I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1024

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As if I knew Zhang Han would be angry, Orochimaru was not too nervous, and said indifferently, “Konoha’s White Devil of famous family, and his Apprentice, of course, have strong research value. If Zhang Han ~ kun doesn’t like it, After this incident, I will destroy all blood backups and research materials. “

If there is no particularly serious stake, Orochimaru doesn’t want to have a relationship with Zhang Han at all.

Furthermore, when Zhang Han was reincarnated, Fleshy body was only used as a container for his soul, and the value of blood was not much higher than that of ordinary Shinōbi.

After so many years of research, Orochimaru has achieved little, and he has long lost interest in it. Rather than continue to study, it is better to destroy directly, and express goodwill to the other side.

Hearing this, Zhang Han looked pale.

“I hope you do what you said and get started!”

Orochimaru turned his head to indicate to Yakushi Kabuto, and the other party understood, found the blood samples of Yahiko in a large pile of bottles, and dragged a prisoner out of the cell at the base.

Orochimaru spread out the scrolls, poured blood on it, and immediately finished printing, urging Chakra to exhibit Edo Tensei.

At this moment, Zhang Han sensed a strange energy fluctuation, and then his eyes fell on the prisoner standing.

The spiritual sense clearly sensed that the ground beneath the prisoner’s feet suddenly became a space-time channel similar to a space door, exuding a strong Spirit Particle breath from it.

“This is … the entrance to the underworld ?!”

Zhang Han squinted two eyes and carefully noted this feeling.

He is still very interested in the underworld. If there is time in the future, he can go inside and turn around. Even if there is no baby, the Spirit Particle energy that is so rich that he feels palpitations is enough for Zanpakutō to absorb for a while. .

In the field of vision, countless pieces of palm-size paper flew out of the space door at the foot, and a piece of paper covered the prisoner as if it had been designed in advance.

It didn’t take long for the prisoner’s appearance and figure to become Yahiko.

“What a weird Ninjutsu !!”

Zhang Han has not remembered how many times he has sighed the magic of Chakra, but this time, he still has to sigh.

The principle of Edo Tensei is actually very simple. It can be summed up in 2 sentences, using flesh as the medium and replacing soul with soul.

In the process of reincarnation, the soul that was treated as a sacrifice will be dragged into the underworld by the force of mysterious, and in exchange, the soul that received the summon will be sent over and attached to the sacrifice.

In this process, it does not control the soul strength of the sacrifice, and how much difference it has from the summon’s soul, as long as it is the soul, it is equivalent.

For this reason, in the later period Orochimaru even took a few White Zetsu Avatar to summon out Hokage.

“Where is this? Shouldn’t I already be dead?”

Yahiko looked all around in a panic, then lowered his head and looked at the cracked body, a strange feeling in his heart.

It was as if someone had stitched their bodies back together, and then summon back to the soul.


Zhang Han looked at each other, and the cracked face gradually overlapped with the appearance in his memory, and a guilty emotion suddenly filled his heart.

At first, if you did not leave Hokage world so urgently, but stayed to take care of them for a few more years, maybe things will not become the situation today.

“Han -sensei !!!”

Suddenly coming to an unfamiliar place, Yahiko has been flustered and uneasy, but this emotion melted like ice and snow immediately after seeing Zhang Han.

A bright smile appeared on the slightly scary face.

“Did you save me? Han-sensei.”

“En!” Zhang Han nodded and said, “I think you need to know that more than 30 years have passed since I left.”

“More than 30 years …”

Yahiko’s eyes widened, his face dumbfounded, and he lingered for a long time before he said, “It turns out that it has been so long! I just don’t know what happened to Nagato and Konan.”

Zhang Han thought about it and said, “They, um, how to say, Nagato has changed his personality because of your death, and the Akatsuki Organization has not acted according to the policies of your life … In general, everything has become different. Now. “

“What?” “Akatsuki Organization was created by your Apprentice?”

Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto looked wild at the same time, and they couldn’t believe it.

Since betraying Konoha, Orochimaru briefly joined the Akatsuki Organization and still retains the ring with the ’empty’ engraved on it.

As for the strength and power of the Akatsuki Organization, Orochimaru does not know very well, but even the exposed Aisubāgu is enough for him to be afraid.

He couldn’t think of killing him. The huge monster that made the 5 major Hidden Villages extremely fearful and valued was actually created by Zhang Han’s Apprentice!

A prestigious Konoha’s White Devil with 8 sides, plus a prestigious Akatsuki Organization …

Are you going to the rhythm of heaven?

Indistinctly, Orochimaru seemed to see a picture of the ninja world about to change.

What about yourself? A leader of a small Hidden Village who has betrayed Konoha and Akkatsuki Organization, how should he be in the stormy sea that will sweep the entire ninja world?

A little cold sweat oozed from Orochimaru’s forehead and slid silently down his cheek.

“Well … as long as they are alive.”

Yahiko glanced at Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto strangely, not understanding why they were frightened and flustered. At this time, he did not know that the Akatsuki Organization had grown into a huge monster above the top 5 Hidden Villages, thinking that their scope of activities was still limited to the Land of Rain.

“When the moment of death came, I already wanted to understand that the policy regarding the Akatsuki Organization was a little too idealistic …”

Yahiko’s Akatsuki Organization is a bit similar to the Mohism in the Sengoku period of the ancient Spring and Autumn Period. Taking the idea of ​​both love and non-offensive, I ran to help small countries defend against attacks by big countries all day long.

Such an approach can indeed win over some anti-war figures.

The problem is that every time a war is launched, it is a consumption of astronomical figures. The great powers did not get enough benefits in the war, the equivalent to their own national strength was weakened, the national standard of living declined, and internal conflicts will inevitably intensify.

In this case, they will continue to wage war and divert contradictions … This is a vicious circle, and the war will not be temporarily stopped until the big powers annex the small powers or get enough benefits.

Human desires are endless, from small enterprises to large countries. As long as they exist, there will be expansionary ambitions, and the possession and plundering of resources will almost penetrate into their blood.

In this case, the Akatsuki Organization is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of all major powers. Even if Hanzō of the Salamander doesn’t do it, it will happen sooner or later.

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