I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1090

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From the moment the male soldiers stepped on the aircraft carrier Ju Xia, the past few days the entire aircraft carrier fleet was in a tense preparation. There are indications that the advance team of gluttony Legion has entered the solar system and is moving towards Earth.

Neither the Super Seminary nor the military, except for a few people, have never fought the interstellar war, nor do they know which city the gluttony Legion will attack first, so the major military regions are only on alert and have no corresponding defense measures.

In contrast, gluttony Legion, before coming to Earth, detected Earth’s defense and firepower configuration through various means, and selected Tianhe City, which is the weakest defense, as the primary target.

When news of the attack on the river city came that day, gluttony Legion had blocked the city’s airspace. Forced by frustration, the male company could only fly back to Yunshan Airport by dark alloy transport plane, and then transfer to a helicopter to the battlefield.

In order to disperse the target, the crowd flew at low altitude one by one, trying to escape the surveillance of gluttony Legion. However, the opponent was ahead of Earth by not knowing generations of technology, and they quickly discovered them.

On the helicopter, Leona commanded through the Dark Energy Channel, “Garen, Sun Wukong and I flew ahead as the first echelon. We may face the first wave of attacks. Zhang Han Your physical strength is not enough, just follow us, try your best to fight back Kill the enemy. “

Zhang Han frowned, who wanted to hit soy sauce and went back, who knew Leona was named.

The water-drawing plan ended in such a way.

“Unknown combat units appear in front … pay attention to avoid!”

When the helicopter was less than one kilometer away from Tianhe City, a densely packed red dot suddenly appeared on the radar, and all the drivers shouted at the headphones.


As soon as the voice fell, a purple energy bomb flew head-on and hit the helicopter where Leona was. The astonishing firelight came into view, instantly disintegrating the helicopter in the air, exploding into countless fragments and scattering it.

“We were ambushed … this is a trap!”

“Hang … Hang …”

Immediately afterwards, one after another energy bomb fired at high speed, Garen, Sun Wukong and the others flying in front were attacked one after another.

In the face of those extremely fast, small and flexible Mecha, helicopters are like clumsy crabs, and even evasion seems to be a movie at one-eighth the speed.

Unexpectedly, in the sky chaos, suddenly a dozen energy bombs were shot at the helicopter where Zhang Han was located.

“Not good! We are locked!”

The driver opened the security lock in a panic, turned his head and shouted to Zhang Han, “brother, hurry up!”

“what’s the situation?”

Zhang Han stared dumbfounded at the large wave of missiles outside the window, and suddenly his brain couldn’t turn.


gluttony Legion is an interstellar civilization, even if it can’t drive dark energy, a simple precision strike should not fail them. In other words … the goal of these bastards is themselves! !

“Shouldn’t these guys’ primary goals be Leona? Who did I mess with?” Zhang Han instantly felt like a dog.

He did not know that before the gluttony Legion attacked, Death God Karth gave them a death order. No matter what means they used, they would have to catch the human with the sub-creature!

Boom, bang, Bang…

In a series of shocking explosions, the helicopter where Zhang Han was located was blown to pieces, and the pilot brother failed to escape the fate of death.

Zhang Han changed into light, flew a few hundred meters away, looking at the Fireball rising in the distance, his eyes became colder and colder.

Although I don’t know why gluttony Legion aimed at himself, he was really angry!

“In that case, feel the consequences of angering me!”

Zhang Han right hand and pointed into a knife, slashing away at a Mecha not far away. The air suddenly burst into a sharp Sword Aura, cut through the sky, and directly divided the Mecha into two from it.

When Zhang Han waved Sword Aura, gluttony Legion discovered him at the same time.

“Second creature Owner has been locked, ready to kill God # XNUMX!”

Suddenly, Zhang Han’s left eyelid jumped wildly, and a huge sense of crisis fell. At the same time, Kenbunshoku Haki saw that a lance flashing golden rune and thicker than his arm was shooting at himself at a high speed …

“That’s it? Really ignorance is a bliss !!”


The killing intent skyrocketed on Zhang Han’s face, and the whole person turned into a golden light, which instantly broke away from the enemy’s lock.

At an absolute speed, Kishzu No. XNUMX can’t even touch his clothes.

While avoiding the attack, Zhang Han suddenly flew over a Mecha, and Zanpakutō brought a strange bloody glory in the air and cut it off.

The Mecha didn’t even have the power to resist, and was instantly cut into two by Sword Aura, and fell helplessly from the air.

After a knife pass, Zhang Han did not stay at all, again incarnation of light, rushing towards the next goal.

“Not good! The target speed is close to the speed of light and cannot be locked!”

“Hurry up and open the energy shield …”

The commander in charge of the ambush was under angrily roared.

However, all this is too late.

In less than ten seconds, all Mecha of the sneak attack company was cut by Zhang Han, one after another was cut into scrap iron and dropped. There was only one large fighter jet left floating in the air alone.

As for the rest of the male company, as early as after the first wave of attacks, they were shot down into the sky and their lives were unknown.

“Damn it! It’s miscalculated this time. There is no indication in the data that the target’s speed will be so perverted. Let’s retreat first!” In the cabin, the commander punched the dashboard with a fist, annoyed.

However, all the information about Zhang Han is provided by Death God Karth. He is reborn and does not dare to blame their gods. This time, he can only kill his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

However, just after turning around, the fighter plane saw not far ahead, and countless rays of light converged into a human shape.

“Damn it! Charge me! I don’t believe it. He dares to block my fighter with a flesh!”

Seeing Zhang Han appearing in the way, the commander gritted his teeth.

“Energy shield?”

Looking at the golden shield covering the fighter plane, Zhang Han bent the corner of his mouth, showing a contemptuous smile.

This kind of garbage shield, Du “Rose” Katerina’s micro-temporal wormhole can open a hole in it, not to mention Zhang Han with a variety of Space Power.

I saw that his left hand turned slightly in front of him, and a golden space door was suddenly formed, rapidly expanding. The other side of the door just happened to be inside the shield.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Han’s two eyes quickly became Rinne-Sharingan. Where the eyes were focused, a little green flame emerged from the sky and spread out along the surface of the fighter.

“What is this? Flame?”

“What a joke? Even high alloys can burn through?”

Although gluttony’s technology failed to enter the dark energy era, it is a bit higher than Earth. The alloy used by the fighter plane can withstand at least 10000 degrees of ultra-high temperature, but in front of this green flame, it has no resistance.

As if the sponge encountered concentrated sulfuric acid, Jigōku no Myūroi burned through the bulkhead a little bit and spread into the cabin.

“Ahhh … help!”

“What the hell is this thing, simply cannot be extinguished …”

For a time, the screams of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves sounded in the cabin, each and everyone gluttony soldiers rolled on the ground, continually flapping the flames on his body, but instead made Jigōku no Myūroi spread faster a bit.

After releasing Jigōku no Myūroi, Zhang Han ignored the fighter, changed his body into light, and flew towards the flagship of gluttony Legion over Tianhe City.

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