I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1088

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Looking at Morgana cautiously holding Gudōdama and handing it to Vision, Zhang Han couldn’t help but look up at the sky, his teeth gently biting the tip of his tongue, I was really afraid that he couldn’t control it and laughed out loud.

There is no reason for him. The black ball just handed over to Morgana is not the real Gudōdama, but the element Gudōdama that Zhang Han merged in the Hokage world!

2 Although they are both called Gudōdama, and they are all Black Sphere, one contains all the elements of Yin and Yang Five Elements, and one contains only the 5 elements of water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and lack of changes in Yin-Yang Release. !

The black ball that looks exactly the same is simply the product of 2 worlds!

The element Gudōdama, which contains 5 kinds of elements, even if it is based on the technology of the demon Legion, it needs a long time to analyze it thoroughly.

During this time, it was enough for Vision to copy the technology of the demon Legion. When the time comes, even if Morgana discovers the truth and turns over with Zhang Han, he will not care.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Han never thought of really forming an alliance with Morgana, he just wanted Fourth Generation Divine Physique and dark energy technology!

Of course, if Morgana can use the element Gudōdama to study void particles and even sub-creatures, she is awesome! Zhang Han has nothing to say.


You say Zhang Han is fat and not honest enough?

Who said that the element Gudōdama does not belong to Gudōdama? Don’t take improperly dried beans for food?

At this moment, Zhang Han finally understood that those who like to fill in the unscrupulous profiteer of the previous life, the feeling of pitting people is really too cool.

At the moment, Morgana was in the excitement of Gudōdama, not knowing that he was pitted by Zhang Han. Maybe by the time she reacted, Zhang Han had already left this World …

After Vision left, Morgana suddenly asked, “What do you think of justice?”

Zhang Han’s eyes twitched, “How do you angels and demons like to ask such boring questions?”

In his opinion, this kind of problem is purely full, and idle pain in the balls will think of this thing, but Morgana does not think so.

“Ideological problems are the real core contradiction!”

Morgana arms across chest, and then said, “Then I will ask another question. As my most loyal ally, what is your attitude towards fallen liberalism? Or in your heart, what kind of faith do you insist on?”

“With Fourth Generation Divine Physique technology, you will also have eternal life, not old fart, and see the prosperity in the river for a long time, the tide rises and falls. Imagine that at that time, what you left in your heart will be what?”

Zhang Han was a little startled, and from the beginning to the present, he has never thought about this kind of problem.

Because in his mind, on the Super Seminary World, there are countless broader worlds waiting for him to explore and conquer. Unless you reach a realm like Saint in mythology, maybe you will stop and think about similar problems.

The confusion in the eyes stayed for less than a second, and then completely disappeared.

Zhang Han smiled and shook the head, “You gods who don’t worry about eating, don’t worry about wearing, and have infinite lifespan, really mean a little bit of 5 minutes … but for me, it doesn’t matter what kind of doctrine Or, I insist on narrow liberalism. “

Morgana eyes shined, automatically ignoring the previous words, “It seems that we still have a common language when dealing with freedom!”

“No! My so-called narrow liberalism is my freedom. No one else can hinder my freedom!” Zhang Han put a serious face on his face.

by! Is this clearly hegemonism, so euphemistic?

Dare to say that many, are playing the lute for a cow!

Morgana had a black line, turned around and walked out of the door, and then discussed with this bastard, feeling that he was about to get angry.

“Wait! You haven’t told me, what are you going to do to stay on this ship?”

Seeing Morgana’s disgruntled face, Zhang Han hurriedly waved his hand and explained, “Don’t get me wrong, I just don’t want the ally relationship that was easily established, and there is unnecessary conflict.”

Morgana pondered, and said, “I got news from Death God Karth, Holy Kesha is coming to Earth!”

“So that’s how it is!” Zhang Han suddenly realized.

The purpose of Sacred Caesar to Earth is, of course, to kill the former sister, the present life enemy, Morgana.

Knowing that he has no ability to contend with the Great Judgment, Morgana is hiding here, which is equivalent to directly dragging the Earth people into the water.

For Earth’s so-called urinary urination, she already knew it well. They would not allow Divine Keisha to use the Grand Judgment in Earth, which in disguise is equivalent to protecting Morgana.

Although the method is a little bit tedious, the effect is definitely bumpy.

“How? Would you like to kill Keisha’s Bi Chi with me?”

Morgana stopped at the door and proposed, “As long as you are willing to join, I will give you a copy of Keisha’s genes when things are done.”


Zhang Han’s eyes are bright, this proposal, he really moved!

The Fourth Generation Divine Physique also has strengths and weaknesses, such as Noxian War God Darius, which simply strengthens its strength. Zhang Han simply looks down on it, but Holy Caesar is different.

She is the first existence in the universe with a sub-biological engine, much earlier than Death God Karth.

In the original book, Leona’s supernova was blown into atoms and didn’t die. It was only because of the transmission of the big clock that the resurrection time was particularly long. And she can read Morgana’s memory at will by moving her mind.

Morgana had little resistance in front of her.

A glimpse of the leopard in this tube reveals it!

If the genes of Holy Keisha are obtained, Zhang Han believes that his Fourth Generation Divine Physique is absolutely unprecedentedly powerful, and when the time comes even if it is a tough Death God Karth, he is also true.

After pondering for a long time, Zhang Han said, “Tell me, what are you going to do?”

“This matter is very important. For the time being, I have only a rough framework. As for how to do it, be patient with me.”

Morgana gently laughed, turned around, and pushed the door away. With back to Zhang Han’s face, with endless sarcasm and sneer.

She must admit that this youngster from other worlds is indeed dexterous and daring and poisonous, but the other party is too Greed.

Sacred Caesar is the Supreme Existence that has dominated the universe for 10000 years. Even Morgana himself has been repeatedly suppressed by Angel Legion, living on the days of struggling on whilst at death’s door.

“Bah! I want to eat fat in one breath, and I’m not afraid to kill you asshole! Sooner or later, you will pay a terrible price for your Greed!” Morgana cursed fiercely in her heart.

Across the door, Zhang Han’s eyes were also cold. Although he didn’t understand the black technology of this World, he walked through the world, Three Sects 9 stream, what kind of people have not seen?

Hearing that Morgana had reservations about him just now, he might even have calculated in his heart that when he eliminated Goddō Sureiyā St. Keisha, he slapped the rabbit by the hay, and circled him out together.

In the original book, from Holy Earth to Earth, to Morgana controlling Leona to detonate a star, it took less than a month.

Zhang Han can’t believe it. In such a short time, Morgana can arrange everything.

The biggest possibility is that Morgana had a complete plan with Death God Karth before it came to Earth. The reason why Earth is chosen as the battlefield is because Leona is here, so they can use the light of the sun nearby.

Control Leona through the nightmare, and then use the big clock to open the bridge of time and space, forcibly transfer the sacred Caesar of the Angel Nebula to the Emerald Star, and finally detonate the Emerald Star …

See, what a perfect plan! But when Zhang Han asked, Morgana said she was not ready …

Who are you fooling about?

Originally, the element Gudōdama was used to fill it up. Zhang Han still has a little apology in his heart. Since everyone is pregnant with ghosts, let’s start their own performances and see who hangs in the end.

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