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Time, X784.

Location, Ishugaru Peninsula southwest part, Kingdom of Fiōre port city, Harujion.

This is the world of magic!

A large ship had just left the seaside. In the cabin, a man and a woman sat opposite each other. The man is handsome, with a deep purple Mahō robe and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which looks elegant and out of the ordinary.

The woman on the opposite side is about 17-18 years old, dressed in a red dress and has beautiful golden long hair. At the moment, she looked towards the man’s eyes, with a little impatience.

The man seems to be an expert in creating an atmosphere. While using Mahō to urge the champagne in the glass into the midair, he follows the temptation, “Come on, open your mouth, and the gem of the fruit will slowly slide into your mouth … “

Before the words were finished, the woman stood up angrily, waved the water droplets floating in front of her, and said seriously, “You are sleeping Mahō ‘Sleep’, right? Do you want to stun me? I promise to board this boat , Because you can recommend me to join Fairy Tail instead of being your woman! “

Hearing the woman’s question, the man did not feel panicked, as if he had not hypnotized the other person’s actions just now.

“You’re really difficult, but it’s too late!”

When the words fell, I saw the curtain hanging down and the burly big men hugged some unconscious women and looked at her with a smile on their faces.

“It’s really Salamander-sama!”

“This time is a bumper harvest !!!”

The woman reacted, and turned out to be a trafficker! Use hypnotic Mahō to control those who are not familiar with Mahō, and then sell them to other places for profit.

“Abusing Mahō to do such abusive things, is this Fairy Tail’s Mage? Too disappointing me!” The woman looked angry.

She has been eager to join the Mahō Girudo Fairy Tail of Kingdom of Fiōre Ranked 1st, but found that the facts are not as beautiful as she thought, which hit her more than the group of traffickers who fell in front of her.

Thinking about it, tears could not help falling from his eyes.

Hong long!

At this moment, the cabin above the head was suddenly knocked out of a large hole, a teenager with cherry blossom hair and a white scaly scarf around his neck broke the roof and fell into the room.

“Lucy, are you okay?” Outside the broken hole, a blue kitten with pure white wings stopped in midair, looking towards the woman below.

“Happy ?! And, Natsu!”

If Zhang Han is here, it will definitely react. In front of these two people, a cat is the Protagonist in Fairy Tail, Natsu, Happy and Lucy!

Unfortunately, it is two minutes before his appearance.

Natsu and the Fire Dragon faced each other, watching the hero saving the beauty’s script is about to be staged, who knows, Natsu suddenly bent down, bulging his mouth, a look of vomiting.

“Sure enough! On the transportation, I still want to vomit!”

Seeing this, Happy rushed in from outside the hole, his tail rolled up Lucy and flew into the sky. When Natsu is seasick and loses battle strength, they can only choose to escape!

“If you let them go to Council, it’s troublesome!”

Fire Dragon was anxious in his heart. He raised his palm and a red magical array with complicated patterns on it suddenly appeared. Several purple flames were like snakes and rushed towards Happy in midair.

Fire Whip!

In midair, Happy took Lucy to the left and fled to the right, dangerously and dangerously avoiding the incoming flame. Daodao purple flames exploded in the air, like fireworks, it was really pretty.

“Yeah, the transformation has been lifted!”

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, Suddenly Happy Maryokū was exhausted and her wings could no longer be maintained. A man and a cat fell into the sea from the air.

“Natsu is still on the boat, I will hurry to rescue him.”

Lucy took out the Celestial Spirit Gate Key in his arms, and chose a pure gold key, low shouted, “Open!… The Gate of” The Water Bearer “— Aquarius!”

Accompanied by the incantation in his mouth, the Aquarius key, one of the zodiac tenth house in his hand, is inserted into the sea water. Suddenly, a light blue magical array emerged from the sea water, and in a rapid rotation, a mermaid holding a vase was summon out.

To Lucy’s surprise, there was a human man who came out with Aquarius!

Red Haired, white clothed, with a Zanpakutō around his waist, a black and red knife handle, a pure black scabbard—who is not Zhang Han?

“You … you are Seirei too?”

Lucy pointed at Zhang Han who appeared with Aquarius, and said in amazement, “But why don’t I have the corresponding key?”

Opposite, Zhang Han stood on the sea and looked at Lucy, feeling a little embarrassed.

After leaving Pirate World, Zhang Han has been walking in the gap between the planes, trying to find a plane with a higher military force value. It took almost a year to pass through several urban planes before coming to this world.

Just when he waved his knife to break through the barrier of the plane and stepped into this World, he happened to meet Lucy in Aquarius of Seireikai in summon. The sudden emerged magical array directly pulled him in together.

Zhang Han turned his head and glanced at Aquarius, who was half-human and half-fish, and immediately reacted. The Seirei that Lucy said should be like this, explaining, “I am not Seirei, but human.”

“Ah? Human?”

Lucy lowered his head in disbelief, looking at the Celestial Spirit Gate Key in his hand, whispered, “That’s right! This is the key to Aquarius’ door, it doesn’t make much sense to summon out one! And summon is still human …

At this time, Aquarius lowered his head and glared at Lucy, “You guys, dare to bother me when I’m dating my boyfriend, unforgivable!”

“Ah? I’m sorry!” Lucy apologized in a hurry, then seemed to think of Natsu who was still on the ship, and hurriedly asked, “Aquarius, use your power to push the ship back to the shore of the port.”

“hmph! ”

Despite being dissatisfied with Lucy’s interruption of dating with her boyfriend, Aquarius faithfully executed the other party’s orders. I saw her waving the water bottle, and suddenly a violent torrent jetted out of it, high-speed rotation rushing into the sea.

Above the sea, the waves of several dozen meters were startled and rolled away.

Hong long long !

On the surface of the sea, the big ship was wrapped in a terrifying wave, rushing back to the port like a mountain.

At this moment, it seemed that even the port coast was shaking slightly. The collision of the waves and the rocks suddenly lifted the sky like a splash and spattered away.

“Don’t! Why did I get involved together?”

Lucy and Happy were pulled by the violent currents, and involuntarily rushed towards the shore.

In this scene, even Zhang Han felt a little surprised, whispering secretly in his heart, even a little girl’s summon thing has such an amazing formidable power … This world, military force value is not low!

“And, how does this scene feel familiar?”

Zhang Han stood still on the surface of the sea and slashed his fingers with his fingers. He would divide into two waves in front of him. At the same time, his brain was running at high speed. He carefully recalled the movies, novels and Anime seen in the previous life, looking for similar plots.

In a few moments, the water receded and the shore was calm again.

After the cast was completed, Aquarius did not return to Seireikai immediately, but instead held the water bottle and watched Zhang Han with a watchful look.

Don’t see that she is always very rude to Lucy. In fact, she has always been very concerned about the other party. Normally, this concern is buried in her heart by her, and rarely shows.

In front of this guy, unable to make head or tail of it, he came to this world with himself, identity, origin, purpose … all unimaginable, Aquarius does not allow Lucy’s side, there are such unstable factors.

I saw her with a cold face, and said softly, “Human, no matter who you are, what is the purpose of coming here, don’t let me see you appear beside Lucy, otherwise, the consequences are not what you want to see!”

No matter what the origin of the other party’s identity is, it will be troublesome, just drive away!

Aquarius thought so and did the same.

“Are you threatening me? If it was the level of strength just now, your threat is meaningless!” Zhang Han shrugged, said with a slight smile.

Although I do n’t know what world I am in right now, in the face of provocation, it is the last word to sneer!

“You guy…”

Aquarius turned black, picked up the water bottle, and released a rapidly rotating vortex current again. Looking at its formidable power, it is not much weaker than Haixia’s very flat current flowing over the shoulder.

But what about that?

Zhang Han raised his left hand as if shooting a fly, and then shot off the current.

Hong long!

The violent current drew a nearly 90-degree right angle in front of him, plunging into the sea water, and suddenly a giant water column of several dozen meters high suddenly appeared.

“Nani ?!”

Aquarius was shocked, and of course she knew how powerful the formidable power she released was. However, the mysterious person in front of him immediately took off his attack.

How serious is this guy’s strength if he is serious?

What made her even more surprised was that the other party had never used any Mahō from beginning to end, and even Maryokū on her body could not sense it …

At this moment, Aquarius was really shocked!

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