I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 178: attack

   Chapter 182 Attacking the Poison

  Dian Wei laughed dumbly: "I'm just curious, but I didn't say I have to buy it."

  Fengzhu was curious: "Then what are you curious about?"

Dian Wei: "The Mu family is the No. 1 wealthy family in Icefire City, and Mu Shangbai is one of the most outstanding people in the Mu family. It stands to reason that there are rumors that are so unfavorable to him in the city, and the Mu family should be furious, but Why didn't the Mu family act to contain it in time?"

  Fengzhu: "It turns out that the young master is curious about this. In fact, as long as you understand Mu's situation, you will understand."

  Dian Wei joked: "If it's not expensive, I can buy some and listen to it."

  Fengzhu covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "This is not a secret, I will tell you for free. The ancient martial art practiced by the Mu clan is called "Shangshan Rushui", and the water attribute is very powerful.

But about three hundred years ago, there was a geek from the Mu family. turned into an ice attribute.

   Since then, the Mu clan members have disagreed on which exercise to practice. One group believes that "Shang Shan Ruo Shui" is stable and stable, which can better stimulate the potential of the clan and lead to higher achievements in the future.

   Another faction believes that "Bingsha Demon Gong" is better than "Shang Shan Ruo Shui" in both offense and defense, and the practice is also fast, so it should replace "Shang Shan Ruo Shui" as a new family tradition.

The clansmen of the two factions have been arguing about this for hundreds of years, and there is still no conclusion, but the clansmen have gradually split in the conflict, and even hated each other and fought infightingly.

  Mu Shangbai is the successor of the "Bingsha Demonic Art" faction, and he is the leader of the younger generation, so he has naturally become the target of another clan's key attack.

  Actually, the rumor that Mu Shangbai was always reckless and abandoned at the beginning was the news released from Mu Mansion. "

  Dianwei's face changed: "No wonder!"

After a while, Dian Wei walked out of Feng Yuzhai, got into the carriage, and instructed the driver to go to Baihua Lane.

  The driver was unfamiliar with this place and found the alley after inquiring several times.

  The carriage stopped outside Baihua Lane.

  Dian Wei got out of the car and looked around at the entire deep alley. It wasn't so desolate, there were people living there.

   As for the abandoned house, it was easy to find.

  Because someone put a seal on the gate of the abandoned house, and pulled a cordon with straw ropes.

  Dianwei saw a few bear children playing outside the abandoned house, and was taken away by the adults by the ears after a while.

   "Don't kill you, this place is haunted!"

   A woman angrily spanked her son's ass, scolding and dragging the naughty child away.

  Dianwei stopped the woman and asked her about it.

The woman stomped her feet again and again: "This abandoned house is extremely evil and gloomy. I felt something was wrong a few years ago. dead."

At this time, an old woman came over and said mysteriously: "This abandoned house, a dozen years ago, lived in a family of seven, I don't know why, the family suddenly moved away, and it seems that they dare not live in it. At that time, everyone was talking about the bad feng shui of this house, and there was a big problem."

  Dian Wei listened quietly and asked, "Is it only in the middle of the night that you can hear a woman's cry?"

  Woman: "Yes, it's quiet during the day, and there is no sound."

  Old woman: "It's fine during the day, but it happens at night. Do you think it's evil or not?"

  Dian Wei knew clearly, crossed the blockade, climbed over the wall and entered the courtyard.

  This abandoned house is actually quite big. The courtyard walls are 100 meters long and wide, and there are three rows of houses inside.

  Dian Wei looked around and saw that the yard was overgrown with grayish-yellow weeds, covering the path.

   "That pool is behind the first row of houses..."

  Dian Wei observed the layout of the abandoned house, then walked forward, through a field of weeds, and saw that the houses were dilapidated, with mottled holes all over the doors and windows.

   After a while, he looked up and found that behind the first row of houses was actually a small garden.

   That pool is right in the middle of the garden.

  Dianwei walked over step by step, kept approaching the pool, and went straight to the front, and nothing happened.

   He looked down at the pool. There were purple and cyan water plants in it, and warm goose stones under it. There were many bugs of different lengths floating in the water.

   "And fish..."

  Dian Wei's eyes narrowed, and he saw a small fish the size of a thumb wandering among the aquatic plants, listless.

   Such a small ecological environment full of life, no matter how you look at it, it does not look like a place with abnormal activities.

   There was no wind at the moment, and the water in the pool was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the sky with white clouds.

  Dian Weihu's mind moved: "If I lower my body and reflect the little girl behind me on the water, will it trigger anything?"

  Thinking of this, Dian Wei laid his hands on the edge of the pool and stretched his body forward a little bit.

   His upper body was reflected on the water.

   Then, Dian Wei suddenly raised one hand, turned it into one-handed support, and immediately turned sideways.


   The water surface reflected Dian Wei's back space.

  Dian Wei squinted at the water surface and saw the little girl reflected. At this moment, an inexplicable circle of ripples appeared on the water surface.

   Immediately, Dian Wei saw the little girl twist her neck a little bit and turn towards the water.


  Dian Wei took a breath. He has been observing the little girl for the past few days. No matter what he does, the little girl always stays behind him and does not move at all, but this moment!

  She moved!

   Not only did the little girl move, but the water also moved, and ripples appeared one after another.

   There was no wind, and there was no vibration around, and the bottom of the water was quiet as usual.

   But the ripples on the water seem to appear out of nowhere!

   Indistinctly, Dian Wei heard an indistinct, slight sob, coming from the bottom of the water!

  Dian Wei widened his eyes and stared at the bottom of the water.

   After the little girl turned her head, her right hand suddenly moved, stiffly raised, and stretched towards the water, her fingertips getting closer to the water.


   The little girl suddenly stretched out her five fingers and grabbed the water surface. There was a sound of water, and the water surface swayed violently.

   The little girl raised her right hand upwards, as if she was grabbing something, but Dian Wei couldn't see what it was.

   I saw the little girl's long hair fluttering back, revealing a face she had been covering.

  Dian Wei instantly felt a chill, and his scalp was numb.

   The little girl has no face at all, or the whole face has only one huge mouthpart.

   At this moment, the mouthpiece was torn apart, revealing rows of thousands of sharp fangs, and the depths of the mouth was a bottomless pitch black.

   The little girl grabbed something and put it in her mouth.



   Mouthparts open and close, chewing!

   Occasionally, for a few brief moments, Dian Wei's pupils shrank, and he saw some kind of crumbly residue in his mouthparts, and he didn't know what it was.

   "I seem to see more clearly." Dian Wei's eyes were sharply focused, and he took a closer look at the little girl.

  The little girl who was eating, her body became obviously more alive, no longer like a porcelain doll, every pore, every hair on her body, came into view with incomparable clarity.

   At this moment, Dian Wei took a deep breath, and the ignorant fire poured out from his body, all of which rushed to his right hand, condensed into a ignorant flame palm, and slapped the little girl brazenly.


The    ignorant flame palm turned into a pillar of fire and slammed into the little girl. With a loud noise, it flew her straight out!


  Dian Wei was overjoyed, kept moving, turned over and stood up, facing the little girl.

   But his expression froze suddenly, there was no little girl in front of him.

   The little girl who was clearly slapped by him is not where she should be at all.

  Dian Wei's heart skipped a beat, he took out a mirror from his arms, held it up, and looked behind his shoulders.

   A little girl covered in smoke appeared five inches behind her!

   The white hemp skirt on the little girl had been burnt to ashes, and the exposed petite body had extensive burns, scorched, most of her hair was burned away, and her exposed scalp was bloody.

   These terrifying injuries can definitely be regarded as severe burns, which are terrible.

  See this scene!

  Dian Wei snorted angrily: "If I can hurt you, I can kill you."

   He once again condensed the ignorance of fire, and slapped his palm behind him. The invisible pillar of fire hit the little girl with a loud bang and blew her out again.

  Dian Wei turned around abruptly.

  Unfortunately, he still didn't see the little girl appearing in front of him. He raised the mirror to take a look. Sure enough, the little girl was still behind him.

   However, the burns on her body became more serious, and there was no good skin all over her body, like a roast chicken that had been roasted and blackened.

  What's the matter, it's so hard to deal with!

  Dian Wei clenched his teeth frantically, and continuously cast the flaming palm of ignorance, killing the little girl one by one.

   Finally, he was exhausted.

   Lift up the small mirror and look behind your head, Nima!

   The little girl is still here!

   The little girl at this time was almost impersonal, and the burns on her body were indescribable. Even so, it still did not mean to leave.

   "You're so powerful, why do you never fight back after taking so many slaps from me?"

  Dian Wei was so tired that he was out of breath~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and spoke to the air.

   The little girl naturally said nothing and did not respond.

   "I'll kill you sooner or later."

   Dianwei sat down with his knees crossed, adjusted his breath with energy, and slowed down.

   At the same time, he has been holding a small mirror to observe the back of his head to see what the little girl will do when she is hurt like this.

   As a result, the little girl did nothing, but the burns on her body recovered little by little!

   As if going back in time, the burns on his body disappeared little by little, turning into pale, ghostly skin.

   In the end, even the white linen skirt that was burned to ashes was restored to its original appearance.


   Don't play like this!

  It’s okay for you to recover from your injury. I can understand that a little bit, but you can even restore your ashes to the original state. What kind of black technology is this?

  Dian Wei couldn't help but yell, and at this moment he finally realized how weird the anomaly was.

  Humans, can't afford to play!

   (end of this chapter)

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