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Opening the iron gate of the laboratory, Zhang Han walked in, and his eyes fell on Stryker, with a killing intent in his eyes, solemnly asked, “Stryker, do you know what you are doing?”

Stryker’s Hu Lai directly disrupted his original plan.

Now that the professor has been brought here, I believe that the police will chase after a while, and the base is bound to be exposed to Mutant.

After the Alkali Lake base was exposed, Zhang Han could no longer use these resources to help him build the second Puppet!

When I think of this, I feel very violent in my heart, I wish I could stab Stryker!

“Sir, I will meet an old friend again.” Stryker respectfully replied.

“Tell me, your real purpose!”

In unconsciously, Zhang Han’s two eyes have changed to Sharingan form, the strange eye pupil looks directly at Stryker, and the huge imposing manner presses on the other person.

Stryker’s body stiffened and couldn’t help but groaned, feeling that his body had become heavier several times, as if carrying dozens of bags of rice on his shoulder.

“Just because of him!”

Stryker raised his hand hard and pointed to Professor X in the one-sided mirror. He said bitterly, “My son Jason, he has a very powerful variant ability and the ability to create illusions!”

“In the beginning, when Jason returned from his school, he became extremely resentful of me and his mother. He resented us and turned him into that look …”

Speaking of which, Stryker thought of his wife, and there was extreme sadness in his eyes.

“… In the following year, he often used illusions to torture our thoughts and enjoyed it …”

“My wife, in order to get rid of the horrible illusions in her head, she eventually drilled into her temple with an electric drill …”

In the end, in the eyes of Professor Stryker looked towards, killing intent became stronger and stronger.

At this time, in the room on the other side of the mirror, Professor X was suppressed by the Stryker with a neuroinhibitor of Spiritual Force, so he could not use the telepathic ability.

Zhang Han was silent for a moment and retracted Reiatsū, said solemnly, “William, I sympathize with your encounter, but you should be clear that if you catch the professor here, the base is easily exposed to Mutant’s sight.”

“No! As long as my plan is completed, there will never be a Mutant again.”

Stryker two eyes twinkled dangerous rays of light, like a fanatic who fought against heretics.

Just listen to him and then say, “I have been trying to eliminate all Mutants, but what is worrying is that you never know how many Mutants in the world!”

“However, with him, this problem will be solved!”

Stryker pointed to the professor and said excitedly, “Jason will create illusions in his mind, let him search all the Mutants in the world through the brain wave intensifier, and then kill them all!”

Speaking of the back, there was extreme fanaticism on Stryker’s face, “Since then, Mutant will be completely swept into the historical garbage dump, and Earth will also be purified!”

“Does it have anything to do with me?” Zhang Han’s face was dark and watery.

Your sister, when I helped Lao Tzu do the experiment, why didn’t you see that you have such a great momentum? Besides, Mutant is a treasure house for making Puppet for Zhang Han.

You’ve killed Mutant. Where can I find materials for making Puppet?

“What …?” Stryker looked towards Zhang Han in surprise.

“I said, does this have anything to do with me?” Zhang Han walked slowly to Stryker, and said, “Your first task is to help me build a Mutant like Deadpool.”

“Now, you are throwing away the most important things for these boring things … you said, should I kill you immediately, and then change the person to lead the experiment?”

“No! Sir, you can’t do this! No one knows Mutant better than I do.”

No matter how much I hate Mutant, Stryker knows clearly that only if he is alive can he retaliate against that damn race. If he dies, he will have nothing!

“It is because there is no better person than you, I will let you live until now, understand?”

Zhang Han raised his hand to help the other organize the lower collar, and said with a pleasant tone, “The professor’s things will be put aside first, I will give you 3 days, if you can’t think of a way …”

“You take your ridiculous dreams and reunite with your wife!”

“Yes, yes, sir!”

Stryker nodded his head in a hurry, the cold sweat on his forehead slipped down his ear.

“I understand your encounter, and accordingly, you should understand my mood.”

Zhang Han turned around, walked to the door, and said again, “If it doesn’t satisfy me, for you, death is just the beginning!”

After a battle with The Destroyer, fucking one after another, Zhang Han was upset.

Now, the Alkali Lake Base is about to be exposed. If the second Puppet cannot be made before the arrival of the police, Zhang Han can only find another way …

Thinking of this, Zhang Han immediately turned to the laboratory and put the three variant genes he needed, Wolverine, Ghost, and Cyclops, into the storage space.

As for Adamantium, Zhang Han had already let Stryker use alloy to create a 2-meter-long beheading sword, as the second Puppet’s weapon, which is now in the storage space.

During the return to the house, Zhang Han took out Venom and put it in a circular Formulation made in advance.

Without being able to parasitize for a long time, Venom seemed to be a little depressed. The tentacles composed of black liquid were soft and prone, like noodles.

Feeling the breath of mankind, Venom suddenly became manic and rushed into the Formation, but could not break the shackles of the Formation.

“It’s such an actionable Little Brat, it’s a pity …”

Before the words were finished, Zhang Han encouraged Reiatsū within the body and poured into Venom’s body.

Hiss, hiss, hiss …

Venom’s tentacles twitched frantically, not long after, under the crush of Reiatsū, his consciousness was completely dissipated by Zhang Han, just like a black liquid on the beach, falling into the realm.

Spirit Clone, separated by Zhang Han, said, “In fact, Venom can’t affect my thinking. After all, our Soul Body and body are separated.”

“I know, but my Puppet doesn’t need this unstable factor.”

For Venom, Zhang Han’s understanding is limited to the movies watched in the previous life. Who knows whether this guy will use the power of the host to strengthen himself.

10000 One, if you grow up to be beyond your control, it will be dangerous …

In order to avoid these unstable factors, Venom’s consciousness was directly dissipated to meet Zhang Han’s requirements.

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