I Have The Hand Of God, Start Stealing The Complete Nine Tails

Chapter 100 Happiness Comes Too Fast, The Number 1 Is Actually Su Yun

The place is a mess!

Blood, stumps, mourning, like Shura hell!


"What to do, what to do, I Uncle they are all dead!?"

"This is impossible, the strong God of War is invincible under the king, how can he die!"

This group of geniuses turned into headless flies, shouting headlessly.

But at this moment, a figure appeared quietly.

It is Su Yun!

He took off the shoddy human-skin mask and wore a silk face of disguise.

Because Su Yun clearly perceives that there is another God of War who is not dead!

in a pool of blood.

Ding Qiushuang was trembling all over.

His lower body was festering, and his guts and bloody intestines could be seen.

Half of his face was also rotten, and pus was constantly flowing from his eye sockets.

Only one breath left.

"who is it……"

Ding Qiushuang heard the footsteps.

When he turned his head, he found that it was a mixed-race person.

With a strong smile, Su Yun said: "Old bastard from a wealthy family, I heard that you are looking for me?"

He slowly tore apart half of the Yi Rong silk face.

Ding Qiushuang was stunned at first.

When he saw half of Su Yun's face, blood spurted frantically from his throat, and then... he died!

He has traversed the Blue Star for hundreds of years, and he has been to the battlefield of ten thousand races and can still come back alive.

Life can be described as a legend!


Ding Qiushuang never thought that he would be damaged in the hands of a young boy!

【Ding! The host is so angry that Ding Qiushuang drops the hand of the advanced god *50]


Happiness came so quickly that Su Yun couldn't recover.

I haven't done it yet, you're burping?

But soon, Su Yun recovered.

He was not distracted, and immediately locked his gaze on Huang Qi and the others who were not far away.

Must fight fast!

Because once the matter here gets out, more giants will come!

That's when the real chaos begins!

Ding Lei watched his grandfather fall with his own eyes, his eyes were red, and he roared to vent his emotions.

"Shut up!"

Before Ding Lei could finish shouting, a voice came from behind him.

The big sword fell, and the purple flames swept!

"Black Diamond Tyrant!"

Ding Lei hurriedly mobilized his spiritual power, and black diamond layers appeared all over his body.

Especially his arms, condensed a thick layer of diamond crystals, more than ten times larger.

The drill punches crossed and blasted, and the big sword was stuck abruptly!


The five spiritual orifices in Su Yun's body were activated, and the power exploded completely.


A crystal diamond arm fell to the ground.

Ding Lei cried out in horror.

The others finally reacted at this moment and said, "Kill!"

"Vengeance for vengeance, vengeance for vengeance!" Su Yun ignored him and gave Ding Lei a grim smile.

He took a step forward, and the great sword of calamity tore the air and pierced through Ding Lei's chest abruptly.

Ding Lei, die!

Killed on the spot!

When Ding Lei died, the others were stunned instinctively.

Su Yun picked up his sword and went up to kill Huang Qi.

The great sword erupted with fiery light, like a purple python falling down!

Huang Qi has no power to fight back at all, and instantly kills it!

"Run away!"

"Notify others!"

"We are not rivals at all!"

These wealthy geniuses, who had never experienced blood and tears, fled like crazy.

It is obviously unrealistic to chase and kill the past one by one.

In the end, Su Yun took aim at two people.

One is called Molong.

One is called Feng Jiao.

Mo Long is a genius nurtured by the Ding family and is very high on the Bright List.

Not to mention Feng Jiao, the people of the Feng family!

Su Yun dodged to catch up with Feng Jiao.

"Who the hell are you and why are you killing me!" Feng Jiao's mentality had already collapsed, and he had no time to resist.

Su Yun grinned, "I'm the one you've been looking for!"

The closed focus pupils contracted violently.

You are... Su Yun!


He just realized that a long spear transformed by Ling Yuan Gang Qi passed through his heart from behind.

Su Yun held up the great sword of calamity and slashed Feng Jiao's head!

Seal the coke, die!

He turned around handsomely and chased Molong again!

"I can't die!"

"I must live!"

Mo Long kept roaring in his heart, supporting his psychological defense.


But suddenly, the side rubble burst.

Su Yun appeared, clenching the Great Sword of Calamity in both hands and slashing!

Mo Long's body turned into a pool of blood, and he avoided the sword dangerously and dangerously.

He is also elemental!

Taking advantage of the gap, Mo Long got into a corner.

"Think I can't catch the element system?" Su Yun sneered.

Armed with domineering arrogance wrapped around his palm, he grabbed the last bit of blood.

Mo Long instantly revealed his true body, his face full of horror.

Why is this!

Su Yunsen said coldly, "Goodbye!"


The Great Sword of Calamity penetrated the ground and broke Molong's neck.

【Ding! The host killed Ding Lei, Huang Qi, Mo Long, Feng Jiao, and dropped the Intermediate Hand of God*13]

Su Yun looked at the blood shed by the Great Sword of Calamity, reflecting his stern face.


He let out a heavy breath.

Then, leave immediately.

Before long, Yingcheng will be in complete chaos.

It's too late if you don't go.

Sure enough, the mayor Ding Han quickly came with the army, but saw a devastated ruin.

He turned pale and fell to the ground.

"The two war gods died?"

"The three gods of war of the ten thousand races are also dead?"

He smiled bitterly.

This time, the giants and Wanzu suffered heavy losses!

Things are in trouble!


Should be outside the city.

The important figures of the mixed-race sect are all gathered here.

Vice-Cult Master Niu Tiezhu, Southern Inspectors, old church masters and some believers.

Only Song Yi is missing!

"Is No. 1 really okay?" Niu Tiezhu couldn't help asking.

The Southern Inspector wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, shook his head and said, "I don't know, he said he would take care of the aftermath, and it is estimated that he will kill those geniuses!"

The old masters were shocked.

The vice priest is too fierce!

Kill in this case!

"This time the giants and Wanzu have lost too much, and it is too much to affect us. We must evacuate as soon as possible!" The Southern Inspector said solemnly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the world suddenly turned into a hot and deep red.

The expressions of the mixed-race people changed in shock.

No, there are enemies!

"Let's go? Let's stay!"

A sneer sounded.

I saw the crimson light turned into a medicine tripod.

Flowing fire into a chain, locked and bound

Pill cremated armor, as thick as a mountain.

Everyone was ruthlessly suppressed!

The Southern Inspector roared violently, shattering the Dan Fire and trying to escape.

"Get off!"

Another sneer sounded.

The volley black hammer emerged, smashed the southern inspector heavily, and smashed him back to the ground.

Dongfang Taiyue, Zeng Yue, and Lin Sihua appeared and smiled at each other.

"Dongfang Taiyue!" An old hall master exclaimed.

Why is this old lunatic here?

Dongfang Taiyue laughed heartily and said, "You guys are very knowledgeable, and you have chosen my good disciple to be the deputy leader. You have a good eye!"

The hybrid religion was instantly stunned.

what did he say?

The good disciple of Dongfang Taiyue?

It seems like... Su Yun!

But what does this have to do with the vice-chief...

Thinking of this, the hybrid religion seemed to understand something.

Then they crashed!

No. 1 is actually Su Yun!

Fuck it!

Zeng Yue sneered: "A group of brainless people who know that they drink blood every day, they deserve to be deceived!"

The Southern Inspector struggled, with a bitter smile on his face.

No wonder the situation keeps going on these days!

The giants suffered heavy losses, thousands of ethnic groups were killed and injured, and even the three major foreign sects were seriously injured!

It turned out that everything was done by this kid!

"A hero comes out of a boy!"

He laughed suddenly.

Dongfang Taiyue frowned when he heard the laughter.

It sounds a little familiar!

He reached out and took off the mask of the Southern Inspector, and his pupils shrank instantly.

Zeng Yue and Lin Sihua's expressions also stiffened.

"You... little evil beast, you actually joined the mixed-race religion!"

The three Dongfang Taiyue scolded furiously.

The Southern Inspector took back the mask and said plainly: "I am no longer a human race, and what I do has nothing to do with you."

Niu Tiezhu and the others were taken aback for a while.

Where is this going?!

The Southern Inspector and the three old figures from Tianming Academy still know each other! ?

Too much information!

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