I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1068

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Even more frightening is that when the pressure came, all the residents in the town were stunned and fainted. And their souls were crushed and crushed like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and they died completely!

In just one or two seconds, the entire Huangcun has no living life except Zhang Han and Morgana!

If before this, Zhang Han still fought against Morgana with a tentative and incisive attitude, and now, he is really angered, really desperate! !

When Zhang Han of Sage of Six Paths Mode is turned on, the whole person is like a glowing night pearl with a light green fluorescence. The hair shattered at first, and the clothes on his body were burning with the flame of Reiryōku.

9 Gudōdama, 6 surround behind, and 3 float on the left wrist. Just like Spiritual God came to earth, in horror, but with a slightly sacred feeling.

“Fuck, what’s the hell energy?”

Facing Zhang Han, who changed his image a lot, Morgana twitched again.

When Zhang Han turned on the Sage of Six Paths Mode, the dark computer of Morgana within the body had been running at high speed, which could wait for a long time and still could not calculate the energy structure of the other party.

With a single energy model, a dark computer only needs a short time to calculate the energy composition, but if there are more than two types, the calculation time immediately increases exponentially.

Zhang Han in the Sage of Six Paths Mode, within the body contains all Yin and Yang Power of Five Elements, Kekkei Mōra, which is a fusion of 7 kinds of elements. If you want to calculate it, at least several decades, or even a few hundred years time.

It is precisely because of the characteristics of the dark computer that Zhang Han uses this ability.

Dark World, Dead Song Academy, watching Death God Karth of 2 people fighting through the video, seeing Gudōdama floating around Zhang Han, his face suddenly changed wildly, and the expression on his face was 10000 points …

“This is, the first-level secondary creature?”

Karth pointed tremblingly at the screen, his face incredulous. Emotionally agitated, his body involuntarily shivered, as if he was suddenly mad.

“Cracking a joke?”

The servant who was on the side heard Karth’s words, and the whole person was not good for a moment.

The definition of world in Super Seminary is generally 3 types.

One is the world that is visible, touchable, and perceptible to the naked eye, called the material world.

One type is the world that cannot be observed by conventional means, but can be seen through the eyes of insight, called The Void.

The last category, until now, has no definite evidence to prove that it existed, and it is named as the secondary creature world of the void world by Death God Karth!

The so-called end of science is God!

When dark matter reaches Peak, it will appear to subvert all laws, including the law of conservation of mass and energy, also known as Ultimate Dread.

Throughout his life, Death God Karth has been studying Ultimate Dread. But when he hadn’t researched any results yet, he saw a kind of ordinary person class of the Shenhe civilization who actually had something similar to secondary creatures!

How could this not shock him?

Karth took a few deep breaths before finally depressing his inner shock, and an ecstatic expression appeared deep in his eyes, murmuring, “Damn! This human … He must be caught here anyway!”

Zhang Han, who is in Earth, certainly does not know that Karth is crazy about Gudōdama.

In fact, in addition to Time and Space, Gudōdama can be said to be all-inclusive, and even has the ability to create and destroy the world. This world on the scientific side is actually almost the same as the secondary organism.

It can only be said that the systems of the two are not the same. Zhang Han’s Cultivation System, although not as precise as scientifically stated, nor the nature of large-scale popularization, can not be achieved by science in some ways.

For example, the soul.

Zhang Han floating in the air, with cold eyes looking down on Morgana, his left hand lifted slightly, three Gudōdama at the wrist connected end to end, high-speed rotation.

“Ginrin Tensei Baku!”


The silver-grey storm turned faster and faster, like a giant tornado lying down, rushing towards Morgana.

In a short time, the energy composition of the power of Six Paths could not be calculated, Morgana simply gave up the calculation, left raised hand, a steel giant claw more than three times larger than his body appeared in front of him, and 3 fingers were inserted fiercely The ground protected her firmly.


The terrifying storm strikes on the steel giant claw, immediately pushing it back, slipping backwards.

The storm that raged due to the collision invaded the surrounding houses. In just a few seconds, the entire town was completely destroyed by the energy dissipated. A dozen kilometers around, it became a pure land.

Nothing can escape the merciless cutting of the storm.

Fortunately, the devil’s claw is a god-killing weapon, even under Ginrin Tensei Baku’s continuous strikes, it is still intact.

When the storm passed, 5 grim ravines were left on the ground, extending several kilometers away.

Morgana’s full breasts were undulating, and there was a rosy glow on her face.

“Lying trough! This bastard, why did the attack suddenly become so powerful?”

Buzz, buzz, buzz …

Before Morgana could come up with a countermeasure, there was a sharp beep in his ear. Looking up, in the sky, I don’t know when to start. There are more than a dozen high-speed rotation energy balls, which are held by the energy arms.

The sharp air knife, as if to cut the space, was terrifying!

“Six Paths — Kamui • Ten 8 consecutive shots!”

With the cold bass, Rasenshuriken floating in the air was flung out one by one.

Not only that, during the flight of Rasenshuriken, Zhang Han’s eyes widened suddenly, and Rinne-Sharingan emerged. Immediately afterwards, under Kagutsuchi’s control, Jigōku no Myūroi, which merged the flames of Amaterasu and Jigoku, attached to Rasenshuriken.

In the face of such a violent attack, Morgana has no other choice but to control the devil’s claws and protect his body firmly inside.

Boom, bang, Bang…

Each Rasenshuriken is a super-equivalent nuclear bomb, and the terrifying explosion turns into endless wind and flames, spreading unscrupulously around the world.

Compared to nuclear bombs, Rasenshuriken formidable power integrated into Space Power is even more tangible and intangible, all torn and crushed by this violent force!

Above heaven under earth, everything seems to tremble in the roar!

After the explosion, within a radius of 10 li, all of them were burning green flames. Only the 3-foot square protected by the devil’s claw was spared.

What makes Morgana surprised and angry even more is that his devil’s claw was injured by Rasenshuriken!

On the backs of the 2 giant claw’s hands, large dents and various degrees of damage appeared. The cracked slit spread towards the fingers, and it looked rather miserable.

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