I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1048

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“Is there 2 movements? It shouldn’t be waiting too long.”

Zhang Han didn’t care about Ōtsutsuki Toneri’s careful thought, stood up, and walked towards the giant Tensegan.

The huge Tenseigan is not as powerful as the real Tenseigan, but it gathers all the Byakugan of the Ōtsutsuki family. The pupil power contained in it is definitely a crazy astronomical number.

Zhang Han is going to devour this terrifying pupillary force first, and then wait for Tenseigan to get his hand before injecting the pupillary force into it.

In this way, with the Byugagan of Hyuga Hanabi as the core, the pupil power of all Ōtsutsuki families as the raw material, the ultimate Tensegan evolved is definitely stronger than the original by at least one grade.

Hearing Zhang Han’s mutter, Ōtsutsuki Toneri couldn’t help but tremble.

How could he know what I was thinking? Is it a guess?

“It’s 3 times! Without the last fetal movement, Tenseigan’s ability will be greatly reduced.” The unwilling Ōtsutsuki Toneri flickered again.

“Hehe! I can tell you with certainty that 2 times is not a guess, don’t do unnecessary struggles, useless!” Zhang Han glanced at each other, indifferently said.

At this time, Ōtsutsuki Toneri was really shocked.

Although Zhang Han did not say so, the implicit meaning obviously told Ōtsutsuki Toneri in vain that he has a special ability to directly view the brain thinking.

Don’t take out the ugly tricks that cheat the little child!

Without paying attention to the desperate Ōtsutsuki Toneri, Zhang Han approached the giant Tensegan, pulled out Zanpakutō, and transformed into 1000 bloody tentacles, probing into the surface of the prohibition.

In an instant, the spell ban was swallowed up by Zanpakutō.

Immediately afterwards, all the tentacles penetrated into the huge Tensegan, engulfing this magnificent pupil.


Land of Lightning, Unraikyō.

Uchiha Obito looked down at the truncated Gyūki under his feet, and there were countless lying troughs in his heart.

With the powerful ability of his left eye Rinnegan and right eye Kamui, a trifling Gyūki is naturally not his opponent. But at the critical moment of arresting Kirā Bī, the other party even gave up a tail and used Kawarimi no Jutsu to escape.

Uchiha Obito, who was undetected for a while, was just fooled by Gyūki.

Seeing more and more Kumogakure Shinōbi rushing to Unraikyō, Uchiha Obito had to temporarily abandon the plan to capture Gyūki and leave the Land of Lightning with the truncated tail.

Land of Stone, in the underground cave, White Zetsu looked at the tail brought back by Uchiha Obito and despised, “unimaginable, you with Rinnegan can’t even conquer a Tailed Beast, I don’t know what to say.” ! Your use of Rinnegan is incomparable to Nagato, it is really bad … “

Hearing White Zetsu’s accusations, Uchiha Obito sat on the stone couch angrily, leaving his head behind without saying a word.

Being played by Hachibi no Jinchūriki is definitely a stain that he will never erase.

But having said that, after transplanting this Rinnegan in the left eye, Uchiha Obito always has a strange feeling, as if Rinnegan’s pupil power is not enough.

When I played against Gyūki Kirā Bī before, I fell off the chain at a critical moment. Banshō Ten’in failed to pull back the escaped Kirā Bī because of insufficient pupil power, which caused the plan to fail.

“Is it because Rinnegan has been overdrawn by Nagato to become so unbearable?”

Uchiha Obito did not know that Zhang Han had swallowed half of Rinnegan’s pupillary power, and it was only Nagato’s excessive use of his eyes that would cause this depressing consequence.

A flash of excited rays of light flashed in Black Zetsu’s eyes and said, “Although the arrest of Gyūki has some flaws, it does not prevent Jūbi from resuming in an incomplete form. We have prepared decades of plans and finally You can start! “

At this moment, Black Zetsu and White Zetsu are completely separated into two bodies. White Zetsu controls the thousand thousand White Zetsu Avatar and fights head-on with Allied Shinōbi Forces. Black Zetsu cooperates with Uchiha Obito to forcibly capture Gyūki and Kyūbi.

Of course, what he really wants to do is not to mention Obito, not even Uchiha Madara, who has been resurrected.

Hearing Black Zetsu ’s words, Uchiha Obito ’s mood improved slightly, and he was instructed to 2 people.

“White Zetsu, let the Avatar army rush to Konoha tonight, Black Zetsu you to inform Yakushi Kabuto and let him reincarnate the prepared Powerhouse. When I face the Allied Shinōbi Forces directly, I will psychic Gedō directly on the battlefield Mazō. “

2 people were nodded and used Earth Release to get underground and left the cave.


A day passed quickly. After Zhang Han devoured the huge Tensegan, the artificial sun lost its energy support and fell completely into the darkness. Many of the Puppet puppets in the castle also had no energy source and fell to the ground, becoming Piles of useless machinery.

In the underground chamber, Ōtsutsuki Toneri sat weakly on the corner of the wall, panting heavily, a white face scary, and still sweating out incessantly.

Before that, he tried to escape from the Chamber of Secrets by teleportation, but Zhang Han discovered earlier that the prohibition set on the soul was instantaneously launched. The pain that penetrated into the soul made him want to die.

If he had no final illusions about Tenseigan’s power, Ōtsutsuki Toneri really wanted to hit him dead without giving the other party a chance to capture his eyes.

“For the time being, the last fetal movement should be coming soon …”

Zhang Han eyes opened in Cultivation, stood up and walked in front of Ōtsutsuki Toneri, took off the bandage tied to his eyes and observed carefully.

I saw the flocking pattern of one after another golden appeared in the eye pupil of the other party, and the pupil in the center showed blue, which is a sign that Tensegan is about to mature.

“Ah! Ah…”

While Zhang Han was observing Tenseigan, the last fetal movement came, and Ōtsutsuki Toneri covered his eyes with both hands, screaming and lying on the ground, seemingly enduring great pain.

Zhang Han frowns, back 2 steps.

In the field of vision, Ōtsutsuki Toneri has a light green Chakra. As time goes by, Chakra gathers more and more, almost as if a substantial layer of Chakra coat is wrapped on the body.

What surprised him even more was that the previous ban imposed on the other party’s soul was also broken up by the sudden Chakra!

The prohibition on the soul was washed away, which represents what is self-evident.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Han’s face was a bit ugly. Some time ago, when he devoured a part of Kaguya’s soul energy, he took multiple restrictions on Kaguya’s soul.

It was originally intended that after Kaguya was resurrected, he would directly initiate a ban to control her, and then steal God Tree’s Fruit.

However, from the point of view of Ōtsutsuki Toneri breaking free of the ban, I am afraid that as long as Kaguya is resurrected, the ban he has set is most likely unable to be guaranteed …

The script written in advance, before waiting for the show, is still dead … The depression here can not be rendered in a sentence

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