I Have Zanpakuto

Chapter 1006

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Zhang Han feels very wronged. One of his daughter-in-laws is more ambitious than one, and it is unambiguous to pit up his own man … so in this way, Boa Hancock is better, do n’t look at her a lot of shortcomings, but enough for him Wholeheartedly.

One can imagine how low Zhang Han’s requirements for his wife are!

As Zhang Han’s woman, caught between him and Konoha, Tsunade is really embarrassing enough. But at this moment, no matter how big the conflict between Zhang Han and Konoha is, these villagers are innocent!

How could Tsunade watch these meteorites destroy Konoha?

As for the aggrieved Zhang Han, at worst when he was serving him at night, he did n’t always want to let him use that place … Aiya, what is it!

Tsunade Yu Guang glanced at the towering Yufeng, hurriedly closed his mind, concentrated on the meteorite in front of him.

When Tsunade destroyed the eighth meteorite, Jiraiya also destroyed the last meteorite. So far, all meteorites in Zhang Han summon were destroyed by the Konohagakure Shinōbi, and the village was kept in danger.

Tsunade landed on the ground, pretty face slightly red. I do n’t know whether it was because Chakra was overused or because he dragged his man ’s hind legs.

Just looking at her evasive, she dare not look towards Zhang Han, it is estimated that the latter has a larger composition.

When all the meteorites were destroyed, 100 Shinōbi were relaxed, mentioning that the heart of the throat can finally fall back to the stomach.

A joy of avoided a catastrophe spread among everyone. However, at the thought of the horrible man still staying in the field, the joy was greatly reduced.

“This damn bastard!”

Zhang Han gnashing teeth glared at Tsunade, really wanted to rush over now, fiercely slap on the pair of upright PP!

But for now, Minato is finished first.

“I have to say that your Hiraishin uses much better than me, but this is not enough to guarantee your life!” Zhang Han looked down at the wave wind Minato with a slight admiration.

Before, when he was using Gura Gura no Mi to prepare for a shock to the opponent, the wave of Minato decisively used Hiraishin to guide the thunder and transferred the power of the shock to himself to other places.

Don’t look at him lying in the pothole at the moment, looking like he is going to die, it’s just because Chakra consumes too much, not hurt by Zhang Han.

Wave wind Minato lay tired on the ground and gasped a few times, said with a bitter smile, “Please listen to my explanation! In fact, even I myself didn’t know that Mitokado Homura would have dark chess like Uchiha Shisui, he always wore The mask followed Mitokado Homura as Root Shinōbi. This is indeed my negligence! “

“Now, Mitokado Homura is dead in your hands, and all our plans have been successful … Oh, do you still believe me?”

The condescending gaze was so fierce, with a monstrous anger hidden in it.

“Neglect? Then, when I was controlled by Kotoamatsukami, you shot my daughter because of negligence and did not recognize her identity?”

Zhang Han sneered, “Don’t you find it funny to say this?”

Said the good partnership pit Mitokado Homura, but you are thinking of pitting together with Lao Tzu.

So, how can Zhang Han not be angry?

“Well, I admit! When you were controlled by Kotoamatsukami, for a moment, I was a bit emotional. If you can change your consciousness and make you loyal to Konoha in the future, it will be much more beneficial than the collapse of Root! “

The implication is that, except for the moment when Zhang Han was controlled, he was moving towards him at all other times.

“Hehe! This kind of lie to cheat the little child, you still keep going to another world, tell Mitokado Homura, as the senior Konoha who also died in my hands, you should have many common topics!”

Zhang Han right hand clenched into a fist, a circle of white light shock waves flashed on the surface, shining on the head of the wave wind Minato, it was a punch!

At this moment, Minfeng Minato intentionally uses Hiraishin, but feels desolately, within the body is empty, a little Chakra can not be mobilized, facing the gradually enlarged Iron Fist, can only close two eyes weakly, waiting for death That moment is coming.

At this moment, Zhang Han’s eyes suddenly glared, hurriedly displayed Hiraishin no Jutsu, and teleported elsewhere.

Kenbunshoku Haki noticed that a bizarre space force was acting on the position he had just been, tearing the surrounding space, even the soil under his feet.

“It’s Kamui again!”

Zhang Han turned his head over and immediately found Hatake Kakashi in the crowd. The other party closed his right eye tightly, staring at him with only the 10000 flower tube in his left eye, his eyes full of alertness.

After being destroyed by Kakashi, Zhang Han’s instinctive anger was so strong that he wanted to rush over and kill him. But in the next second, the footsteps taken out were fixed in in midair.

Suddenly thought that Kakashi’s 10000 flower tube is Uchiha Obito, which has the ability to move the 10000 flower tube. Obito’s eye can even Hollowfication the body, avoiding attacks and crossing the barrier, the effect is all drip.

The core element of this ability is the different space that Kamui comes with. If there is no different space, Kamui’s formidable power must be removed by at least 70-80%.

Thinking of this, Zhang Han two eyes suddenly shined, and the mind was clear for a while.

To talk about the understanding of space, Zhang Han asked more than Uchiha Obito, who can make use of the capacity of 10000 kaleidoscope, why not?

Kamui has a different space, and he has a foreign world!

After delaying for a while, the count of 100 Shinōbi in the field slowly surrounded Zhang Han.

Yamanaka Inoichi came to Nara Shikaku and whispered, “You fixed him with shadow imitation, I tried to control him with Shintenshin no Jutsu …”

“What? No!”

Nara Shikaku flatly refused.

What the hell joke! That guy is notoriously strong in Spiritual Force, and he ca n’t even control Kotoamatsukami. You ’re up, is n’t courting death?

“10000000 Don’t attack him mentally, otherwise there will be danger of injury or even counterattack!” Nara Shikaku simply explained a few words and solemnly warned.

When Yamanaka Inoichi learned the reason, he was afraid for a while. If you really dare to use Shintenshin no Jutsu with Zhang Han, I am afraid that you will not be fooled by the majestic Reiatsū until you control Zhang Han!

2 people while speaking, Maito Gai who started Keimon rushed towards Zhang Han, stayed close, immediately jumped into midair, the body rotated, kicked to Zhang Han’s forehead.

“Huh? Just came!”

Seeing Maito Gai attacking, Zhang Han’s face flashed with joy, and I was worried that I didn’t know who to try Kamui, so I brought the pillow to my door.

Kamui actually has little technical content in Zhang Han’s eyes. He once devoured Space Stone, and his space skills are extremely skilled.

It used to be the ability of didn’t expect, but now that I think of it, as long as a single thought can be used.

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