I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1017

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Seeing the wave of Minato under Zhang Han’s intimidation, he almost fell into a dead place. Some of Shinōbi’s expressions were sad, some were desperate, and more were angry and unwilling.

Even Tsunade, who was watching from a distance, ran over to Unable to Bear, dragging Zhang Han’s sleeve, and looked towards him.

“Come again!”

I just want to kill a Hokage, but I do n’t mean to kill everyone in Konoha.

Isn’t Laozi dead?

Tsunade didn’t come to persuade. Fortunately, when this jump came out, Zhang Han was very angry, and there was an urge to pull the knife and cut people.

“Let go!”

The cold voice was like a thunderstorm, and Tsunade felt dizzy, and the pretty face was even white.

Tsunade tugged on Zhang Han’s sleeve, and didn’t mean to let go at all. A pair of beautiful eyes stared firmly at each other. Although he did not speak, he has already stated his position.

Hey! If you do n’t fight for 3 days, you will go to the house to uncover tiles, right?

Zhang Han is also amenable to coaxing but not coercion’s temperament. Faced with the stubborn Tsunade, face instantly changes is extremely ugly.


In Zanpakutō, the world’s anger in the world that had to be dissipated suddenly skyrocketed. The gray sword glow pulled the ground out of a terrible gully. The people watching it were all cold and cold.

In fact, Zhang Han can directly launch Kamui to turn the seized sleeve into Inner World. But as a transmigrator who pretends to be his duty, he can’t do such a shameful operation.

For a time, 2 people were so gloomy face, staring at each other, no one let anyone!

The depressed atmosphere made everyone breathless, and even the daughter Tsuna, who had always been spoiled, did not dare to intervene in his parents’ disputes at this time.

I don’t know how long after that, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Zhang Han’s mind. I didn’t pay attention to Tsunade anymore, but turned my head towards towards Bo Feng Minato instead.

“Something like this, I think you are no longer suitable for Hokage, what do you think?”

As soon as this remark came out, the silent atmosphere in the field came to a halt.

Nara Shikaku, who was clever and thoughtful, seemed to have guessed something. While breathing a sigh of relief, she felt inexplicably sad.

Wave wind Minato was startled, I don’t know why Zhang Han said this, but think about it again, the fact is true, then nodded admitted.

“Originally, I planned to take the blame and resign formally after this matter. Now that I have said this, let’s do it now.”

Bo Feng Minato turned around and said loudly to the people standing behind, “Because of my personal decision-making mistakes, Konoha suffered so much, I really feel guilty of everyone’s trust! I decided to officially resign from Hokage, please everyone. Choose talents, inherit Gōdaime Hokage … “

Speaking of which, Zhang Han suddenly interrupted, “Gōdaime Hokage, I think Tsunade is more appropriate!”


“It’s her? How does this work …?”

“Just what the hell?”

“Our Konoha business is of course decided by ourselves, without you worrying about it!”

As soon as the voice fell, I saw an uproar. Almost all Shinōbi, looked towards Tsunade in disbelief, eyes full of vigilance and distrust.

Even though the response was sluggish, a group of Shinōbi wanted to understand. Zhang Han is planning to take Tsunade’s hand to completely control the rhythm of Konoha …

Nothing can make his conspiracy succeed!

“hmph! ”

The sound of a drink interrupted the buzzing discussion, and the scene was instantly silent.

Zhang Han glanced with a cold face, and all Shinōbi who had been swept by his eyes bowed their heads stubbornly, daring not to stare at them.

“Tsunade, as the granddaughter of Shōdai Hokage, Apprentice of Sāndaime Hokage, and one of Konoha’s Sannin, a Renren owned by Ninja, how can I not be a Gōdaime Hokage?”

Everyone and everyone blushed and wanted to refute, but they were afraid of Zhang Han’s obscene prestige and dared not speak out.

Tsunade is indeed a rooted Hokage maid, but the problem is that she is also a woman of Zhang Han!

These Shinōbi are not fools, how can they not see the subtle relationship?

If Tsunade really became Hokage, wouldn’t Zhang Han become the Retired Emperor of Konoha?

Is this ok? !!

Tsunade looked slightly embarrassed, didn’t expect himself to jump out to stop Zhang Han from slashing Minato, but suddenly there was such a turning point.

For Gōdaime Hokage, she is not prepared at all.

Seeing the turbulence in the crowd, everyone couldn’t help Zhang Han, all locked in the eyes of disgust and hostility, Tsunade was ashamed and angry, unable to bear dragged Zhang Han’s sleeve, the mouth was slightly open, want to stop Zhang Han continued to prank.

Feeling that the sleeves were gently pulled, Zhang Han gave Tsunade an angry look. As if to say, Lao Tzu promised you not to kill Bo Feng Minato.

Don’t unsatisfied ha!

Tsunade’s face was stagnant, and he stiffly skimmed his head, no longer paid attention to him.

Zhang Han shifted his gaze and fixed his eyes on Jiraiya, mildly laughed.

“Hokage, as it should be by rights, requires strong prestige and seniority to serve the people. Jiraiya, you and Tsunade are both Sannin, and one of the oldest two of Konoha’s seniority. You think Tsunade is not a Gōdaime Hokage. ? “

Zhang Han bite the word “Qi” very seriously. The implication is that if Tsunade is not a Hokage, it will be your turn.

How can Jiraiya not hear the other person’s implicit meaning? Although he feels that Zhang Han is acting too aggressively, in order to avoid being tied up by Hokage, he can only brace oneself and say, “Due!”

Zhang Han was satisfied with the nodded, and then his eyes fell on Hyūga Hiashi.

The position of Hokage has always been decided by Konoha senior officials, and it ca n’t be beaten with any 8 votes like democratic votes. Once these senior executives are settled, what will happen even if the public opinion is boiling?

Still afraid that they won’t turn up?

Facing the examination of Zhang Han’s hidden threat, Hyūga Hiashi felt tight, thinking of the Hyūga Clan clan … he could only suffocate the nodded and recognize Tsunade as Hokage.

The remaining Nara Shikaku also had to consider his family, plus the first two agreed, and he was useless even if he opposed it. He immediately voted in favor.

Seeing Zhang Han 3 words and 2 words get all the top management, everyone was depressed and helpless.

But the rules are the rules, and the value of existence is to agree on a framework for everyone. If you have the courage to jump out of this framework, unless you have the strength like Zhang Han, it is definitely the end of ten deaths without life.

“Since everyone agrees, then …”

Zhang Han’s face was a little bit lustrous, and he decided to belong to Hokage in one word, which was a new height in this World.

“and many more!”

At this moment, Minato Minato suddenly uttered a voice to stop, “The number of senior Konoha executives present is not complete and cannot directly determine the candidate of Gōdaime Hokage.”

Not enough people?

Everyone thought a little, and suddenly eyes shined, as Bo Feng Minato said, Advisor Utatane Koharu was not here. Since people are not here, the vote is naturally invalid.

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