Chapter 988 Never return

Bang bang!

Although Luo Shiyi has good complexion and temperament, no one knows better than Fan Heng, and the nature of this person is capricious.

As a strong man who stayed in the summer, he surrendered to Taboo and sold the people who should have been defended. After that, he surrendered to Kunlun, sold the main force in this area cleanly, and became a strong man who surrendered in the yellow disaster that shocked the world and dampened countless morale.

What’s more shameless is that this person has surrendered to God’s Domain and other forces on the stage, without shame.

The most infuriating thing is that this person’s capriciousness is rare in the world, directly and indirectly hurting countless people. Finally, he entered the Yaotai Promise Jin Immortal, retired from the wild world, and went straight to the heavenly court.

Fortunately, these shameless things will never happen again.

Yuanling is really water, there is no Demon code for me

Luo Shiyi is not a defeated opponent for Dugu. In addition, he is in jail.

Boom! The vibrato is endless.

Dugu’s defeated pair of iron fists continuously exploded Luo Shiyi’s bronze, iron-like flesh and blood, cracking in blood, his indignation and incomprehensible gaze cast on Fan Heng’s face.

Even if he died, he didn’t understand why he would yell and kill when he met him.

He and Nuben met this time. There has been no injustice in the past, and there has been no enmity in the past few days. Even if there is enmity, it is just killing his parents and saying that he wants to chase his enemy. What he did was a small thing, which is well known. The messenger behind the scenes stayed in the summer. In this matter, how to lose the life of a brawny Immortal man, how to make Fan Hengtie want to kill him.

He Luo Shiyi can promise to take care of summer. Did not promise Tianyu to win over, because Tianyu you have never seen me. Speaking of chasing lovers, they have all been here and want to win them over.

What I don’t even understand is how can a strong person who picks Immortal gold have fallen to this level like a cabbage, talking about killing, talking about eating!


Until Luo Shiyi’s eyes were full of unwillingness and provocation, and collapsed, he could not get even an answer.

In fact, if there is a chance, everyone is willing to draw Jin Immortal instead of killing Jin Immortal. In addition, too much, everyone in the world now feels that Luo Jin Immortal’s unlimited gold Immortal is unattainable. The new chaos will shake this myth, but it wasn’t until the eternal invincibility killed Luo Jinxian’s Immortal that this group walked off the stage.

At this moment, if you look at the wild world, you will want to kill Luo Jinxian’s Immortal, not flattery. Maybe only Fan Heng.

The wild world can be described as vast, and Fan Heng can meet in the vast sea of ​​people. This is the real Luo Shiyi prize

After Luo Shiyi fell, his body rushed out of aquatic blue light, like a line of light, which was about to disappear in an instant.

At this moment, his hand suddenly stretched out like lightning, unfortunately cutting off the two blue lights.

For Fan Heng! Stop the blue light. When the two sheets were closed, the blue light was firmly held in his hand, without any expression on the surface. In fact, he secretly liked Fang Chen, and he was in a good mood. He thought to himself: “When you are done, you will finally get that role.”

No one knows what this is better than him. If nothing happens, it should be a good thing.

Yes, this is the law that Luo Shiyi pursues. In today’s world, only Fan Heng knows Luo Shiyi’s personal secrets.

Killing Luo Shiyi can cut off a traitor for the wild world, kill a shameless person who has killed countless people, and help the senior sister get this door. This is what she urgently needs to accomplish. This is the best of both worlds. Why not do it!

“Cultivation technique?” Dugu was surprised, and said, “Let me see.”

Fan Heng made it, and Dugu defeated Tian and absorbed the blue light into his body. Closing his eyes and pondering, the blue light recirculates, and gradually condenses into an inkstone shape in the palm of his hand, and handed it to Fan Heng: “The cultivation technique is excellent, but the world is vast. It is too difficult to make up.”

“Besides, it’s not suitable for you, don’t practice.”

Dugu’s view of failure is very accurate, while Fan Heng does lack some enthusiasm for Shuixing. Dugu defeated the sky, leaving Luo Shiyi’s body, except for the Kongjie Stone. The others were swept into Fan Heng’s arms.

From a few sundries, Fan Heng was surprised to find a piece of dusty glass balls, which turned out to be “good things for water.” Counting the two scrolls he chopped down, they were surprisingly scrolls.

Zi Ziling’s eyes were red and green, and she thought: “This time the senior sister made a lot of money. It is estimated that the sum of the several volumes is at least Luo Jin’s Immortal-level cultivation technique. It may be Yaotai’s cultivation technique. Hey, if it was me. It would be nice to get so many of my dead texts.

Hold this book tightly, kindness is like water. Fan Heng was happy for the senior sister and felt helpless for himself. His journey to death. It hasn’t landed yet.

The Luo Shiyi storage belt is obviously used to store sundries and large items.

After a rough investigation, if there are too many clutter, put it away first, and then sort it out if you have time.

When Dugu lost this day, he just put away Luo Shiyi’s empty boundary monument. Suddenly, he made a sound and took out black ink drops from under Luo Shiyi’s body.

Ink droplets look very similar to ordinary droplets. But looking closely, there is a strange feeling that can’t be said. Detecting the depth of water droplets requires a bit of energy, and there is extraordinary energy in the swaying light and complex feelings!

Dugu was surprised at his failure, shook his head, and said to the confused Fan Heng: “This is a different treasure. It is even rarer than the usual natural treasure.”

“Talking about the kid, you probably haven’t heard of it, that is, the classics of Tianzong have only been mentioned in a few places. But this thing is the favorite of the monks, it greatly improves the strength, especially the combat power.”

Dugu didn’t know that his days were gone, but in fact he didn’t know about it. In the later generations of Fan Heng’s experience, many unknown secrets and monopoly knowledge were passed down along with the troubled times. Although many people or forces confuse people intentionally or unintentionally, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, it is undeniable that many people have a wide range of knowledge. The thing about the strange treasure

Love, Fan Heng has never heard of anything before, and it is often said that he has seen the news of such and such a strange treasure. The previous life has added a block. This is really an era.

Dugu Baitian carefully imparted the knowledge to Fan Heng, but he couldn’t say that Jin Immortal, that is, Da Luo’s Jin Immortal, knew more details. When he returned to the temporary Hou Mansion, Fan Heng really knew about Yibao.

Yibao is an innate wealth.

It needs a special endless golden Immortal to be born. Unlike some natural treasures that can be cultivated artificially, foreign treasures cannot be cultivated and born at all. From another perspective, the different treasure and the soul slave are similar, but the difference is that one has no vitality and wisdom, while the other can have vitality and wisdom.

In the narrative of Du Gu Bei Tian, ​​there are no details about the use and storage of the strange treasure, and there are not even various rumors about the past life.

The ink drops are “Yuanling Real Water”.

In the words of Dugu Beitian, the dripping “Yuanling Real Water” can strengthen Luo Shiyi’s sword energy in heavy rain.

Because of Luo Shiyi’s carelessness, it was not easy to clean up this guy. .

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