I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1033

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“How can that be done? Wouldn’t this be an enemy?”

Hearing Zhang Han’s words, Yahiko jumped up anxiously. Although Nagato on the side didn’t speak, he also agreed with the nodded.

When they learned that Nagato was used in partnership with Uchiha Madara and the mask Obito, they subconsciously regarded the other as an enemy. Rinnegan is such an important thing, and of course it is impossible to return!

Zhang Han thought about it a little and said, “I know what you mean, but now the situation is that the entire Tsuki no Me Keikaku is not aware of it except the mask Obito and Jue. But it is certain that they have spent so long And energy must be a great conspiracy to subvert the ninja world! “

When saying these words, Zhang Han placed himself on the stand considered for the entire ninja world without any sense of disobedience, and said with a heartless heart, “For the peace of the ninja world, we must wait patiently and wait patiently for opportunities . At least until they understand their plans thoroughly, it ’s better not to move. ”

“makes sense……”

“It seems that this is the truth!”

Yahiko and Nagato’s nodded coincidence was instantly fooled by the thought of Zhang Han’s “sorrow for mercy”.

“However, Rinnegan has been taken down. It will be discovered by the mask man for a long time!” Nagato said suddenly.

Without Rinnegan, as it should be by rights can no longer drive Pain, nor can Seal Tailed Beast.

Uchiha Obito is not a fool. It’s okay to hide for a day or two. After a long time, it will be noticed that the other party is wrong.

“This is a problem!”

Zhang Han thought for a while and suddenly his eyes shined. Although I can’t devour the entire Rinnegan, I can devour part of my pupillary …

With Rinnegan pupil power, you can at least make your eyes evolve again!

Since Bai merged into Bankai, these two eyes have remained at the level of 8-Tomoe Sharingan, and there has been no change in the past ten years.

Although Sharingan has most of Rinnegan’s abilities, his explosive power is much worse than other systems. In horizontal comparison, even Rinnegan of Nagato is slightly inferior, let alone compared with Uchiha Madara.

It is for this reason that Zhang Han only planned Tensegan, and now Rinnegan is in his hands, without swallowing some pupil power, how can he afford himself?

Think of it!

I saw that Zhang Han pulled out Zanpakutō and turned it into a dozen bloody tentacles. The tip protruded into Rinnegan, absorbing the pupil power that swallowed Rinnegan.

About Mo swallowed about half of his pupil power, and then stopped. Immediately close the two eyes and urge Reiatsū refining the newly acquired pupil power.

It did n’t take long for Zhang Han suddenly to open his two eyes. At this moment, the two eyes changed dramatically, and the white eyes and pupils were almost fuse together, all of which became Rinnegan ’s unique shallow purple.

The black circle is like a ripple in the water, a circle spreads out, and another 6 black hook jade embellishes it, it looks mysterious and magical!

If you have read the original book, you will find that after absorbing Rinnegan’s pupil power, Zhang Han’s two eyes have evolved into the same Rinne-Sharingan as Sasuke in the late period!

“Ah !!! Your … eyes !!!”

At first sight, Zhang Han’s eyes became Rinnegan, Yahiko was shocked dumbstruck instantly, his fingers trembling towards the other party, and even his speech became stuttering.

“what happened?”

Nagato had no eyes, couldn’t see the change of Zhang Han at the moment, and heard Yahiko’s exclamation, suddenly anxious, and fumbled down from the bed.

Yahiko took a deep breath, pressed down the inner shock, and said in a hoarse voice, “Han-sensei’s eyes suddenly became Rinnegan !!!”

“How can it be?”

At this moment, Nagato was also shocked not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, an extremely weird thought arose in my heart … Could it be said that Han-sensei is the real child of destiny? ! !

The speculation that the other party threatens the entire ninja world, such speculation seems to be really possible! At the very least, it is more reliable than being a child of destiny …

“However, Teacher’s Rinnegan looks different from yours.”

After being shocked, Yahiko bent down and carefully looked at Zhang Han’s eyes. Unable to bear raised his hand and rubbed his chin, quite puzzled.

“Come on, what’s different?”

At this moment, Nagato wished Konan would rush back immediately and transplant himself with two eyes. The dark world is so anxious …

“It’s roughly like yours … Oh, Rinnegan of Uchiha Madara is similar. However, there are 6 hook jade in Teacher’s eyes, I don’t know if there is any special ability.”

In general, Rinnegan in Hokage world can be divided into 2 categories.

One is Kaguya, and Rinne Sharingan owned by the Ōtsutsuki clan of Tianwai. The eyes present a scarlet overall, with 9 hook jades.

The second is Rikudō Sennin, Uchiha Madara, and Rinnegan of Sasuke. A little bit different is that Sasuke’s Rinnegan has 2 more jade than others.

Whether there is Gouyu exists, in fact, there is no difference.

Uchiha Madara has a round tomb and a prison, and Sasuke has Ame no Teijikara, which can be said to have their own strengths.

Zhang Han’s Sharingan was copied from Uchiha Fugaku, and Sasuke of common origins, after absorbing pupil power, evolved into Rinne-Sharingan instead of Rinnegan, not only for the above reasons, but also Hōgyoku’s urging effect.

Hōgyoku is so perverted, as long as Zhang Han has an impression of the ability he wants, and has the foundation to get this ability, he can be represented by Hōgyoku as a reality.

Relative to the round tomb attack with shadow, he prefers space ability.

“Ame no Teijikara!”


Yahiko only saw saw a flash, Zhang Han was suddenly disappeared, replaced by a small stone, stayed in the air for half a second, and then fell.

At this moment, Zhang Han used Rinnegan to exchange positions with the stones in the corner.

“Not bad, it looks like roomShanburuzu of Ope Ope no Mi. Within a certain range, space can be replaced at will. If necessary, a long-distance space door can be opened.”

Zhang Han is satisfied with the nodded, Ame no Teijikara not only can be used for defense, but also very helpful for offense.

Imagine that when the enemy flashed away from his slash, he was suddenly pulled back to the knife by Ame no Teijikara … What a sour feeling? !

Not only that, Zhang Han’s Rinne-Sharingan retains all the capabilities of the former Sharingan. In other words, this pair of Rinnegan equivalent to Nagato Rinnegan plus Sasuke’s Rinne-Sharingan.

It can’t be described as not powerful!

I saw his two eyes condensed, his pupils were vigorous, and Heavenly Path Pain lying on the ground instantly opened his eyes and stood up.

Yahiko was dumbfounded at this scene, his chin almost shattered.

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