I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1099

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A big crisis comes fast and goes fast.

The city of Juxia is still full of bustling scenes, and the citizens do n’t even know that just a few minutes ago, they almost became the funeral of Morgana.

When Holy Caesar departed, Morgana also left quietly, and the aircraft carrier Jupiter returned to calm again. However, whether it is a super soldier or ordinary soldier, they have lost the smile of the past.

Faintly, a shadow of the rising wind forebodes the coming storm, weighed heavily on everyone’s mind.

In order to distract the brave company and the angels, Morgana borrowed the power of the big clock to transfer the demon battleship to Earth, and sent his men Ato to Ferrezer, where the next generation of the king of angels, Anil Side.

According to the rumor, Kaiten entrusted the royal palace, and Holy Kaiser immediately sent a left-wing angel to Fraser to protect Ain Sid. Accompanying him are The Force of Galaxy Garen.

During this period, the nightmare of Morgana’s men quietly sneaked into the dreams of Leona and Jarvan IV, spurring the separation.

2 People’s behavior is getting weird. Basically, they can’t say a few words when they meet, and they will quarrel. Frightened a group of small friends to comfort, but do not know how to speak.

This continued for several days until …


A God-killing bullet flew out of nowhere, instantly penetrated Ducao’s temple, passed through the cheek on the other side, and sank into the deck.

Ducao lifted his right hand weakly, as if to grasp something. Eventually, his body banged, fell to the ground, and died.

“Director …” “Protect the Chief!”

The soldiers on duty on the deck hurried over, but found that the bullet directly penetrated the brain, a critical strike.

A stern alarm sounded through the sky over Juxia …

In the room, Leona brought the black armor through a wormhole and put it on her body. She was about to open the door and suddenly found that Zhang Han appeared in her room sometime.

Although I don’t know how Zhang Han came from, the situation is urgent and I have no time to ask for these details.

Leona raised his hand and grabbed Zhang Han’s arm, and said very quickly, “You are just here. Admiral Ducao was attacked by a demon. His life and death are unknown. Follow me quickly …”

Before he had finished speaking, Leona’s body stiffened, his eyes widened, and he lost his brilliance in an instant, so he stood so blankly.

On the opposite side, a pair of shallow purple Rinnegan was extremely bright, and the mighty pupils poured into her mind like tide. The crumbling defense system that had been tortured by nightmares was immediately washed away by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

It did n’t take long for Leona ’s two eyes to become exactly the same shape as Zhang Han ’s Rinnegan.

After doing all this, Zhang Han raised his hand and pressed the talker on his ear, and said, “Leona is under control and you can start your plan.”

“Thank you!”

On the other side, a flash of joy flashed in Morgana’s eyes and waved his hand to signal that his subordinates began to crack Leona’s genetic lock.

“Don’t thank me, control Leona not only for planning, but also for my own benefit!” Zhang Han’s indifferent voice came from the headphones.

Morgana hearing this could not help but complexion changed, low shouted, “Are you crazy? Going to the Emerald Star is to die, don’t you understand?”

It was so good that day that the analysis was so thorough that he wanted to make him understand that he should not lose his life for a little benefit. In the end, this little bastard still intends to go all the way to black!

“No one can touch my interests, not even Death God Karth!”

Zhang Han lowered his voice and warned, “Tell you this in advance, not to let you stop me, but to hope you don’t do anything that makes me embarrassing.”

At the end of the speech, Zhang Han took off the intercom, threw it on the ground, and crushed it with his feet.

His alliance with Morgana is based on the foundation that Holy Caesar is still alive. As soon as Keisha died, the ally relationship between the two was basically non-binding. Who knows how much bad water was hidden in the old Fairy’s stomach?

10000 As soon as she and old lover Karth regained their old feelings, they joined hands and Zhang Han was embarrassed.

“Hey, hello … damn little bastard, why can’t you tell good from bad?”

Morgana slammed a punch on the table, and for some reason, didn’t want to see Zhang Han step into Karth’s trap like this, and lost his life in vain.

However, Tie Tie such as Zhang Han, she is unimaginable about Keisha’s genes. After passing this village, there is really no such shop! It doesn’t matter if you pay a price for it.

When Zhang Han talked to Morgana, the demon Legion’s sniper tactics worked very well. After losing Ducao’s command, the male company is under such a sloppy tactic. Each and everyone looks like a headless fly, turning a few blindly, but can’t find where the enemy is.

Either he was severely wounded and was dying, or he was transferred to the wilderness by the wormhole, and then he was trapped by the long-awaited demon.

The whole team, only Du “Rose” Katerina, who is well versed in Space Power, is holding on hard.

In just a few minutes, the battlefield was divided into countless pieces, seemingly powerful lineup of soldiers, so with no difficulty, it was disintegrated by the demon one after another, trapped in a corner.

Failure seems to be an inevitable thing!

In the end, a dazzling white light completely illuminated the entire sky. The battle group of the aircraft carrier Giant Gorge was instantly bombarded by Leona’s flares from the sea and became a part of history.

Zhang Han used Kamui, Hollowfication’s body flew to the sky, looking down at the horrifying vortex that was rolling more and more rapidly.

As early as the first time he crossed, he already had consciousness. For Zhutian World, he is just a hasty passenger, destined not to stop because of someone.

The destination is not here, of course, there is no stand, let alone concern.

After the white light gradually disappeared, Zhang Han moved his body out and stood side by side with Leona.

At the moment, Leona is controlled by Rinnegan, but it is not Zhang Han who actually controls her, but Morgana. In fact, without Morgana cracking Leona’s genes, simple Rinnegan won’t be able to suppress it for long.

Among them, Zhang Han’s real role is only to isolate Leona’s consciousness.

Floating on Skypiea, at the base, looking at Zhang Han standing side by side with Leona, Morgana put his hands on his hips, his eyes gleaming with anxiety.

If it is possible, I really want to send it over immediately and drag the stubborn bastard back and beat it up.

However, what can be done even if this is done? He would still think of other ways to rush to the Emerald Star.

“Forget it, let him go if he wants to die, deal with Caesar’s things first.”

Morgana waved his hand to open the wormhole in time and space and hurried towards the Angel Nebula.

During the time Leona is under control, it is necessary to accurately locate the location of Holy Caesar, and then use the large clock to transfer her past.

Morgana intends to use herself as a coordinate to help Karth locate Kesha.

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