I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1058

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“You guy, the strength is not good, the mouth is very easy!”

Zhang Han’s words instantly angered Uchiha Madara. I saw his both hands forming seals. The Jūbi behind him suddenly turned into a liquid Chakra and surged towards the back.

The huge Jūbi, disappeared in just a few seconds, all the power penetrates into Uchiha Madara within the body.

After becoming Jūbi no Jinchūriki, the image of Uchiha Madara changed dramatically. A robe of Sage of Six Paths Mode was wrapped around the body, holding a fairy wand in his left hand. The original black hair became pure white, and 9 Gudōdama floated behind him.

Retrieve Rinnegan and become Jūbi no Jinchūriki again, open Uchiha Madara of Sage of Six Paths Mode, a breath above the entire world emerges spontaneously, and the flames of the clothes are actually chakra.

“I am still not qualified to fight you?”

Uchiha Madara flew into the air, glancing indifferently at Zhang Han.

Today, his confidence is not weaker than that of Rikudō Sennin, a trifling Zhang Han, since it is very easy!

Feeling the imposing manner of Uchiha Madara, Zhang Han only had endless pity besides sneering.

“Don’t say you are not a god, even if you really become a god, there is no need to fight you. Instead of wasting time with me, it is better to do what you should do!”

What is his attempt?

This sentence was held in Uchiha Madara’s heart for a long time, and he wanted to ask for the exit, but when Zhang Han was filled with compassionate eyes, his self-esteem seemed to be deeply hurt.

Laozi has become Jūbi no Jinchūriki, comparable to Rikudō Sennin’s great existence. Why should I look at me with that kind of eyes?

“Damn bastard, what are you …? Don’t look down on people too much !!”

At this moment, what Infinite Tsukuyomi, what world peace, was left behind by him, and I just thought about it, kicking the bastard in front of me under Jigoku!


The rest of the plot is not difficult to imagine. Uchiha Madara in Sage of Six Paths Mode is so powerful that it is not the second person in the ninja world.

But even so, in the face of Zhang Han in the form of light, even Kakuzu can’t touch him. Even using the tomb and the prison, it was also sensed by Zhang Han’s Kenbunshoku one step in advance, and no achievement was made.

After consuming a huge amount of Chakra, Uchiha Madara finally stopped this useless work, and reason recovered immediately.

“Don’t waste your energy! Even if there is Sage of Six Paths Mode, I can’t catch up with the incarnation of light. If you have the ability, you can use Infinite Tsukuyomi, and pull me into your Genjutsu.

Using the speed to play around with Uchiha Madara, Zhang Han became more and more impatient, and even the low-end childish radical method was used by him.

Silently thinking, if the guy in front of him is no longer interesting, he will directly fight each other to create opportunities for Black Zetsu.

After all, after waiting for more than 1000 years, seeing that all the conditions for Kaguya’s resurrection have been met, Zhang Han did not believe it, and Black Zetsu was not in a hurry!

Hearing Zhang Han’s words, Uchiha Madara shone eyes shined.


The opponent’s speed is too fast, there is no space type ability, trying to catch up with him is almost as difficult as heavenly ascension, but Infinite Tsukuyomi is different!

After launching, even if he hides on the other side of Earth, he will fall into Genjutsu …

By that time, how to conceal him was not a matter of his own words?

“Since that is the case, let it be as you wish!”

Uchiha Madara is no longer entangled in the lesson Zhang Han, his body floats straight up high.

I don’t know when it will rise, the moon hanging high in the sky has changed to the color of blood, strange demonic aura is chilling.

Uchiha Madara looked up at the blood moon and murmured, “According to the content of the stone monument, when the owner of Samsara Power approaches the moon, the eye of the moon used to realize the infinite dream will open … Illuminate the world!”

While speaking, Uchiha Madara opened the gap in the middle of her forehead suddenly, revealing a bloody eye with 9 hooks-Rinne Sharingan!

At the same time, above the blood moon, a circle of threads also appeared, dotted with 9 black hook jade, as if separated by hundreds of kilometers, echoing the eyes on the forehead.

“Infinite Tsukuyomi!”

At this moment, the pupil power of the projection on the moon turned into dazzling white light, which spilled into the world.

the entire world is in this brief moment, silent and silent!

White light penetrates trees, houses, mountains and rocks … no matter what, it can’t stop its footsteps. The darkness and shadows of the whole world are dispelled by this light.

Everything is shrouded in rays of light, and there is a white piece in the eyes.

Under the light of the rays of light that runs through the entire world, whether it is Shinōbi, civilians, or even pets, wild beast, they involuntarily raise their heads and look to the sky.

Two eyes turned into Rinnegan exactly like Uchiha Madara!

the entire world, caught in the large Genjutsu created by Infinite Tsukuyomi.

“What’s going on? Why didn’t they and everyone move?”

In Formation, Tsuna panned back and forth in panic, but found that Shinōbi outside was as if he had been sculpted and looked up to the sky.

“Is that the god of light? That Formation, it should be the father protecting me …”

Realizing that something was wrong, Tsuna was both panicked and frightened. The trembling with fear stayed in the Formation and did not dare to go out. The women of Tsunade and Kushina also carried a shocking expression, facing the companions of each and everyone who were caught in Genjutsu, a feeling of powerlessness hit their hearts.

At the beginning of Infinite Tsukuyomi, Zhang Han freely released several Formations to protect his family. As for others, he was temporarily helpless until he defeated Kaguya.

in the sky, Uchiha Madara hands together, low shouted, “Shin: Jukai Kōtan!”

Hong long long !

On the ground, very thick and thick trees, like giant vines, broke out of the ground, and at the same time, there were countless strange bandages extending from it, wrapping Shinōbi trapped in Genjutsu into dumplings and hanging on the branches.

These Shinōbi will be continuously extracted Chakra by God Tree to become Kaguya’s resurrection energy. Their Destiny will eventually become a member of the White Zetsu army.

Uchiha Madara stood proudly for 9 days, and the white rays of light sprinkled over his head set off him, as if he were the only True God in the world.

“Hahaha … Infinite Tsukuyomi, finally completed! Dream world without unknown Chakra … started!”

When he spoke, his face was full of crazy smiles, and he quickly converged.

At this moment, the entire world, except for Zhang Han and a few people, there are no living creatures.

Uchiha Madara tossed and turned in 4 Gu, and suddenly found that Tsuki no Me Keikaku, who had planned for decades, succeeded in bringing a huge sense of satisfaction, even the one who could share his joy with him!

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