I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1040

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Three years ago, when Zhang Han and Konoha fought, they used Kamui to avoid Maito Gai’s attack. At that time, Uchiha Obito was far away and could not distinguish it for a while, but he ignored it later.

Who knows now and then, and later realized that Zhang Han would also be Kamui!

Once the most proud, and his own 10000 kaleidoscope ability suffered a cottage, one can imagine Uchiha Obito’s inner depression and depression.

“I realized this by watching Kakashi’s ability to use space, so it was called Kamui!” Zhang Han pretended to be shrugged, and the tone was as usual as usual.

It seems to be saying that geniuses are called geniuses because they just engage in random activities, which is enough for the ordinary person to explore for a lifetime!

Damn Kakashi, why gave him that damn eye! !

Uchiha Obito didn’t care about Zhang Han’s pretense. With the strength of the other party, even if he pretended to be, he had nothing to say. The anger in one belly can only be vented to the former friends.

At this time, my heart is already planning, when to grab back the left eye …

“Calm down, calm down! My purpose is Rinnegan, not Zhang Han, first find a way to separate him from Rinnegan …”

Uchiha Obito is very self-knowledge. Before collecting all Tailed Beast, he wants to defeat Zhang Han with a single-eyed Kamui, which is simply impossible.

He originally planned to use Kamui’s Hollowfication ability to evade attacks, and then take the opportunity to snatch Rinnegan. Now, you can only rely on it!

“Fire Release, Bakufū Ranbu!”

Uchiha Obito quickly seals, and the space in front of him is twisted and rotated immediately by the force of Kamui, generating a gust of wind. Immediately afterwards, a large flame spurted from his mouth. With the help of the storm, the flame suddenly soared like a fierce Fire Dragon, baring fangs and brandishing claws in an imposing manner.

In an instant, the temperature in the room soared sharply, exuding an uncomfortably hot breath.

“Is Kamui combined with Fire Release? Interesting!”

Seeing the Fire Dragon in an imposing manner, Zhang Han couldn’t help but eyes shined. In his induction, Fire Dragon not only has extremely high temperature, but also has the ability to Tearing Space. It can be said that the advantages of Fire Release and Kamui 2 are combined Together.

This is a reminder to Zhang Han. The ability to integrate Kamui with other systems is a very good development direction.

This combination, the equivalent of disguised to add the ability of Space Type in other attacks, if the development is good, any ability, will have S-Rank, even super-S-Rank Ninjutsu formidable power!

Previously, the space type capabilities mastered by Zhang Han, whether it is Doa Doa no Mi, Mira Mira no Mi, or Hiraishin no Jutsu, have more or less their own limitations, and there is not much room for development.

For instance, Space Ford, formidable power, is too large. It takes 100% of his grasp to consume a great deal of energy and has no spare time to develop compound ability.

Relatively speaking, Kamui seems to have no formidable power, but it is a 10000 gold oil ability.

Whether it is Kamui Shuriken in the original book or Bakufū Ranbu at present, it is not difficult to master, but the formidable power is very strong!

It can be said that Kamui’s cost-effectiveness is high, and there are no Ninjutsu comparable to it in the entire Hokage world.

Thoughts flashed in my head, and the movements in my hand were not slow.

I saw Zhang Han didn’t move, and swiped gently in front of him, whispering, “Bakudō no. 81, Dankū!”


Fire Dragon rushing straight ahead suddenly hit a transparent crystal wall, and immediately burst out like a firework.

The scattered scorching inflammation hit the wall, and suddenly torn the thick wall out of the cracks. The fire was burning, and the bricks showed a piece of black color.

Ka-cha, ka-cha ……

Although Dankū successfully blocked the Fire Dragon, it was also torn apart by the power of Kamui hidden in it, and the entire crystal wall was like a broken mirror surface, bursting out cracks.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Han couldn’t help but eyes shrank, and Kamui adjusted it up by another level.

In Shinigami World, Dankū is definitely High Rank Kidō. Generally speaking, Shinigami of Lieutenant Rank does his best not to break its defense. However, in the face of Kamui, who is also Space Power, defensive power plummeted.

Sure enough, only Space Power can shake the space type of defense.

On the other side, as if blocking Hanaku Bakufū Ranbu from Zhang Han, it was expected that Uchiha Obito would seal again, and then he bent down and slapped it on the ground.

“Wood Release, Jigoku’s chaos!”

Hong long!

The ground under Zhang Han’s feet shook violently, one after another a tree covered with thorns broke out of the body, followed closely by vines that wrapped around his body, and twirled.

However, these trees just touched their bodies and immediately passed through them, as if the two were not in a space at all.

It’s Kamui again!

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Obito was desperately wanting to vomit blood, and finally realized what kind of lying trough those enemies who faced him.

Although Wood Release failed to cause harm, it also succeeded in making Zhang Han’s body Hollowfication. Uchiha Obito knows that if the other party wants to become an entity, he must get out of the space where the trees are.

And these few seconds are his chance!

I saw that he finished printing again quickly, Chakra spouted out like no money, shouted,

“Uchiha — Kaenjin!”

A Crimson’s Flame Formation suddenly rose from the ground, breaking through the roof and going straight into the sky. The burning Bakuen’s Formation instantly encases Zhang Han and the surrounding trees.

At this moment, it seemed as if he was in the heart, White Zetsu, who was hiding underground, suddenly appeared, grabbed the glass bottle with Rinnegan hidden, and then dared not stop for a moment, and escaped again by Earth Release.

In Formation, Zhang Han’s face was gloomy and watery, and the right hand raised his palm into a knife, swiping in front of him.

All of a sudden, no matter whether it is a tree or a Formation, it is like a piece of paper, and it is cut and broken by the power of terror crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

After successfully grabbing Rinnegan, Uchiha Obito’s tense heart finally relaxed slightly.

Powerful, what about Megatron? Isn’t it a plot against such a simple strategy?


Just when Uchiha Obito was smug, Zhang Han pulled his knife out of the sheath and took a step forward. As if Shrink The Land Into An Inch, lightning appeared in front of him and fell directly with a knife.

Dankū Kiru!

What about Kamui? I will too!

Not only that, but the power of Space Type is 100 times stronger than the other party!

In the face of this seemingly non-pyromatic slash, Uchiha Obito has a weird feeling in the underworld. It seems that even if he makes the body Hollowfication, he will be cut by this blade.

Intuitive things are unclear, but they are haunting and lingering in my mind.

It made his whole scalp numb and his hair stood up …

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