I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1043

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The butterfly effect brought about by Zhang Han is getting bigger and bigger, Uchiha Obito is forced to helplessly, and is in a rapport with Yakushi Kabuto in advance, at the same time Five Kage Summit is held in the Iron Kingdom.

Moreover, because of this time, Sasuke has not had time to merge with Uchiha Itachi, as it should be by rights, as it should be by rights cannot know the truth about Uchiha Clan ’s tragic extinguish sect, and he did not destroy the Five Kage Summit.

Without Sasuke’s trouble, and Danzō was assassinated by Zhang Han as early as 30 years ago, this time Five Kage Summit went smoothly.

Shinōbi from the major Hidden Villages mobilized one after another, and the haze of war quickly enveloped the entire ninja world.

As for Zhang Han, when Pain seal Gōbi, he left the Land of Rain and went to arrest Rokubi.

Zhang Han of incarnation of light left Amegakure no Sato and soon came to a fortress named Gecheng Mountain. Before that, he had ordered Land of Rain Shinōbi to investigate, and Rokubi no Jinchūriki now lives on the top of the mountain.

“Curious scenery!”

Zhang Han slowly fell from the sky and looked up. The fortress of 100 meters high was pulled up flat on the vast plain. It looked like a giant stone pillar inserted straight on the plain, which was extremely abrupt and unharmonious. .

嗖, 嗖, 嗖…

Seemingly touching the organ buried in the grass, Zhang Han had just landed on the ground and saw all directions shooting dozens of Kunai and Shuriken at the same time.

However, when Kunai and Shuriken were less than one meter away from their bodies, they were fixed in the air by Reiatsū, and immediately lost their motivation to fall in.

“There are traps at such a distance, and I am really cautious enough.”

Zhang Han spat out casually, again incarnation of light, and flew towards the top of Gecheng Mountain. But halfway through, he stopped suddenly.

“There is even a Formation … this thing, what can it do?”

Feeling the spherical Formation surrounding the whole mountain, Zhang Han was unable to talk.

With the strength to arrest Rokubi, how could this simple Formulation be blocked? I feel that Rokubi is too cautious!

In fact, both the traps on the plains and the formation on the mountain are designed to defend against the Forbidden Jutsu, a family of earth spiders from Gecheng Mountain, not what Zhang Han wanted to protect himself.

On the top of the mountain, escaped the guard expression nervously and said to Utakata and Firefly, “Someone has broken through the trap under the mountain and is approaching the fortress, in order to guard against the unexpected. ! “

“Dun guard, how about you?”

Yingying took the package from Dun guard and said worriedly.

“I have to pass on the news to Konoha and I will rush over later …”

While speaking, a circle with a golden spark suddenly appeared from a short distance, instantly attracting the attention of three people.

The circle grew larger and larger, and when the diameter was nearly 2 meters, Zhang Han stepped out of it, glanced back and forth at three people, and finally stopped at a slender figure, a handsome man.

Seeing Zhang Han, 3 people had complexion greatly changed at the same time, originally thought of such a high fortress, enough enemies to climb for a long time, so even if they feel urgent, there is still enough time to escape, but didn’t expect that the coming person has such a situation Magical means!

“Miss Hotaru, go away, I will hold him back!”

With the belief of mortal death, the guard stepped forward a few steps and stood in front of 2 people.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Han couldn’t help being frowned, although there were countless people dying in his hands, but he shot a gray-haired old man, and he still felt a little stubborn.

“I’m looking for Rokubi no Jinchūriki, Old Mister doesn’t need to lose his life for this, please let go.”

“What? Rokubi no Jinchūriki?”

Hearing Zhang Han ’s words, the guard was a little dazed, thinking that this guy was n’t here to grab Forbidden Jutsu … but Rokubi no Jinchūriki is what the hell again?

Thinking so, Yu Guang glanced at Utakata with a tense and serious face, and he was shocked again, shouldn’t he be referring to him?

Utakata was originally Shinōbi of Kirigakure no Sato. His Master had intended to pull Rokubi away from him within the body, but he was suspected of killing himself. Then Tailed Beast State killed the Master, and he escaped from the village.

He was hunted down by Kirigakure Anbu before, he lost blood and was comatose, and was rescued back to Gecheng Mountain by Firefly.

Therefore, neither guard nor firefly knows Utakata’s true identity.

Utakata pats escaped the guard’s shoulders and said, “The person this guy is looking for is me, you leave first.”

“No! Utakata -sama, as your Apprentice, how can I abandon you at this time?” Yingying flatly refused.

Looking at the three people who were hard to leave, Zhang Han was impatient. With a wave of his hand, a gust of wind rolled the firefly and escape guard, flying away from the top of the mountain and falling to the plain below.

“Damn! You …”

Seeing firefly and escape guard screaming and being swept away by the wind, Utakata couldn’t help but complexion ashen, angry.

“Relax, they are not injured.”

Zhang Han rushed to Rokubi no Jinchūriki laughed, but he was greeted with a frost-looking face and a hostile look.

“You should be thankful that the person who came is not me, nor any of the Akatsuki Organization.”

Look at Jinchūriki caught by Akatsuki Organization. Except Gaara was saved by Chiyo, everyone else was beaten to death, and then took Tailed Beast with the body, and each and everyone was miserable.

When he was alive, he suffered from the body Tailed Beast and the exclusion of the village. When he died, he suffered another crime. If he counted Edo Tensei of Yakushi Kabuto in the 4th war, his soul was pulled out and used as a Puppet. Abuse …

Jinchūriki is definitely the hardest kind of Hokage world, no one!

“Hmph! But you also have a virtue with those people, and I want that within the body that’s all, why should it be so nice?” Utakata refused at all and retorted.

Zhang Han shook the head, “Not the same! If I shoot, you can still stay alive. It will no longer be Jinchūriki, the sky is high and the sea is broad. Is n’t it very comfortable for you to roam?”

“Do you think I will believe your gibberish?”

Utakata took out the flute pinned to his waist and put it on his mouth, blowing several hundred soap bubbles in a row. For a time, the two people were surrounded by large and small soap bubbles, reflecting beautiful colors.

Zhang Han felt a sudden return to Sabaody Archipelago.

Looking through the dense soap bubbles, Utakata’s silhouette suddenly became illusory, and then disappeared into the field of vision.

At the same time, all the soap bubbles drifted towards the sky, if they were ordinary Shinōbi, even if they knew that the other person was hiding in one of the soap bubbles, they could not find their true body in a short time. But for Zhang Han, who owns Kenbunshoku Haki, this approach is still somewhat superficial.

“such insignificant ability !”

Zhang Han’s disdainful laugh, right hand index finger and middle finger together, swiping at one of the soap bubbles.

Suddenly, a tyrannical Invisible Sword was born out of thin air, waving his head with an amazing sky-splitting sound. The sharp Sword Intent contained in it seems to cut off the mountain underneath.

“How can it be?!”

Utakata, hidden in the soap bubble, suddenly opened his two eyes, staring incredulously at the slashed word glow. This Invisibility Technique helped him to escape the numerous killings of Kirigakure Anbu, but didn’t expect and was instantly spotted by the other party.

Faced with an overbearing and sharp blow, Utakata couldn’t hide his body any more, and hurriedly blew out several larger soap bubbles, wrapped in layers, protecting himself in it.

Under the turbulence of Chakra, the defensive power of soap bubbles is stronger than steel.

However, is Zhang Han’s sword glow so compatible?


The sword glow was chopped on the soap bubble, immediately bursting into an explosive strong wave, and then there was a violent force, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, destroying the layers of soap bubbles, falling on Utakata.


Accompanied by a scream, Utakata’s blood raged on his shoulder like a missile, hitting the ground heavily from the sky.

“This is too weak …”

Kenbunshoku sensed Utakata’s physical condition, and Zhang Han couldn’t help but hook the head. As the village’s ultimate weapon, he couldn’t even stop himself with a sword. He was completely speechless!

However, in the original book, except for Kyūbi, the other Tailed Beasts are more than one waste wood, and they are somewhat relieved. After all, not every Jinchūriki is a child of fate …

Zhang Han flashed up and appeared in the pothole smashed by Utakata. He lowered his body and pressed his left hand to the opponent’s abdomen.

“You, cough cough …”

Utakata stared at his eyes and wanted to say something, but just opened his mouth and immediately coughed up a big sip of blood foam, his face even more pale.

Treating Utakata, Zhang Han is not as cautiously as Kushina. Reiatsū surging in the left hand, simply and rudely dragged Rokubi out and transferred to Inner World.

Losing Tailed Beast, Utakata’s life force quickly drains at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and the skin on the surface is also like a withered bark, wrinkled and wrinkled, like a moment from a young man to an old man who is about to die.

Zhang Han splits out several Spirit Clone to make it supplement the Yang Release life force to Utakata, and to cast Toki no Akū himself to speed up the recovery of the other body.

It didn’t take long for Utakata to change back to his previous appearance, and even the wound cut on his shoulder disappeared.

“Why not kill me?”

Looking at Zhang Han standing up, Utakata’s eyes flashed with doubt.

“I’m lacking hatred and enmity with you, just want to catch Rokubi, why kill you?”

Zhang Han glanced at each other strangely, then changed into light, and the brush disappeared without a trace. Only Utakata was left, staring at the sky in the distance.

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