’t die after being separated ?!”

“It’s strange, you look at his mouth, it seems that you can still talk!”

“Is Mahō in a space type? It’s so weird that it can act directly on people!”

A group of Mage buzzed and talked, and only felt that their brain cells were completely insufficient. I wonder if Zhang Han directly displayed the space class on people, how did Zhang Han do it?

As for worrying about the safety of Natsu … Watching that head is still spinning, but the body is bouncing, how can there be a sign of burping?

This move, when Blueno was used on Luffy, Doa Doa no Mi can open the door directly no matter what it encounters, physical or intangible.

People, of course, are no exception!

It did n’t take long for Natsu ’s two eyes to look like spirals, and his head was spinning in the sky, and he was tired in the mind. Even with the dragon ’s physique, he could n’t carry such a crazy circle!

“Damn … I’m going to faint, just stop me!”

Natsu couldn’t bear the nausea and nausea of ​​nausea, raised his hands, fixed the part of the cheek that was rotating, and then groped, returning a little bit.

“Huh? Reset?”

“that’s amazing……”

Everyone was frightened by this scene again, each and everyone stared at the beads, breathing quickly, looked towards Zhang Han’s eyes, with endless curiosity and fear.

Many people unconsciously adjusted Zhang Han to the highest level of danger, even exceeding Fairy Queen Erza.

After all, Erza went violent and was just beaten up. But if Zhang Han is not happy, it’s a bloody abuse, without explanation!

After Natsu’s head was reset, Zhang Han removed Akuma no Mi’s power and said coldly, “Dare to deceive me next time, let you go with Happy one day!”

Why do you want to piggyback me?

Happy’s body trembled, innocent thought. It ’s just that he ’s scared of the Great Demon King ’s terrifying deterrent, trembling with fear.

“You this bastard … wu!”

Natsu raised his finger to Zhang Han and was about to go back angrily, even if he lost, he couldn’t lose!

Just after opening, I felt the stomach pouch violently surging, a strong desire to vomit hit my heart, hurriedly bent down, crash-bang, and even spit out the overnight meal.

Zhang Han, who had already prepared himself, stepped back half a step, opened a space door, turned around, and appeared outside Girudo.

As for the others in the storage room, it is not so good luck!

“Asshole! How disgusting …”

“Damn the guy, don’t you know where to vomit?”

“Get out of here!”

The disgusting odor spread rapidly, and everyone choked to scold the mother. They all stood up and rushed towards the stairs at high speed.

There were even a few people who were so good-tempered and had nothing to do, but were disgusted by this smell, and also stooped and vomited …

In a blink of an eye, the lively storage room suddenly became deserted, and only the continuous sound of vomiting, like a symphony, gradually reverberated.

Among them, the most depressing was the man with a broken leg who left here deliberately but could only use his cane to jump up and down the stairs.

I thought angrily that these assholes were usually called brothers and brothers in each and everyone, and the intimacy seemed to be shared even with their daughter-in-law.

It’s almost inhuman!

Seeing the truth in adversity, the ancients never bullied me!

That snail-like speed, before the dear friend walked up the stairs, he was stimulated by the smell of nausea and joined the ranks of the vomiting army …

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