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Zhang Han’s flying with the sword, like Meteor rushing to the moon all the way, the speed almost exceeds the speed of sound. Within half a day, he has come to Changhe City, the closest city to East Blue. Going further east 400 miles here, you will leave the Divine State mainland and enter East Blue.

In this Luffy line, True Yuan didn’t consume much, but his mind was a little tired. Zhang Han didn’t rush to get off, falling from in midair, preparing to take a rest in the city for a while.

Changhe City is the largest city in East Blue, with a lot of pedestrians and lively traffic. In recent days, most of the compatriots who rushed to East Blue chose to settle here. From time to time, cultivators carrying fairy swords were seen on the streets.

During the walk, Zhang Han suddenly stagnated, and a very eager voice came from his ear, “This little brother, I think you are covered in dark clouds, the hall is black, and the face is dead, the major event is not good. ! “

Turning his head, he saw an old man appearing beside him. When he attacked azure robe, his hair was all white, and his face was stern, with a bit of fairy wind crane bone. Holding a long bamboo pole in his left hand, a white cloth was hung, and he wrote the four characters “Xianren Guidance”.

Next to him was an eight-nine-year-old little girl with two upright buns on her head and a bunch of candied fruit sticks in her hands, with keen interest pleasure.

Zhang Han immediately responded. This should be Apprentice who claims to be Master Qing Yun’s line art, Monday and Xiaohuan. I couldn’t help but laugh, the old liar actually deceived himself.

“Why, are you going to take care of me and relieve the disaster?”

Zhang Han glanced at Xiaohuan with a smile, and vaguely remembered that it was the little girl in front of him, not the old liar.

Seeing Zhang Han doing so, Xian Lao was so relieved on Monday, secretly thought that this time he must not have slaughtered a fat sheep, regardless of the small ring and yanked his clothes corner, eagerly said, “Please go there and let the old man come to replace You look at one phase, not only can help you eliminate the disaster, but also reverse the disaster, the fortune is soaring. “

Zhang Han laughed also did not speak, followed the grandchildren 2 people to the road under a big tree. Seeing Xiaohuan whispering in Xian’s ear on Monday, without disturbing, quietly waiting.

Not long after that, Monday Immortal’s face was astonished. Zhang Han looked strangely at it for a long while, and then said hardly, “Wonderful, I see you Celestial Court is full, with thick and dense eyebrows, and thin cheeks. , But there is no worries about life, and the lifespan is long, with children and children … “

Zhang Han looked weird and asked, “Isn’t this look good?”

“This is the strange place. The vertical line on your eyebrows is extremely deep, which directly destroys all life, and everything is cut off by the vertical line …”

Speaking of which, the small ring on the side suddenly interjected, “You are already dead, but you don’t know why you are still alive …”

Speaking of which, Monday Xian hurriedly covered Xiaohuan’s mouth, embarrassed laughed, “Haha, little child children’s words carry no harm, this little brother shouldn’t care, don’t care.”

Zhang Han’s heart is slightly sullen, and secretly thought Life Fruit still has a set, even from his own face, he can see that he has died once.

Thinking about it, Zhang Han took out a gold bar from the storage space and shook it in front of two people, ignoring the old liar Monday Immortal, bending straight down to the small ring road, “What else do you see, tell me, This gold bar is yours. “

Xiaohuan looked at the golden bars of golden-bright and dazzling, and looked at Zhang Han again, hesitated, and took a look at the head, “Big Brother, I can only see that you had a big disaster, and now it has been spent safely. , The rest will never be seen again! “

A disappointment flashed in Zhang Han’s eyes, and the gold bar was inserted into Xiaohuan’s arms, indifferently said, “It’s good to see this!”

Feeling Zhang Han’s tone weak, Xiaohuan somehow suddenly burst into a hot heart and blurted out, “My numerology 9 hasn’t fully understood the relationship between jade pillar and jade pillar. At present, I can only look at the past life, not the post life. But Big Brother, the vertical stripes on your eyebrows imply blood light, which is the fate of the sky, no matter where you go, it will be accompanied by foul wind and bloody rain, Asura Jigoku … “

After speaking, Xiaohuan’s expression was timid. She was the first time she saw such a terrifying look, and was obviously frightened.

Zhang Han started again, seeming to recall something, no longer speaking, and turned to walk deep into the street.

When Zhang Han’s back disappeared into the crowd, Immortal Elder took a breath on Monday, pats the little head of the small ring, and said strangely, “You dare to say anything about this girl, do you know if that person is a person Unhappy, our two grandchildren will be here to explain! “


Xiaohuan screamed afterwards, strangely, “I think that Big Brother is very good, how can it be harmful to us?”

“What do you know? Although Grandfather is not good at physics, but hasn’t seen Four Seas for decades, who hasn’t seen it? Just look at the man’s cheek as if it was a sharp axe.

Monday immortal pats chest, then said, “Moreover, I watched that person’s introverted breath, and his eyes were shimmering. Presumably Absolute Profound Purity has been Cultivation to Shangqingjing, such an expert, one finger can crush us, you are still talking nonsense. One pass. Do you know, grandfather was going to be scared to death by you just now! “

“However, I’m telling the truth.” Xiaohuan took a bite of the candied fruit stick, chewing, and vaguely said, “That Big Brother is actually a pitiful person.”

“Fool, we walked the rivers and lakes, we could say anything, but we couldn’t tell the truth.” On Monday, Xian grabbed the gold bar in Xiaohuan’s arms and put it in his mouth to bite, suddenly smiling.

“With these golds, we don’t have to worry about our lives this year. Let’s go, grandfather takes you to buy candied fruit sticks …”

On the second day, Zhang Han had breakfast and set off again towards East Blue Liubo Mountain.

Liubo Mountain is located 7000 li or so east of Changhe City, and to the east is the vast sea. Originally deserted, it was extremely barren. But recently, Righteous and Devilish Paths expert brought Apprentice under the door to gather here, and the desolate island became very lively.

It took Zhang Han all the way to the east, and it took three days to arrive here.

This time the team led by Cang Song of Longshoufeng and Tian Buyi of Dazhufeng. The two people had a very bad impression of Zhang Han. Zhang Han was too lazy to pretend to be polite with them. A secluded cave, meditation closed-door cultivation.

In the next few days, Abomination and Lady Deathstrike came with Apprentice, the blood elder, and the elder boss came forward to contact other small Sects in private, with the intention of bringing them back to the blood refining hall.

Whenever he encountered uncooperative, Zhang Han came forward and beheaded their leader. If you do n’t know it yet, put up a desperate struggle, and it will be extinguish sect by Abomination 2 people.

In just 5-6 days, Zhang Han took Zanpakutō alone, and slaughtered the Demonic Cult for more than ten small Sects. He was suddenly fierce, and was privately called Asura blood by Demonic Cult Apprentice.

On the other hand, Righteous Path Sect, especially Qingyun Sect Apprentice, when Zhang Han’s unbridled slaughtering demonic path demon, each and everyone are in full spirit, the momentum is high, and they can’t wait to wipe out the demonic Cult remnants on Liubo Mountain in one go.

Zhang Han’s purpose is clear. He cooperates with the blood refining hall in a tacit agreement. One kills head-on, the other engulfs in annexation. In a few days, the number of blood refining halls has soared. There are still too few experts.

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