I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1082

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Hearing Yan’s words, Zhang Han was stunned for a moment, and blurted out, “Justice … shouldn’t it be Yan value?”

After saying this, he suddenly looked embarrassed and secretly sighed the life of the otaku in his previous life. He was poisoned by the Internet and it still affects his thinking until now.

Pu chi!

Leona, who had been eating melons for a long time, heard Zhang Han’s answer and was almost choked by his saliva.

Yan value equals justice, what is the logic of what the hell?

However, dealing with this group of angels who only know to brainwash people, the effect is unexpectedly good!

“Asshole! You are a blasphemy of justice!”

The angel named Yun Yan’s pretty face was red, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

Yan gently hooked the head, full of disappointment.

“Sure enough, it’s a brat, and it’s still a young man who is sprouting young!”

Zhang Han, who was still a little embarrassed, was upset when he heard Yan’s unabashed satire.

“Fuck! Don’t think that you can deny others’ justice with just a pair of long legs. Your angels can’t represent justice! I’ll put it here today. When the face value is similar, my justice is on the side of the chest , For example, Morgana! “

After reading the original book, Zhang Han is well aware of the relationship between Morgana and Holy Keisha. This name is a taboo in Angel Legion.

Dare to pretend to be big in front of Lao Tzu, it’s strange that you don’t disgust you!

On the mouth gun, who am I afraid of Zhang Ritian?

Not waiting for Zhang Han to finish talking, Leona had covered her stomach and smirked on the table.

didn’t expect This guy is not only strong, but also hard-working. Bringing him here tonight can be considered crooked. It would be better if I could get mad at those old Fairy!

If Zhang Han knew Leona ’s thoughts and thoughts, he would have to pretend to be a bit like a brother. But the dumb existence of the forced king Aizen was absolutely silent. The mouth gun is definitely a Great Accomplishment level expert, do n’t say Yan There are more than 7000 years old, and even 70000 years old, they still have the right photos!

Sure enough, the three beauty angels were all angry with Zhang Han, especially when he mentioned Morgana, there was an urge to pull swords and cut people.

Yan darkened his face and tried to take a few deep breaths before he pressed down his anger.

“In the end, Earth was suddenly exposed to the eyes of the Great Influence of the universe. We got the news that the gluttony Legion of the Styx galaxy is about to invade the Chiwu galaxy on a large scale. attack.”

“So what?” Leona unable to bear asked rhetorically.

“We hope Earth will maintain the justice order of angels together in the name of justice!”

“In our blazing sun star, there is no word for justice, can you explain it?”

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Han suddenly twitched his eyes, and suddenly felt that Academy was letting Leona to negotiate. It was really stupid, and it would be better to show up in person.

There are some things that Zhang Han does not think of, but he is too lazy to think about it, too lazy to do that’s all. Leona belongs to the kind of incomplete thinking, speaking and doing things based on his own likes and dislikes.

With emotional negotiation, it is really a ghost to reach an agreement!

If you have experienced a later war, then look back at this Leona ’s negotiation with Angel Yan, and a few days later, Garen ’s negotiation with Holy Keisha, 9 out of XNUMX will come to say ‘slot! Was the guy who was negotiating back then stupid? Why not promise to form an alliance with Angel Legion and use the Great Judgment to destroy Morgana? ‘

Yeah, why did things evolve into what they looked like?

Just because the Great Judgment will affect a city, how many 1000000 lives are trifling?

Maybe some people think that Zhang Han’s ideas are cold-blooded and the values ​​are distorted.

Why don’t you think about how many people died after the war? How much land has been lost? How many people are displaced? How much economic loss has occurred?

Regarding these, the originals are unclear. In fact, they dare not explain, but the clues can be seen from the words.

Open the map and find where Luoyang is. You will be surprised to find that before Garen opened Wushuang, gluttony Legion almost hit the Yellow River from south to north! !

Most of China’s fall into China can be calculated by taking the ass, which is 1000000 times stronger than the 10000 people who died in trifling!

In the original book, until the end of the plot, the Protagonist was brainless, killed the leader of gluttony Legion, and scared all the intruders away!

Please forgive Zhang Han for using the word ‘fright’, but looking at it horizontally, gluttony Legion was scared away by the spirit of King 8 of The Force of Galaxy! ! And then, open a new plot, 3 corners?


I have an MMP that I do n’t know when to talk about it!

If Zhang Han came to preside over this negotiation, since the angel elder sister is willing to stretch out his long legs for you to hug, of course hurry up.

With the lives of several 1000000 people as bargaining chips in exchange for some of the eliminated technologies of the High Rank civilization, Earth Technology quickly moved out of the pre-nuclear era and was promoted to Interstellar Era. Then develop resources for other planets to improve technology and national strength.

As long as Holy Caesar does not die, Earth joining the Angel camp is safe. As for Morgana, under the great trial, even if it does not die, it will take a long time to recover.

Taking this opportunity, Earth can slowly farm and develop. After 100 80 years, will it be afraid of trifling gluttony Legion?

I sneered at each other with Leona giving tit for tat. The negotiations at this time broke down completely, and Angel Yan flew into the sky with the anger that was about to burst, and disappeared in an instant.

When the three angels disappeared into the room, Leona stood up smiling, teased, “You can’t see it, you’re quite sloppy, just noticed that the left-wing angel’s angry face was green.”

Zhang Han has a black line and would like to return a sentence. What am I telling you is the truth!

Just for this fucking world, no one wants to believe the truth.

At this moment, the entire Academy suddenly sounded the alarm, and the personnel left behind rushed to the laboratory.

“It seems that something went wrong in the laboratory. I’ll check it out. You can go directly to the dormitory.”

Leona hurriedly opened the door of the Conference Hall and went out.

Zhang Han’s heart moved. Almost as soon as the alarm bell rang, Vision sound transmission gave him, and the materials for the creation of the gods were available!

“Hu huh, it’s not a waste of effort after all …”

With the data of the God-making project, plus the genes of The Force of Galaxy and the light of the sun, Zhang Han’s own Fourth Generation Divine Physique will be officially on the agenda.

On the other side, Angel Yan flying out of Earth contacts Holy Caesar through the dark energy signal within the body.

“Your Majesty Queen, Earth Super Seminary refused our help.”

For a moment of silence, a burst of female voices directly projected in Yan’s mind.

“In that case, first respect Super Seminary’s opinion. Many times, they can’t recognize themselves without suffering.”

“And, Queen …”

Yan hesitated and thought of Zhang Han’s abominable face, which was a burst of gnashing teeth.

“What else?” Holy Keisha asked.

“I have already contacted the guy who owns the sub-creature, but he said … He said that he prefers Morgana to angels, and is likely to trust her in the future.

Hearing the name of Morgana, the holy Caesar on the throne stood up straight, squinting beautiful eyes whispered, “Oh? It turns out that Little Brat also supports the so-called fallen liberalism, this time is a bit troublesome!”

“No! Not because of this …”

“Why is that?”

“Because Morgana’s … chest is bigger!”


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