I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1073

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After all, Zhang Han did not live in Du “Rose” Katerina’s bedroom.

If it was just the first time through, I might feel so enthusiastic about such a tempting proposal, and I promised 2 words without saying anything. Only now, after the anti-season baptism of Boa Hancock and Tsunade, they already have a strong immunity to beauty.

Although Du “Rose” Katerina looks extremely beautiful and her body is top-notch, Zhang Han has no such thoughts for the time being. The big brothers in the family are playing Governor Zhou’s ‘2 Points in the World, Governance Across the River’. He really dare not open Water Crystal Palace anymore …

After a night of rest, Garen quickly stepped out of the shadow of the Nth broken relationship and resurrected in full blood.

“I also figured it out this evening. Even if Zhang Han acquired Goddess’s heart through base and shameless, it does not mean that I have no chance. In any case, I can’t give up easily!” Garen encouraged loudly in the mirror. Hold yourself.

“Good talk! I support you mentally!” Zhao Xin sat up and said.

Encouraged by 2 friends, Garen high-spirited and vigorous walked out of the dormitory and came to the rooftop where Du “Rose” Katerina exercised regularly.

His luck was good, Du “Rose” Katerina just exercised on the rooftop, but …

“I am different from the world you are in, as it should be by rights, and the understanding of space will also be different. Since you have the ability to open the micro-space wormhole, then we skip the most basic theoretical stage and enter the 2nd Stage, which is how to use it! “

Early in the morning, Zhang Han was dragged onto the roof by Du “Rose” Katerina and asked about space issues.

In this World, micro-temporal wormholes exist objectively, and are not unique to a certain person ’s power. In other words, whether you use it or not, it is always there.

Of course, they can’t be found with the naked eye. Only when the talent in space reaches a certain level can these micro-worm holes be felt.

This is fundamentally different from the Space Power mastered by Zhang Han.

If you look at a person with colored glasses, no matter what they say, they will hear another meaning.

At this moment, Garen hiding in the corner is like this.

I saw both of his hands holding his head, his head deeply buried in the middle of his knees, shaking all over his body, showing that his heart was also violently fluctuating.

“Talk about the space of the bedroom? And skip the theoretical stage and start to practice …”

Garen, who has never passed the physics exam, cannot understand what a wormhole is, but he understands what Zhang Han is saying. Reminiscent of yesterday evening, Du “Rose” Katerina invited Zhang Han to share a bedroom …

Everything was obviously in front of me!

“Fuck saves even the stage of dating, is this the rhythm of getting ready to take a blood? !!!”

Garen looked sorrowful, only felt that the world in front of him suddenly became gray, and everything seemed to drift away from himself …

Zhang Han is not clear about Garen’s psychological activities, but it is a little funny. This gangster knows the sloppy tracking all day long, so he jumps out and shows a sense of existence!

From time to time in front of Goddess, how can someone remember you?

Hearing Zhang Han’s words, Du “Rose” Katerina’s face flashed with excitement, looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally to someone who was willing to teach himself Space Power.

But when I thought that I could only use a wormhole to launch a flying knife, I felt a little inferior and hesitated and said, “until now, I have to explore alone, and no one has taught me anything about this. It ’s too complete to be imitated. I have no nodded clues about the application of this aspect. “

Garen, who was out of tune in thought, almost spurted 30 feet away from the blood.

For that scum, Goddess secretly watched the small movie practice techniques …

What a trough this is! !

Garen really wanted to summon the courage to jump out and challenge Du “Rose” Katerina aloud, “Is it worth it ?!”

At this moment, the image of Aisubāgu Goddess in Garen’s heart completely collapsed and disappeared into ashes!

Suddenly remembered, I don’t know which Senior once said that behind every Goddess, there is a man who is so sick that she wants to throw up!

Previously, Garen was unbelievable, now he believes! !

Zhang Han shook the head, “It doesn’t matter, you try me first.”

“it’s here?”

Du “Rose” Katerina is hesitant and wants to ask, what if you are hurt?

But looking at Zhang Han’s calm face, he was not too embarrassed to ask the exit.

“I’m 芸 芔 茻 !! Even on the rooftop … Under the blue sky, is there any shame?”

Garen in the corner listened to the cheating couple’s flirting, and the pure little heart was immediately hit by 10000 points. With a strong desire to vomit, he stood up against the wall and left the rooftop silently.

The humble back was full of sadness.

Facing Zhang Han’s encouragement, Du “Rose” Katerina took a deep breath, double raised hands, the surrounding space suddenly became blurred, and then several flying knives sprang out of it, shooting towards Zhang Han ’s door. .

“Be careful……”

Seeing Zhang Han standing still, letting the flying knife pass through his body, Du “Rose” Katerina couldn’t help but widen her eyes and exclaimed.

But the next second, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

Those flying knives didn’t seem to touch any entity at all, so they passed directly through Zhang Han’s head …

“How is this possible? How did you do it?”

If Zhang Han opened a tiny wormhole in front of her, Du “Rose” Katerina could understand it well, but she clearly saw that the flying knife was completely submerged in Zhang Han’s head and shot out of his head.

This has subverted her until now’s understanding of the world!

“This is also an application of space. When facing an attack, transfer your body to a different space to achieve the effect of avoidance. After all, it is not in a space. No matter how strong the attack is, it is useless to hit me. “

Zhang Han explained the principle in general, and then said, “Since you can use the wormhole at will, you must also have a certain scale of different spaces. This method should not be very difficult for you.”

“so that’s how it is !”

Du “Rose” Katerina suddenly realized, followed by brows knit, “However, the dark computer in the armor can only transfer the body into the wormhole after the calculation is complete, and cannot transfer only a part. Also, after the transfer, How do I close the wormhole? “

“This is a problem!”

In Super Seminary World, Micro Wormhole is already there. Super fighters like Du “Rose” Katerina are still in the “borrowing” stage, and as Zhang Han does, a single thought can drive space arbitrarily.

Zhang Han thought for a while and said, “The previous problem is easy to solve, at worst you directly transfer the entire body into a different space, as for the latter problem … Academy should have a way to close the wormhole?”

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