I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1055

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“The guy in Obito … I’m afraid the war is not going smoothly, otherwise I will not be resurrected in this state, I hope he has his own consideration!”

Uchiha Madara stepped forward, although there were many doubts in his heart that could not be solved, but since he was reincarnated, he would end the war first.

“The forgiveness of the word” forbearance “, but the costumes are different. Is this a new army united by the five great powers?”

Several shadows deflected their heads one after another, not wanting to ignore him.

Now that he knows that all this is planned by Uchiha Madara in secret, no one will have a good impression on him. Even if his body is out of control, he must at least express his attitude.

In silence, Nìdaime Raikage suddenly stiffened, and then his eyes dimmed, his own consciousness was replaced by Yakushi Kabuto.

“I’m Kabuto, Edo Tensei’s caster, is also the assistant behind the scenes.”

“Talking to me through Edo Tensei is really shady enough.” Uchiha Madara arms across chest sarcastically.

Yakushi Kabuto disregarded it and said with a little complacency, “Your Edo Tensei is specially prepared by me, and its strength is better than at the peak period.”

“Have you seen me at the peak period?”

Everyone can say big things. Yakushi Kabuto’s bragging words are so naive and ridiculous in Uchiha Madara’s ears.

“No, I haven’t seen it. So please let me know, Uchiha legendary power!”

Uchiha Madara did not speak anymore, and walked towards the coalition.

The footsteps were getting faster and faster, until later, lightning rushed into the coalition camp, tiger entering a flock of sheep Generally, every shot, will take a fresh life.

There is Sharingan’s dynamic vision, and the move attacked by the Shinōbi of the coalition, the speed is like a snail, and he is always avoided by him with no difficulty.

Before long, a piece of Shinōbi was killed by Uchiha Madara, and a large vacuum belt appeared on the battlefield in an instant.

“Don’t you dare to dance? Fire Release, but the fire is extinguished!”

Uchiha Madara’s contemptuous laugh, both hands forming seals, spit out a flame from his mouth. The flame just flew out, and immediately turned into a violent wave, sweeping towards the crowd.

B-Rank Ninjutsu also has A-Rank and even S-Rank’s formidable power in Uchiha Madara’s hands!

At this moment, a city wall made of pure sand rose up from the ground, blocking the flames on the way, but it was Gaara who saw the situation in crisis and shot it himself.

Follow closely from behind, Sāndaime Tsuchikage, Yōndaime Raikage, Gōdaime Hokage, and Gōdaime Mizukage all jumped into the battlefield and surrounded Uchiha Madara in the middle. As for Ulquiorra and Minato and the others, they ran to intercept the first generation movies.

A great battle between Kage Levels broke out in an instant, and the entire battlefield was divided into several parts. Various dazzling Ninjutsu flew in the air. The original bustling Konoha had already been destroyed, leaving only ruins and broken tiles in the ruins A silent sigh.

Facing Uchiha Madara, even if the shadows of the 5 big villages unite, they are far from opponents. Before long, Ōnoki and the others were seriously injured by one after another and fell to the ground.

Uchiha Madara jumped to the top of a ruin, both hands forming seals.

Suddenly, the subtle blue Chakra rises around the body, converging with each other and condensing into a half-huge giant with several dozen meters high.


The appearance of the blue giant instantly attracted everyone’s attention. I saw 4 arms and 2 2 forming different handprints. The weird appearance was a bit confusing.

But after a few seconds, they finally knew what Uchiha Madara did …

Hong long long ……

Looking up, the whole sky seemed to tremble slightly, and a huge meteorite covering the sky was dropping from the sky, falling down towards the coalition.

The huge shadows shrouded the people and pressed their hearts.

“God … meteorites ?!”

“Cracking a joke? What the hell is going on?”

“Tell me, this is Genjutsu, right?”

Seeing meteorites falling fast, Shinōbi looked different, with fear and despair, and even more unbelievable, thinking they were dreaming.

A breath called unrequited love spreads among the people, but it was the Konohagakure Shinōbi who was devastated by Zhang Han Kyūraishin, and each and everyone appeared unsurprised.

At first, 9 meteorites were blocked by them. This one is not a thing at all!

As the wave wind Minato came out of the crowd and flew high into the air, preparing to use the Hiraishin guide to transfer the meteorite to other places, Uchiha Madara standing on the ruins suddenly changed dramatically.

“How is it possible? Why did the meteorite break away from my control ?!”

Uchiha Madara lifted his head, his face unimaginable. Then he calmed down again, anyway, the meteorite has been summon down, and even if he loses control, he will fall on the head of everyone with his inertia.

The result is still the same!

But the next second, his stiff expression stopped on his face.

“Komando Tī — Shukushō!”

Over the head in the sky, two meteorites falling in a row, suddenly shrinking the Small Accomplishment at a speed visible to the naked eye, under the control of inexplicable power, with an amazing sky-splitting sound, hitting down Uchiha Madara go with.

The mass remains the same, the volume has shrunk several hundred times, and the density of the two meteorites instantly increased to a frightening level, even if it is infinitely harder than steel.

The mutation in the sky is too fast, as strong as Uchiha Madara, and there is no reaction. The body is immediately penetrated by these 2 stones, exploded into countless pieces of paper, and scattered to the ground.

It wasn’t until this moment that Shinōbi with a sharp eye discovered that a silhouette in the sky slowly fell.

Looking away, not who else is Zhang Han?

“That’s … Konoha’s White Devil?”

“It’s Lord White Devil, yes … this time, we are saved!”

Zhang Han’s relationship with Tsunade has already spread throughout the entire Land of Fire, and Shinōbi in other countries is more or less familiar. Since he came to the battlefield at this time, he should not have come to help him.

This way of thinking is not limited to Allied Shinōbi Forces, even the shadows of those seriously injured. Especially Tsunade, when he saw Zhang Han coming, could not help but take a breath.

The pressure from Uchiha Madara is too great!

It’s just that when everyone saw the person Zhang Han was holding, he was instantly forced on the spot.

“Isn’t that Sir Kirā Bī? Why is Sir Kirā Bī in the hands of Konoha’s White Devil?” Kumogakure Shinōbi screamed one after another.

“It should be Lord Kirā Bī who was injured and rescued by Lord White Devil!” The companion said comfortably.

Many people think of other probabilities, but they dare not say it at all. Even if they guessed it was a lie, they were subconsciously denied.

If Zhang Han and Uchiha Madara are together, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

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