Chapter 992 Sword spirit

Therefore, there are few records of “Jade” Jingzi. From this point of view, the ranking of “Emerald” Kyoko in many places on the Australian investment list, in addition to reference strength, is indeed more face-saving.

In today’s war, although he has never used secret arts and magical powers, in the battle, Yang Hao had vaguely noticed that he often tried to use secret arts, but only restrained himself. At this time, I thought: “I don’t know if Concubine Yang hasn’t practiced the secret technique well, or doesn’t want violence.”

He estimates that most of them are the former.

Ordinary mystery skills, not practiced above the holy pole, can affect him, but basically can’t affect the overall situation. You should lose or lose. Just like the “frozen soil” of Shengji, its power is not enough. Although it can have a definite effect on Jin Immortal, it interferes with the battle process at most and will not affect the result.

In Yang Hao’s previous life, he obtained a book similar to a Christian guide. There is a “eight-nine-three” issue: young spiritual practitioners should focus on one skill before becoming “intensive”, and after reaching it, it is best to be distracted to practice other skills.

After all, the “pure” spirit is the limit of Infinite Gold Immortal.

Chang Fei Yang Du Jian Ling has become, in addition to practice, additional distractions and practice “door” secret techniques are also normal.

Actually Yang Hao was a little disappointed.

There is no doubt that Chang’s strength can break into the “pure” qi “gate” very few people, and even fewer people can practice double “pure” qi. Those who can do the former are undoubtedly the genius among the geniuses, and those who can do the latter are the peerless geniuses. Regardless of the avatar, Chang’s is obviously better than the Spring and Autumn Period a few years ago, and obviously better than a few years ago, and probably worse than the time.

Ordinarily, this is undoubtedly the top strength of its counterparts in the wild world.

However, I don’t know why, these two people feel like Yang Hao, but they are slightly inferior to Da Tianyu and Hei Ye “Chun Qiu”, and slightly inferior to Li Anran. This is a mysterious and subtle personal feeling that cannot be expressed in words.

It’s as if the pressure is reduced, something very special.

In short, these two people seem to be not the ones he expected to be able to compete with Di Qing.

On the contrary, what impressed him even more was the delicate fat man.

Refining the body is very painful, but after training, he will definitely be a leader in the golden Immortal world. Fatty is not “exquisite”, knowing this fatal weakness but not practicing to fill it, at least shows that fatty has perseverance and is more focused.

Thinking back to today’s performance carefully, Yang Hao concluded: “Not bad, good performance.

Grab the Thunder Sword and Enter!

Sword spirit enters!

It is estimated that “Jade” Jingzong will also refer to the entire list. Therefore, with the spirit of “door” and “boxing” mentioned above, this is the spirit of “jing”. Holy gold!

Enough to impress Jingzong “Jade”

Whether the “Jade” Jingzong of today cares too much, I don’t know. But he knew that when Pei Dong started to shine, Da Tianyu broke out, and the nights of “Spring” and “Autumn” took off, which became crazy for him, and “Jade” Jingzong would think of him sooner or later.

This time, “Jade” Jingzong wanted to use him to suppress the pride of his disciples under the “men”, Yang Hao didn’t mind just showing strength and talent.

Still the same sentence, if you have the strength but don’t show it, why ask others to pay attention to you?

Most people can’t stand it if it’s not for frequent flights. At that time, Yang Hao was almost cast into a sword spirit.

Today, although not all people who have come into contact with Chuan Chuan disciples have seen the foundations of the “Jade” Jingzong, although these people belong to the future, now, who can think that the future will come so soon?

However, can these people headed by Chang support the future of “Jade”?

Although I was a bit disappointed with Yu Kyoko, the biggest disappointment was that the person who wanted to see with my own eyes did not show up.


Everyone now thinks that Yang Hao is the real strength. Where should we rank?

This “exchange” is calm on the surface. It seems that the silk spray has not even started, but in fact, Yang Hao has successfully implanted his image into the minds of many people in Jingzong with a shocking spirit.

Perhaps this little impression is insignificant today, insignificant. But someday in the future, it will sprout and grow and produce wonderful effects.

But what he didn’t expect was that he thought his performance on the exchange would have an impact many years later. But in fact, this time has brought unknown benefits to the Skywalking Sect

People have to praise him just because he saved face for Jed Jingzong. God Domain on the stage doesn’t care, whether he feels ashamed is a matter of course, Yang Hao saves face, this is a beautiful job. In the words of this kind of person, it is “knowing to advance and retreat, and to advance with the times”.

The young geniuses of this era, who are not full of enthusiasm. This is not unusual. Considering his age, God Domain on the stage couldn’t help commenting on him very highly. Coupled with strength and talent, it is enough to make him look up several times.

High enough to witness how many people went home that day, they were all investigating in the time domain, and still thinking about giving themselves Yang Hao income.

Some of these powerhouses are elders, and they inexplicably ushered in Yin Qingquan’s warning, and the information and position of Dugu’s defeat, which made these powerhouses give up with full of heart.

A super strong like Dugu lost his day, so it was their turn to collect disciples from a few golden Immortal that broke their nothingness. It was also the day when Dugu lost him.

In addition, Yang Hao is the master of the clan

This way of recruiting apprentices is not uncommon, but they are basically very small and have unique talents. Will happen. Yun Yao, the most brilliant figure in Zhoushan’s performance of martial arts at that time, left the original Xiaozong divine realm after martial arts, and worshiped under Yuxu Sect. Of course, God’s Domain on the stage also gave the Little God’s Domain great compensation, from skills to resources and so on.

Therefore, it cannot be said that letting go and grabbing is shameless. After all, this kind of thing requires the willingness of the parties involved. Otherwise, bring explosives into Sect.

Yin Qingquan is really optimistic about Tian Xingzong and Yang Hao, and intends to promote cooperation. In fact, several people present at the scene felt that his proposal was given to Tianxingzong, and this kind of cooperation was unnecessary.

Cooperation, equality, inequality, and interpretation methods are different. And how it exists.

Tianxingzong and Gods Domain on the stage are too small and too big for their allies to do, so forming a cooperative relationship is the most appropriate.

Dugu defeated Tianwei and was the oldest superpower in the wild world in 3.1; Mingkong was once the most promising achievement in the area, but now it has broken through the Luojin line, this kind of evaluation has naturally returned for half; finally it is Yang Hao’s Performance. Amazing.

In fact, when Yin Qingquan met on top of Sect. After the proposal of cooperation was opposed, only the identity and strength of Dugu was pointed out. Someone on the scene knew that such cooperation was beneficial.

Faced with some voices of opposition for the sake of opposition, Yin Qingquan bluntly said: “Tian Xingzong can say that there is nothing at present, but it is enough for Dugu to defeat the sky. There is a cooperative relationship. Ben Shenyu sometimes let him come to me Shen Yu Help sit for two years, or show up on something. Do you think he will!”

Everyone knows that Yin Qingquan is right. In troubled times, there are many such superpowers in cooperative relations. More strength and more employment.

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