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Under such circumstances, Coulson finally understood the intention of Director Fury to form Avengers.

For a battle of this level in Zhang Han, let alone the ordinary person intervene. Within 100 meters of them, I am afraid they will be affected by the aftermath.

The big cats and kittens in SHIELD 2 3 only want to maintain world peace, which is really not enough!

On the field, the ice debris generated by the explosion did not fly to Loki, but was frozen into ice by the terrible cold and fell to the ground weakly.

“Aren’t mortals of trivial ant, you’re crazy? Come again!” Loki laughed unscrupulously, and once again pointed Casket of Ancient Winters to Zhang Han, blasting out a cold wave.

Zhang Han was surprised that the formidable power of Casket of Ancient Winters was so strong that it was not weaker than Mjölnir of Thor! In contrast, his Hyōrinmaru Shikai looks a bit unsightly!

Turning to another thought, if it can be regarded as a sacred relic by the Frost Giant clan, if the Casket of Ancient Winters is not strong, how can it be used against the Asgard?

Thinking of this, Zhang Han’s heart flashed fiercely, and the thoughts of Casket of Ancient Winters became his own.

“Descend Upon the Mundane World, Fukurōhime!”

Zhang Han chanted Shikai in a low voice, bursting with dazzling white light, rising into the sky, forming a giant pillar of light composed purely of Spirit Particle.

The Zanpakutō in his hand immediately became a simple Chinese long sword, and the sword shone with a cold light, and the clothes on it became white.

“Give me Kai! Getsuga Jūjishō!”

Zhang Han instantly pulled out the sub-sword hidden in the hilt, his hands chopped out in front of him at the same time. In an instant, two swords flew out two Getsuga with a slightly blue glow almost simultaneously, forming a cross and flying out.

Under the cover of the huge Getsuga cut out by the right sword, the Getsuga cut out by the left sword appears colorless and transparent, only 2 meters in length. If you don’t observe carefully, it is easy to ignore it.

The cross Getsuga struck by the cold current, like a sharp cutting machine, immediately divided the cold current into two, striking forward along the white cold current.

When the cross Getsuga is less than 2 meter away from Loki, under the impact of the continuous cold current, the cold current that wrapped the cross Getsuga instantly expanded into a huge ice ball.

Spin slowly, getting bigger and bigger!


In the blink of an eye, a larger and larger ice ball suddenly exploded and turned into countless pieces of ice of different sizes, wrapped in shock waves generated by the explosion and scattered.

“Well hmph!”

At the same time, Loki was groaned by the shock waves strikes, and his body slipped successively dozens of meters before finally stopping.

“Why is this damn human being so powerful? Even Casket of Ancient Winters can’t help him!”

Loki wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and looked towards Zhang Han’s eyes with anger and jealousy. In contrast, Æsir’s self is more like a trivial ant human being!

Zhang Han did not give the opponent a chance to breathe. The double swords absorbed the Spirit Particles around them again, combined with their own Reiatsū, and were slashed out along the sword body.

In an instant, a cross-shaped Getsuga Sword Aura, which was almost the same as before, cut through the space and shot at Loki.

At this moment, Zhang Han immediately performed Shūnpo, caught up with the flying cross Getsuga, and followed the trajectory of Getsuga Sword Aura to cut a cross Getsuga again!

“Double … Getsuga Jūjishō!”

The 2 crosses of Getsuga are superimposed on each other instantly, and the shape is basically unchanged, but the formidable power is increased by half, and the lasing speed is much higher than before.

When the second Getsuga Jūjishō was released, Zhang Han was too late to absorb Spirit Particle and could only rely on Reiatsū within the body. Therefore, the formidable power of Double Getsuga is only 1.5 times that of Getsuga Tenshō.

It seems to feel the unusualness of the double Getsuga. Loki no longer controls the Casket of Ancient Winters to release the cold, but instead stands on the spot, his body spinning rapidly.

At the same time, Casket of Ancient Winters burst out of white frost, and gradually formed a rotating ice ball, getting bigger and bigger!

By the time the double Getsuga strikes were on the ice hockey, the ice hockey had swelled to a size of more than ten meters, and the terrible cold covered a thin layer of ice on the surrounding mud.

Double Getsuga Sword Aura was on the ice hockey with imposing manner strikes that shook the mountains, and immediately a tremendous roar erupted. The ground of Loki all around was sharply slammed into two giant ravines.

Ka-cha ……bang!

When Getsuga Sword Aura was completely submerged in the ice hockey, the huge ice hockey surface was cracked with countless spider web-like cracks, and then under the impact of Sword Aura, which contained an explosion effect, it exploded completely.

4 The scattered ice was like a cannonball, and it flew out a few hundred meters away before it landed unwillingly on the ground.

As early as when Zhang Han and Loki confronted each other, Coulson had already retreated with his men more than a hundred meters, but did not expect that even so far away from the battle center, it would be affected by scattered ice.


In an instant, 7 agents were blasted onto the body by the ice that had been rushed, and instantly burst into a mass of flesh and scattered on the ground.

“Quickly retreat!”

Coulson immediately greeted the crowd and sought shelter.

When the scattered ice rain passed completely, all the people were horrified to find that in just a few seconds, more than a dozen agents had died, and most of them survived with minor or serious injuries!

On the field, Loki holding the Casket of Ancient Winters, lying on the crushed ice powerlessly, the Divine Force with the body was consumed, and he wanted to fight Zhang Han again, and his extremely weak body would not allow him to stand up again. .

“There is a treasure, but you can’t fully grasp it. Is this the so-called god?” Zhang Han walked slowly to Loki’s side and looked at him condescendingly.

Loki, who owns Frost Giant Bloodline, is only eligible to use Casket of Ancient Winters, and he does not have enough ability to fully control it, so the power he exerts is really limited.

If it was Frost Giant King Laufey who used Casket of Ancient Winters, Zhang Han would not be able to deal with it so easily. Perhaps, the state is fully open may not be able to beat Laufey!

“Oh, since you have been defeated and want to laugh at and insult me, feel free!”

Loki lay weak on the ground, pulling the difficult corner of his mouth, “However, even if you defeat me, you can’t change the fact that you are a mortal. This is based on Bloodline, not the fact of power!

“You are still a lowly, trivial ant, mortal!”

At the end, Loki spit out a blood foam, the anger and killing intent in his eyes did not decrease.


Zhang Han was amused by the strange logical thinking of the other party, and then said ironically, “If I am a lowly mortal, then, what are you who lost my hands? Lowly god?”

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