I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1066

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“Start dark energy analysis …”

Within a few seconds, various data of Zhang Han’s body appeared in Morgana’s mind.

Obtaining Zhang Han’s physical data, Morgana’s complexion turned pale and flickering, her delicate red lips trembling lightly, showing her heart, and also in a fierce fluctuation.

“Only the physical strength of the Second Generation super warrior? Instead, he has mastered the High Rank micro-space wormhole … Are you teasing me?”

What does the Second Generation Super Warrior represent?

It was an antique gene that was almost eliminated by the demon Legion. As early as 1000 years ago, the High Rank generals in Legion have been upgraded to Third Generation super fighters.

But it is such an Old Antique, but has mastered such a high degree of black technology, it is simply reckless waste of natural resources …! !

Morgana scolded angrily, cursing Karth’s dehumanization silently. Only the idiot would like to study some strange things.

However, even if the other party has mastered the High Rank micro-space wormhole, in front of her, it is nothing. Through the analysis of dark energy, Morgana easily calculated the method of restraint.

I saw that she flew towards Zhang Han again, and opposite, Zhang Han reapplied the trick, using Kamui to transfer her body to Inner World.

However, in this brief moment, Kenbunshoku Haki’s vision of the future, he couldn’t help making his eyes widen and his expression changed greatly.


A strange black light flashed on Morgana’s fist, striking Zhang Han’s stomach like lightning.

It is this strange black light that forcibly pulled his body out of Inner World in an instant, and confined his space ability! !

Boom, bang, Bang…

In an instant, Zhang Han seemed to be hit by the front of a high-speed train, his body was like a shell, and he flew straight out. The houses that punctured the entire street in succession were buried in the rubble.

Although Kamui is easy to use, it also has disadvantages.

After the body Hollowfication, it takes time when you want to materialize again. While in Hollowfication, Zhang Han could not use other abilities, which also caused him to be able to complete the physicalization before Kenbunshoku Haki saw the future before Morgana hit the body, and then teleported out.

Therefore, this fist can only be forced with the body.


Just opened the crushed stone board, Zhang Han suddenly turned sideways and spit out a mouthful of blood. There was a fierce pain in the abdomen, like someone was holding an electric drill while drilling his muscles, and his stomach fluid was spitting out!

How long hasn’t been hurt?

I remember from the beginning of Zhuxian World, along the way, no matter what kind of Powerhouse encountered, Zhang Han has a way to play with each other in the palm, but this time, Zhenger 8 is taught to be a man! !

“Hehe …… really underestimated other world people!”

Zhang Han smiled bitterly at himself, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up, and the expression on his face was unprecedentedly serious.

Morgana was born in an angel civilization that continued for 100,000 years. The highly developed civilization is particularly evident in genetic science. It is a crushing advantage for Earth people.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the other party can read the body of weak and small civilized creatures at will, and then find the weakness, one strike certain kill.

For example, in the battle just now, after being played by Zhang Han with Kamui once, Morgana immediately solved the principle of using Space Power through dark energy analysis … As a result, Zhang Han was hit by a punch and defeated. .

Such a tactic is simply brainless and unsolvable. Unless Earth civilization is higher than angel civilization, there is no way to reverse the disadvantage.

“Although you have mastered the unique micro-space-time wormhole, in front of me, it will not have any effect. Even if I only a single thought, I can block the surrounding space.”

After hitting Zhang Han with a punch, Morgana did not take advantage of the chase, but instead walked in step by step and sent an invitation to the opponent again.

“How about thinking? As long as you are willing to submit to me, I can help you make a bigger breakthrough in the micro Space-Time Domain, even if you want to upgrade the gene to the Third Generation super warrior, it is not difficult!”

Although Zhang Han only has the physical strength of the Second Generation super fighter, he has great potential. Moreover, he is still under Karth’s staff. The combination of various factors made Morgana love the talent, and could not bear to kill the other party directly.

Even Morgana had already planned in his heart, waiting for Zhang Han to be recruited, and then put him back to Death God Karth as a spy.

Some of Karth’s research results, even Morgana, are a bit greedy.

Zhang Han grinned at the impudent laughed and asked, “What kind of surrender do you want? Are you going up or down, or am I going up and down?”

Just broke Kamui, and he won. This kind of Long Aotian-style self-confidence Zhang Han has seen more, and those people ’s graves are almost Zhang high, Zhang Han does n’t mind, Zanpakutō has another dead soul!

“Fool! You shouldn’t provoke me!”

At this time, Morgana was really angry.

“Stupid, Byakuya dreams day by day, but it’s not a good habit!”

Zhang Han giving tit for tat’s sarcasm. The thick disdain, the irritating Morgana was almost mad.

“Asshole! I want you to die !!”

Suddenly, Morgana had a pair of hands, and saw a little blue light and shadow flashing in the sky, like a bird cage, covering the whole town in it.

The moment the light and shadow came down, Zhang Han felt that he had lost contact with Inner World!

“Fuck, Super Seminary’s black technology is really a motherfucker!”

As long as the ability is unlocked, it is equivalent to complete restraint … No matter who encounters this kind of thing, I am afraid that it will not calm down.

Zhang Han tie Qing face, right hand stretched out, a little black glow appeared at the fingertips.

“Hadō no. 90, Kurohitsugi!”

Suddenly, layers of black walls flashed around Morgana’s body, trapping her in it. Then, there were 1000 to 10000 sword shadows emerging from the in the sky, vowing to shoot her completely into a sieve.

“Lying trough! What kind of energy is this? Haven’t you figured it out yet?”

In Kurohitsugi, feeling the soul energy that is very different from the wormhole of micro-time space, Morgana burst into a thick mouth again, and quickly squatted down. The 2 steel wings behind him protected his body firmly.

叮, 叮, 叮…

10000 1000 sword shadow shot on the wings, immediately bursting countless electric flowers, but in addition to leaving a few shallow traces on the wings, no sword shadow broke through Morgana’s defense.

“Only the body can resist the attack of Kurohitsugi …? This fuck, shouldn’t it be so magical !!”

In the scene in front of him, Zhang Han was dumbfounded, and then envy Envy hated.

It’s really more popular than people.

I originally thought that my fleshy body strength is already at a very high level, but compared with Morgana, it is still a few times worse!

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