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Zhang Han slightly startedled, lightly hooked the head, teased, “I’ll die if I get the task, let’s go.”

He joined Fairy Tail to study Mahō. Of course, he will not waste his time on boring work. As for making money? Isn’t there Lucy!

Lucy doesn’t know yet, someone is ready to eat her bowl of soft rice …

“Is there such a disease? Why haven’t I heard of it?”

Lucy is not an idiot, and immediately thought of the key, angrily said, “Aren’t you thinking, let me support you in the future?”

What a rude thing this is!

Lucy became more and more angry, and said seriously, “It’s already nice to let you live here, please don’t do such irritating things!”

Zhang Han resisted the smile in his heart, bowed his head slightly, with deep frustration and worry on his face, and then performed the acting, “I need to spend a lot of time to study your Mahō in this World and find it out. The way.”

“Poor my mother who is ill in bed, and my wife ran away with others, leaving 5 unattended children … heaven knows if I ca n’t go back, they will starve to death!”


“so poor!”

Hearing Zhang Han ’s miserable situation, Lucy suddenly looked embarrassed and waved his hand. To find ways to.”

Finally, this girl was limped!

Zhang Han pretended to be grateful, “Thank you so much, Lucy, you are such a good person!”

A Good Person Card was handed to Lucy, and Zhang Han opened the door to remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs. “I went to Girudo first. Remember to bring me a lunch box when I come back.”

After speaking, he turned and left the apartment.

Looking at the door that was slowly closing, Lucy suddenly felt cold and cold in his heart, and felt that his life in the future seemed to be covered with a shadow and completely grayed out.

Zhang Han went all the way, and soon came to Girudo. With a gentle smile, he exchanged a few words with his companions in the hall, and went straight to Girudo’s library.

The library is not very big, but it is full of books. Most of these books are about Mahō. Zhang Han is dazzled and suddenly feels nowhere to start.

“Are you, Zhang Han?”

Just when he was helpless, there was a small exclaimation behind him, turning his head, he saw a petite girl standing not far away.

After a little look, Zhang Han reacted. The girl in front of him was the one who gave her healing medicine yesterday, nodded towards her, and gently laughed.

“My name is Levy and I haven’t congratulated you yet. I defeated Erza yesterday.”

Levy stepped up a few steps and said apologetically, “didn’t expect your strength will be so strong, really sorry for the healing medicine!”

Thinking of sending Zhang Han healing medicine yesterday, Levy stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

“No! You don’t need to apologize to me. After all, you are also kind.” Zhang Han lightly shook the head.

“By the way, are you here to learn Mahō?”

After receiving a positive response from the other party, Levy immediately pulled out several books from the shelf and handed him, “Mahō is not as difficult as ordinary people think. These are basic things. You first follow the method above. Cultivation, If you do n’t understand, you can come and find me. “

Zhang Han took the book, not at all, and hurried to read it, asking, “Can you tell me about the principle of Mahō?”

Before learning Mahō, Zhang Han needs to determine the most important thing. Whether Mahō is like Chakra, must use Spiritual Force in combination with Maryokū.

If that were the case, he would be tragic!

If you want to maintain the independent existence of Soul Body at all times, you cannot let Spiritual Force combine with other forces. For this reason, in Hokage world, Zhang Han has never had Cultivation Chakra.

In those years in Hokage, he only created a Reishō Bunshin no Jutsu, and Kai-ryōku Fist and Rasengan with attribute changes.

The latter two types of Ninjutsu were formed by using the huge Reiryōku to absorb Natural Energy directly from the air and deprive them of the elements.

Essentially, this energy combination is not Chakra.

Hokage clearly pointed out that Chakra comes from God Tree’s Fruit, and there is no God Tree in other worlds, so the moves that come out are of course not Chakra anymore.

(A lot of people have doubts, saying that Protagonist can directly absorb Natural Energy, using Immortal Technique, but it is not, here by the way.)

Hearing Zhang Han’s question, Levy started a little bit, and persuaded him to rest assured of the basics of Cultivation, not aiming too high. But I also thought that the other party is also a Powerhouse, but I have not been in contact with Mahō. This situation is different from the average person.

If it is an ordinary person, even if it is more detailed, he may not understand it without actual cultivation. However, Zhang Han is also one of the three Cultivation Systems. There are so many things to know, how could he not understand?

The so-called one-pass 10000 pass, most of the Culture System, to a certain realm, actually different routes to the same destination, Mahō is of course no exception.

Thinking of this, Levy did not refuse and said, “Everyone within the body has the existence of Magic Origin. Normally, we rely on meditation to introduce the Magic Particles scattered around the inside into the body, condensed into Maryokū and stored in Magic Origin. in.”

“When in use, these Maryokū will be visualized and released.”

While speaking, Levy raised his hand to write a word in midair and injected it into Maryokū.

Under Zhang Han’s surprised gaze, the word appeared not long after that, and a flame burst immediately.

“I am practicing Soriddo Script Mahō. When I use it, I will lead Maryokū with the body out, and then make it into text. The meaning of the text is the Mahō I want to release.”

“so amazing!”

Zhang Han couldn’t help but sigh.

If it is a person, it is very simple to understand the meaning of the text, but Levy’s Soriddo Script Mahō is not understood by a person.

She writes the text, injects it into Maryokū, and then through the guidance of the mind, let Mahō itself understand the meaning of the text, or let Mahō understand the master’s thought, and then make it concrete.

As if those words are in Levy’s hands, they are all life and wisdom …

This is a little weird!

After a moment of meditation, Zhang Han asked the question he was most concerned about, “You mean, the idea is only used to extract and guide Maryokū, and does not need to be combined with Maryokū, is it?”

“Not bad!”

Levy was a little surprised, feeling that the other party’s focus was not on the essence of Mahō, but was concerned about some strange issues.

Give her a kind of strange feeling that Zhang Han hasn’t started to practice Mahō yet.

With a definite answer, Zhang Han was slightly relaxed.

As long as Maryokū does not combine with Spiritual Force, he can learn Mahō with confidence.

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