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“I don’t mean anything else, I just want to remind Ms. Jean Grey that such a psychic cage can only suppress the problem, not solve it completely.”

With Jean Grey’s telepathic ability, Zhang Han’s Reiatsū can be easily blocked. To be honest, Zhang Han can barely feel the power of Phoenix in Jean Grey within the body.

The reason for saying this with confidence is that I know the plot of the movie that’s all in advance.

For the power of Phoenix in Jean Grey within the body, Zhang Han’s interest is not so great.

The power to decompose matter directly from the subatomic level is no worse than that of the Hulk. The settings in the movie are even more powerful than Hulk It’s much more powerful.

In order to gain the power of Phoenix, he is a direct enemy to X-Men. Zhang Han is not very interested in this, so he will say those words.

As long as a suspicious seed is planted in the other person’s mind, Zhang Han believes that that seed will take root sooner or later!

“If you don’t want to be tortured, you can come to me and wait anytime!” Zhang Han lifted Scott’s shackles and blinked at Jean Grey.

Zhang Han believes that when Jean Grey can’t bear the power of within the body, he will consciously find his own. At that time, it is his opportunity to deprive Phoenix of his power!

Jean Grey stared at Zhang Han, his lips twitching, his heart moved quite a bit.

However, this guy has an unknown origin, and he has rejected his own invitation. Whether he can be trusted is still said. Such a matter should be carefully considered before deciding.

Scott did n’t know what the two were talking about, but Zhang Han dared to slap his girlfriend in front of him, and his anger burst into his head, right hand pressed his sunglasses, low shouted, “You bastard, go die for me! “

As the voice fell, two fiery red laser beams lased out of the eyes.

“Scott, no !!!”

Ororo complexion greatly changed, hurriedly reaching for Scott’s arm.

Zhang Han did not expect that the other party’s temper would explode like this fire, but just tied him with Kidō, without bumping, and in turn sneak attack himself.

In a flash, Zhang Han’s brain hasn’t responded yet, right hand has instinctively pulled out Zanpakutō, and the rung is in front of him.

The laser beam looks like a laser, but is actually 2 red shock waves.

Scott relies on absorbing the energy of the sun to open the eyes and the entrance of the different space, and release the energy in the different space through the eyes. The strong formable power can even destroy Adamantium!

Because the formidable power of the laser beam is too large, Scott can’t control it freely, so he always wears the red sunglasses. The size and formable power of the laser beam can be adjusted through the sunglasses.


Being struck by a beam of laser light on Zanpakutō, Zhang Han immediately groaned, leaning on the blade with his left hand, and slid backward involuntarily, less than 2 seconds, his back had hit the wall.

The wall was oppressed by great force, and numerous cracks were opened.

In Zhang Han’s eyes, the fierce glory, Reiatsū’s crazy surge within the body, like the dyke that opened the gate, poured into Zanpakutō frantically … and finally finally resisted it.

However, the wall behind could not withstand the oppression of Juli, and a humanoid gap broke out, turned into countless pieces of rubble, and fell from the upper floor.

“Still able to resist? Interesting!”

Scott shook his shoulders and patted Storm’s hand. The right hand adjusted his sunglasses, and the formidable power of the laser beam gradually increased.


Zhang Han face changed, the body slipped again, suddenly stepped on the foot, and the body shook involuntarily. Suddenly, Reiatsū, which was input into Zanpakutō, stopped slightly, and the laser beam deflected it, and then penetrated Zhang Han’s right shoulder.

“Scott, stop quickly! He is not our enemy!”

Storm pulled Scott’s shoulder again, anxiously looking.

“It is already!”

Without waiting for Scott’s answer, Zhang Han covered his shoulder with his left hand, and his figure slowly appeared in the air. I don’t know when to get up, there is a white bone Vaizādo on his face, under Hollow’s Strength, the right shoulder that was pierced through quickly recovered.

“Since you dare to attack me, be prepared to fight against me!”

While speaking, Zhang Han no longer hides his own Reiatsū, and the terror of terror is like a landslide and tsunami that oppresses three people.

In the living room, newspapers, books, drinking glasses floated in the air, electrical appliances, tables, chairs, and even sofas were shaking violently, and the air seemed to become thicker.

It’s disturbing in the chest, and I feel that my breathing is not smooth!

Among the 3 people, in addition to Jean Grey with telepathic ability, they are capable of isolating Zhang Han ’s Reiatsū, Storm and Cyclops ’body is involuntarily stiff, feeling that even a simple movement of raising their hands cannot be done.

The soul within the body trembles violently, as if it is about to come out at any time.

Seeing this, Jean Grey walked over to the 2 people and released a round mind formation, which enveloped the 3 people. Storm and Scott only put out a long breath, and looked towards Zhang Han’s gaze dignified.

Judging from the feelings just now, Zhang Han’s ability has definitely reached Fourth Level, which is the same level as Professor, Magneto and the others. There are few such strengths in Mutant!

Unless Jean Grey releases the power of Phoenix within the body, he will not be the opponent of Zhang Han!

Thinking of this, Storm hurriedly persuaded, “Mr. Zhang Han, this thing is wrong with us, I apologize on behalf of Scott, can you calm down?”

“Joke! You just want a truce now, don’t you feel too late?”

Zhang Han snort disdainfully sneered, left finger pointing at the shoulder, “Did you see it? Daring to make me bleed, I will not make him feel better!”

Under the influence of Super Regeneration, the wounds on the right shoulder have all healed, but the clothes have been opened with 2 holes, surrounded by blood.

After crossing to Marvel World, Zhang Han was bleeding for the first time. The anger in his heart was higher than the previous one. The thought of not wanting to be an enemy of X-Men had already been thrown to beyond the topmost clouds!

“This bastard, let me clean him up!”

Scott was also angry, shouting at Jean Grey, “Remove the barrier!”

After finishing the speech, regardless of whether she removed the mind barrier or not, the two red laser beams were ejected from her eyes again, and the target was directed at Zhang Han.

“Do you want a sneak attack? You only have this ability!”

Zhang Han flashed off the attack and sneered at Zanpakutō, the dark golden eye pupil under Vaizādo with an amazing killing intent.

“Getsuga Tenshō!”

Zhang Han waved his sword, and immediately shot a bloody Getsuga of several dozen meters on the tip of the knife. The sharp Getsuga directly divided the apartment building where Zhang Han is located into two.

In the face of Getsuga Sword Aura, Scott hurriedly adjusted the laser beam to a very slim level, just like 2 lasers, cutting Sword Aura non-stop.

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