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Today, although Zhang Han’s body is only 16 years old, he is 1.8 metres tall, slender, and with a beautiful face, the lethal power of Daisy is huge, and he knows no borders!

Jane Foster ignored the little cat in heat next to her and explained quickly, “However, we have sent him to the hospital, and he has recovered completely.”

Zhang Han and Coulson glanced at each other, and at the same time reacted, the person who was knocked down should be Thor Thor.

Coulson immediately asked, “Can you tell us where that person went?”

“I’ve seen it just now, he shouldn’t go far.” Daisy hurriedly took the car key out of his pocket, and said to two people, “I will take you to find him”

Immediately, five people got into Jane Foster’s car and searched along the only street in the town.

In the pet store, Thor entered the door and said loudly to the clerk, “I need a horse.”

The clerk looked at each other strangely, “We have no horses here, only dogs, cats, birds …”

Thor wondered how strange it was that he bought a horse in a pet store, and then asked.

“As long as you can ride!”

At this time, Daisy took a few people to the door of the pet shop and pointed to Thor’s back to Zhang Han. “It’s him, the man we hit before.”

After finishing his speech, Daisy blew his horn and yelled at Thor, “Hey, do I need another ride?”

Thor turned away from the pet shop, pulled the door open, and got in. But I saw 5 line of sight accidentally fell on my body, strangely said, “What’s wrong?”

After finishing his speech, Thor could not help but looked at Zhang Han and asked alertly, “Who are you?”

Although he lost the Divine Force, Thor still felt a touch for Powerhouse. In his feelings, Zhang Han is Extremely Dangerous.

Zhang Han friendly extended the hand, facing Thor said with a smile, “didn’t expect will meet a mythical character here, Thor Thor! I am Zhang Han, I am glad to meet you!”

“You know me?”

Thor shook hands with Zhang Han, unable to make head or tail of it.

Zhang Han pouted at the mythical story book in Eric’s hand, “Earth everyone knows.”


Is he Thor? Thor in the Nordic mythology? !

Are you not cracking a joke?

Zhang Han’s words shocked everyone in the car not knowing what to do, looking at Thor in surprise, Daisy screamed in his mouth, and even forgot to step on the throttle …

“be quiet!”

Coulson snorted, and the atmosphere in the car was solemn.

Then he turned and asked, “Thor, we want to know, why did you come to Earth? And, why keep your weapons still 50 kilometers away?”

Upon hearing the question, Thor covered his face with his hands and said sadly, “I was deprived of Divine Force by Father Odin and exiled here.” Instead lifts the head, looked towards Daisy, “Can you send me over? I Regain my power! “

“Although I don’t know why your father deprived you of Divine Force, have you ever thought about why he should do this?” Zhang Han asked.

“I think the fathers in the world should be almost the same, hoping that their children will become better, more mature and stronger than themselves.”


Thor retorted, “My father, he is old and has lost his ambition to calm down the 9 great nations. In the face of Frost Giant’s repeated provocations, he still has to endure and has no will to start war.”

“For this reason, he even deprived me of Divost Force in order to stop me from attacking Frost Giant’s kingdom, Jotunheim, and demoted me to Midgard … Oh, the Earth in your mouth.”

Listening to Thor ’s indignant answer, Zhang Han and Coulson glanced at each other, thinking to disable to bear, if I were Odin, I would also demolish you as a war madman and right-winger!

Coulson thinks more. The dangerous guy in front of him has temporarily lost Divine Force. Fortunately, if the other party retrieves Divine Force after 10000, after attacking Jotunheim, will he turn his head to attack Earth?

Judging from Thor’s dangerous thinking, this probability is not without, but rather great!

As a High Rank agent of SHIELD and Eighth Level Agent Coulson, whose mission is to protect the world, Thor’s affairs suddenly become extremely difficult.

On the one hand, I was extremely reluctant to let the other party get Mjölnir and retrieve Divine Force. On the other hand, we must take into account Asgard’s attitude.

Although Thor has become a mortal, after all, the identity is noble. Asgard’s Prince, the future king, if he is not happy to stay in Earth, how will the Asgard people think of Earth?

Thinking about it, Coulson was suddenly one big and two big, and couldn’t help but look at Zhang Han for help.

Zhang Han asked blandly, “So, if you become a king of Asgard, how will you be a king?”

“Of course it was to attack Jotunheim and give Frost Giant a deep lesson!”

Thor blurted out without thinking about it, and the domineering spirit of her body was soaring. The exciting little idiot Daisy had a hearty heart and didn’t know how to look at the road. She turned her head and stared at the 2 chest muscles that supported the short sleeves …

If Zhang Han, who was not the co-pilot, helped her hold the steering wheel, the car would be planted in the mound on the roadside!

“And then?” Zhang Han asked indifferently.

“Then …” Thor hesitated before saying, “Protect the peace of nine nations!”

“that’s it?”

“What? Do you have anything to add?” Thor asked strangely.

Immediately turned around and scanned the crowd, only to find that they were all disdainful. Thor burst into flames, unable to bear, “As a king, shouldn’t we wipe out the rebellion and give the world a stable and peaceful environment?”

“How do you define rebellion?” Coulson couldn’t help but refute, “You know, there are hundreds of countries on Earth. If you start a war just because of the provocation of other countries, Earth has been destroyed several times!”

Thor hearing this expression stagnated for a long time before holding out the sentence “Your world is so complicated!”

“If you still have such an explosive personality, I guess, you can’t get Divine Force back!”

To be honest, this sentence comes from the mouth of others, and it is a bit convincing, but from the mouth of Zhang Han … You are just a character of disobedience, but are you willing to say others?

Thor was silent for a long time before liftings the head said, “I have to try it anyway!”

Zhang Han turned his head, and the atmosphere gradually became silent.

The reason why I talked to Thor is because I copied the power of Mjölnir before, and wanted to express my gratitude and have a good relationship with Thor, which may have unimaginable benefits in the future …

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