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“If you can survive under the pressure of the bottom of the lake, it means that I also have this ability.” Lady Deathstrike stepped forward to pats Logan’s face, said flatly, “Do not mind being my tester?”

“Stryker’s running dog, I swear, I will kill you!” Logan gritted his teeth, threatening fiercely, “You wait for me!”

“Huh? Stryker kind of garbage, only worthy of my running dog!”

Lady Deathstrike laughed disdainfully, walked to the door and stopped, turned around, “Also, your threats are not deterrent at all, poor fellow!”

After finishing the speech, Lady Deathstrike does not pay attention to the other’s howl and left the abandoned laboratory.

While Lady Deathstrike was fighting Wolverine, Magneto took Mystique to the room where the brainwave intensifier was placed.

Outside the door, Mystique hesitated, looked towards Magneto and said, “Erik, do you really want to do this?”

Magneto walked into the room slowly, said solemnly, “Although Charles and I have different ideas, they are both running for a purpose. For Mutant on Earth to have a living soil, at least they must be treated with an ordinary person.”

“However, Stryker took control of Charles and attempted to kill all Mutants! As of now, they no longer follow our rules. Since that is the case, just follow their rules!”

The reason why Magneto came to the base of Lake Alcari was not just to rescue Professor X. He wanted to use this opportunity to use the ability of the professor and the brain wave intensifier to kill all humans on Earth.

“You are here, Erik.”

The professor sat quietly in a wheelchair and calmly watched Magneto walk in.

“This … what’s going on?” Magneto looked shocked.

In the whole room, there is only one professor, Stryker and his son, the illusion Master Jason simply is not here!

Say good to use Professor to kill all Mutants?

The foreplay is so full, you show this to Lao Tzu?

Magneto instantly felt the sound of beeping the dog, the anger in his heart suddenly surged up, his face flushed, but there was nowhere to vent …

When Zhang Han left the base, Stryker and his son came to an end, and the original plan died.

Without Jason’s phantom control, Professor Impossible uses the brain wave intensifier to do this kind of thing. In other words, Magneto’s plan fell short.

“Tell me, what the hell is going on?” Magneto walked to the professor and shouted.

“I don’t know!” The professor’s face was calm. “After being arrested, Stryker only met me once, and he never saw him again.”

Magneto took a few deep breaths before finally suppressing his inner anger and disappointment. The nerve suppressor on the professor’s head was removed, and the tone was weak, “You should be able to leave yourself.”

When the words fell, he took Mystique and left the base.

On the other side, Lady Deathstrike blocked Cyclops and Jean Grey who wanted to leave in the computer room.

“Go Kai!”

See Lady Deathstrike showing sharp claw, the grumpy Cyclops right hand pressed on the glasses, a laser beam was ejected, and the fiery-red shock wave hit the Lady Deathstrike.

Lady Deathstrike crossed her hands, and the slender Adamantium sharp claw was in front of her, hit by a laser beam, and slid backwards. It didn’t take long for the back to be against the wall.

“Without Wolverine’s sturdy skeleton, it is still a bit reluctant to resist the laser beam.” Feeling the skeleton burst within the body, Lady Deathstrike roughly judged in his heart.

Immediately, Lady Deathstrike struggled forward, sliding his body sideways along the wall.


The laser beam burst through the wall in an instant, unstoppable all the way, and blasted a couple of rooms next to each other.

Lady Deathstrike attached to the wall, jumped a few times quickly, his body flew into midair, sprayed two spider silks from the wrists of his hands, entangled Cyclops’ body.

didn’t expect The other party could spit out spider silk, Cyclops was caught off guard, stuck to the ground by a black spider web, unable to move even a little bit.

Seeing that Cyclops was trapped, a flash of red flashed in Jean Grey’s eyes, and the right hand was aimed at the Lady Deathstrike hanging upside down on the ceiling.

Lady Deathstrike two eyes expressed an excited expression, also extended the right hand, low shouted, “Shinra Tensei!”

The circular repulsive field and the shock wave of thought suddenly blasted together.


In an instant, the space between the two seemed to be distorted, layers of invisible ripples rippling, spreading out to all around.

The scene in the sight is also distorted, and everything looks ghostly, it feels very strange.

Before awakening the power of Phoenix, Jean Grey’s ability was only at the level of Third Level, and it was evenly matched with Shinra Tensei of Lady Deathstrike.

The repulsive field and the repulsive field collided continuously. Eventually, it turned into a circle of ripples and spread to the entire room.

Hong long!

The hard wall couldn’t withstand the impact of two kinds of violent forces, and immediately opened several cracks.

“How much ability does this guy have?”

Under the cover of Jean Grey, Cyclops used a laser beam to break the body filament bound to one after another, stood up, and looked at Lady Deathstrike in surprise.

Especially the Shinra Tensei just now, it feels very similar to Zhang Han’s moves!

At the thought of Zhang Han, Cyclops lost his left arm’s shoulder and pained. He looked up at Lady Deathstrike and said angrily, “Are you asshole with Zhang Han?”

Lady Deathstrike sneered disdainfully, not say a word. The left hand shoots a spider silk sticking to the ceiling, the body wafts rapidly in the air, and the right hand continuously shoots a black spider silk bullet, which shoots like a bullet at two people.

Cyclops continuously release laser beams, bombarding flying spider silk bombs into powder.

Beside him, Jean Grey raised his hand in a tacit understanding, and used his mental power to raise the machine not far away, and turned to hit Lady Deathstrike in midair.

Lady Deathstrike’s heart tightened, instinctively broke the spider silk, the body quickly fell to the ground, dangerously and dangerously escaped the flying machinery.

With the percepted ability of spider sensing this kind of perverted, any attack that wants a sneak attack will be pre-predicted.

“Qin, you and Scott went to save Logan. He was trapped in the cobweb.” The professor’s voice sounded in his mind before Jean Grey continued to attack.

Cyclops was also instructed by the professor and turned to Jean Grey. “You go to save the bastard first. I will deal with her!”

Jean Grey hesitated and turned to leave the machine room.

Lady Deathstrike did not prevent Jean Grey from leaving, and with her current strength, it was a little difficult to deal with the two people.

But … if only Cyclops is left, it will be easier to handle!

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